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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Thankfully its only 2 weeks, good opportunity for Diego to step up and show us what we can do....
  2. That's my point Nick, they know the league is in shatters and teams are struggling and yet they still require the help of refs to get results and this is with the lineup and players and money they have. Very sad.
  3. I agree with you 100% but same time he needs to pump the crowds so they get behind the team and just his name did that when he took over... I honestly wasn't expecting big names to come in this season, but if we get to Europe next season I would expect atleast 2 and also a title challenge.
  4. That's exactly right Che he was feeding you guys what you wanted and the same with my mate who went and saw him, my mate told us don't expect him to spend as he wont and that's exactly what has occurred.... Doxa pretty sure he is putting $20 million on his own money into the project and considering its the Mayor who is the only person holding this up I guess he cant just go get the bulldozers on the site and start building and lastly we have been owed $20 mill from the govt from the promises of when our stadium got demolished, atleast he has the balls to go and try get that money as I would do the same if we were promised and it hadn't come through. Don't know why people think "if he wanted to build it then it would've been done by now" when each time we are delayed with m*****es by the m#$%! Mayor. So tell us Doxa, how is he meant to build "with his own money" as you say when the Mayor is delaying us each time?
  5. Im pretty sure he is, but one of our boys from the club went and saw him also at his office in Pireaus and he told him, "prota I thoulia meta I aek" and that he wasn't going to pump money at the moment....
  6. And so they should be, well not all will admit that but the few that have knowledge and aren't biased will say it, its a disgrace to need that much help against a small team like Veria when they have a line up like they do. Forget the goal for a second those fouls were terrible and not one was given let alone a card. Oly atleast should've been down to 10 men.
  7. Che in all honesty I have never heard him say that he will bring big name players and splash cash on anyone. Make signings yes its normal, but the fact people are expecting him to bring big name players in is something I haven't heard from him
  8. The fans and media do that, I haven't heard Meli say once from his own mouth he will bring in players and splash cash let alone say we will win the title first season back. He has a history of winning titles as an owner so he knows what needs doing, all owners have different ideas in the end and they all cant go do the same thing as each other.
  9. The ref destroyed Veria in this game, so many fouls weren't called and as for the goal well the above pics say enough. What makes me laugh is how do they need help from a ref against a team like Veria, if I was a fan I wouldn't be celebrating that at all....
  10. Doxa are you saying Meli isn't trying to build the stadium and he hasn't put AEK on the London Stock Exchange? The fans thought he would spend big, he never said he would, big difference there. Meli isn't the type to come in and just throw money around on anyone and anything. And what fuss has he made the last 3 years?
  11. We will also have new captains assigned boys - Mandalos Aravidis Johanssen and Kolovetsios hears this from someone who is very good friends with Kordero...
  12. aek e shop its on line go to aekfc.gr and it will take you there
  13. Tous p*****thes cant believe you didn't get one Amo what link you want?
  14. Bravo glad you got yours also., the delivery was also quick for me. How did they package it then Dikefale? Mine was in the DHL package but inside it was in a small gym bag with the AEK emblem.
  15. My point exactly Nick, said it on the page before.
  16. Reaper I was told $1.2 million including his assistants. A lot of money because if I am correct its more than what Oly are paying their coach, but don't quote me on the Oly part its what I have read only.....
  17. Hopefully it gives the players new life and Poyet can get them playing good football. Im sure he has been told Europe is a must for next season and also winning the kypello would be another target. I just cant wait to see a decision go against us and he loses it on the sidelines hahaha
  18. I am sure things will change even if he still there
  19. So AEK as example who have hardly spent money this season and done an ok job in scouting don't have a chance at CL? As for the title we know that this has already been won before a ball was kicked so I wont bother with that.
  20. Bananas I agree with you also, but if this current personnel had that money if they go and sign players the way they did with Essien then they would be wasting the money....Attracting players for money is one thing, spending on the right players is another and it seems PAO hasn't done that well this season.....
  21. I am also down we lost Dellas but the players have found new life in them since he left, Barbosa being one of them. I just think Dellas lacked getting his players motivated at times. Poyet will be good, he plays attacking football. He did well with Brighton, they were nobodies at one stage and he changed that. At Sunderland with limited players & $$$ he did well to get them to the league cup final. He has also brought his assistants with him so atleast he is working with people he is comfortable with. I would have Manolas in that team also as he done well with the team in the small time he had them. Goodluck to Poyet I hope he does well.
  22. Bananas that wasn't my question, if they had the budget with this personnel would they win it? I highly doubt it. As for changing budgets I still think Oly would win, p*****es always outdo the ones trying to do good.... And lastly budget helps but it doesn't guarantee any success.
  23. So jvc do you think with $50 million budget PAO would win the title in that season with the current personnel?
  24. We were never and have never been part of the big leagues jvc. Greek teams aren't known for being great in Europe, a team might have a good run from time to time but we are far from being up there with the big leagues. When was the last time a Greek team made a semi final in Europe? How many times have Greek teams been in 1/4 finals? Ukranian, Russian and Portuguese teams are going further than what Greek teams are these days..... I see your point about the lack of money and budgets but money isn't everything I said above Madrid paid $500 million in 1 year and they won nothing.
  25. Meli and co are meeting Poyet today so hopefully it will be announced later tonight (Sydney time) If he has been asked to scout PAO then surely he is our new coach.
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