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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Good on Giannou im happy for him and hope he does well for the NT, many didn't know Samaras was also eligible for Australia either only recently it was brought up in the Aussie media. I am actually surprised Ange didn't chase him more since he has given many no name Aussies a go in our NT and they have done well when called upon. As for the game today very defensive at times I saw 11 players in our 3rd when Turkey was attacking, I don't know how the coach will change this and get us going forward and attacking more. Atleast we kept a clean sheet but the way we are going getting to Russia in 2018 is going to be very difficult.
  2. Greenman Euro's are the best event to go to, I have been to a few of them now and that's the best thing I have done, I put it above the World Cups also just the buzz and atmosphere the streets have is insane and I am sure France will be awesome......
  3. cocksta LOL...... I'm sure you can see who tries to instigate things on all forums and who actually talks football..... On another note those trolls from the other site are trolling here
  4. He's a troll Jimmy, the guys clueless also forgets how 21 people died in a stadium yet these are bigger incidents, plastic fan........
  5. Aint that the truth, anyway Iv spent too much time in this forum I will chat to you on the PAO forum because after all we are now brothers in arms :)
  6. As I said on the other post, I don't care if they kill each other in Greece, yes we have rivalry with PAO but does that stop me from having a convo with them on a forum? NO. Last thing I want is my son growing up and hating/belting a PAO fan because they do it in Greece, we don't need that hate sh*t here or outside of Greece, but these guys are so hard core they can only show hate, shallow fans. We have Greeks coming from Greece trying to bring the hate with them here in Sydney but they learn the hard way when they make petty threats......
  7. No logic at all so because they fight and kill each other in Greece it means we should do the same outside of Greece, sad very sad.
  8. What a sick topic this one is all 2 of you talking on it :)
  9. 21 people die in Karaiskaki and you put those incidents above this one, what a clueless fan you are....... Run along to your Oly forum and preach our propaganda there.....
  10. Disrespect? I missed where I disrespected them, all I asked was what isn't that a bigger incident that the ones you have mentioned?
  11. Those are the worst incidents? Gee I thought people dying in Karaiskaki would be also there but guess you missed that one
  12. I love the new topic on the Oly forum aek and vazeles friends on a forum hahahahaha po po zilia Some people are just deluded, just because the fans in Greece kill each other doesn't mean Aek and Pao fans cant talk here about football without fights starting, we don't live in Greece they can hate and kill each other all they want there, here in Sydney the last thing I would want to see is my kid hating or belting an Oly or Pao fan because they do it in Greece, some people are just brain dead bringing hate along with them.......
  13. Pana Marinakis is a good man, he helps babies then brings in heroin to kill them off as teenagers :)
  14. Lucky for cut and paste otherwise people would be lost :)
  15. I would be amazed if this team actually got their sh*t together and won this game coming up, but I wont hold my breathe. Even with our best 11 we couldn't beat Faroe Islands let alone any other team in our Euro group except me to zori in the last game vs Hungary who had already a qualifying spot sewn up, even with our best 11 we conceded goals, cant see what will change that for this game.... Our players need to take a long hard look at themselves and realise they are representing their nation and they should do it with pride if not f*ck off and stick to playing for your club.
  16. How upset is fat F*** going to be if Platini gets a 6 year ban
  17. PAO boys next time you create a new post on "your own forum" ask the Oly guys if its ok so you don't upset them :)
  18. Nikod we really haven't seen much of him as he hasn't been used too much, he produced some brilliance vs PAS but since then he seen the bench a lot so hard to say overall....
  19. PAOKSWEDEN I had once seen (about 2 years ago) footage of PAOK and the changes they wanted to make to the stadium and also to have training fields, not sure what happened and why they have gone ahead yet but they also looked very good.... Shame Greece is so f*cked up that they don't want the nation going forward and stopping teams from building stadiums, which will also create jobs for people.....
  20. Doxa that's a really good reply from you, cant seem to find me but there are comments above from me, don't give up your day job comedy isn't your strong point!! Not answering the question once again, runs his mouth and make accusations yet cant tell us what it is based on. And so what if I got into the PAO forum, you do also at times so do other Oly fans on this forum, didn't realise it was a crime to speak to people that support other teams even though it is based on soccer. You have some great logic about you.
  21. I was thinking the same thing Che on Arzo, no idea what has gone wrong with him and why he has never been used, but currently Lambro and Kolo are doing a good job so I wouldn't change them. The team I had in the 4-4-1-1 wouldn't require both Johanssen and Simeos to attack, Simeos can be box to box he is capable of that. It wont expose us though, it doesn't allow teams to go right through the middle and would force them to go wide or long. As for 4-3-3 we are told to play it here in NSW Premier League (FFA has endorsed it) but I refuse to play it as it leaves you very exposed in areas and after watching us against PAOK and how they ran through us all over I don't think I ever wana see us play that formation again UNLESS Poyet plays it a different way and has us very organised all over the park.
  22. I only left Barbosa out as I thought he was suspended, if he isn't he slots in on the right and Ara on the bench IF we have a fully fit Djebbour, if not Ara up top. The first line up you have Original is a very good one, I like it a lot especially with Diego and Mandalos side by side, I think those two can wreck havoc on defenders together and with the 3 behind it gives us balance. Simeos is and I hate this saying "box to box" type player so he can also help our 2 attacking mids when we go forward and then you have Cordero and Johanssen sitting and cleaning everything up.....
  23. I would slightly change the formation and play like this: Baroja Bakakis/Galo Kolo Lambro Didac Galo/Aravidis Simeos Johanssen Diego Mandalos Djebbour
  24. I agree Dikefale and surely he knows this also that we must spend abit now just to strengthen and try getting that 2nd spot... Either way this season I was always happy to be top 5 and try get a spot in Europe. Next season is when we expect a lot more and maybe even a real crack at the title, but without spending a couple million it wont be happening....
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