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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. $40 million in 2010 for AEK? Ela re jvc settle down a bit that's very far fetched. As for Europe wasn't APOELs budget $10 mill euro the year they made 1/4 finals? It isn't about the money its about how you prepare your team and secure the correct players that are needed THEN your team can be competitive. Look at Oly they have spent spent spent and got nowhere and this season they got a good coach and also good players. Madrid spent $500 million and didn't win a F***en thing, as I said it aint about the money. If AEK got in CL and had a $10 mill budget and made 1/4 I would be stoked.
  2. He will also be getting $1.2 mill a year which includes his assistant, big money so you would hope Meli has woken up and will give this guy free reign on what players he wants to bring in. I just hope our fans don't expect him to come in and win us the title this season as the players don't need more pressure on them than they've already had.
  3. Anyone hear/read what Beos said over night? interesting stuff, now the question is who is it and is what he said true?
  4. I hope so Reaper I really do. He is a good choice in my eyes, plays attacking football and has done relatively well in his little coaching career so far, plus he was a good player on the field also. I just hope nothing goes wrong from now until he gets there but from what I am hearing its a done deal, but I wont get my hopes up until he is holding our scarf or signing the paperwork lol
  5. jvc I don't agree with what you said about AEK and not being the team of the past, we have just come back up with a new owner and things are being done the right way for once. We have a good core of young players and with experience this team can do something, but it takes time it wont happen in our 1st season. Yes Meli hasn't put money into the team as yet but once we get into Europe (hopefully next season) and also be on the London Stock Exchange money will come through from investors. You don't need a $50 million budget, if you are waiting for that kind of budget well you most likely wont see it ever. AEK hardly spent and we signed a few good players this season, if AEKs budget was $10 million for next season I would be happy with it.
  6. Im hearing Poyet is a done deal boys, hope it is true would be good for us to have someone like him. His name can also attract players to Greece..... Original I don't think he will be on the bench for the PAO game though.....
  7. I don't see us scoring 3 or 4 past you guys but Oly may...... But I think playing in Leoforo will lift you guys and our players have shown they can struggle in away derbies....
  8. I don't see us scoring 3 or 4 past you guys but Oly may...... But I think playing in Leoforo will lift you guys and our players have shown they can struggle in away derbies....
  9. That's exactly what it looked like Nick and I said after the Brugge game PAOs defence will be an issue and even though they haven't conceded many goals so far it isn't the best defence, not that AEKs is 100% better but we seemed more organised....
  10. I think the penalty was harsh but this happens in football and you can only blame the ref so much the linesman would've had a better view of where the foul took place, he should've said something.... If I was a PAO fan I would be more worried about the 2nd and 3rd goals conceded, 4 players ball watching a rebounded shot then keeper in no mans land for the 3rd goal. That's more to worry about than the penalty....
  11. All i have read is Poyet is #1 option then Javi Gracia the next, they also said today they would be done with the coach, lets see...... I wont hold my breath for Poyet as I cant see Meli giving him the $$$ he may want.
  12. Great result and good way to comeback after last week's hammering. The boys actually played very good football and it was a joy to watch. Wish we had signed Vellios the guy cant stop scoring for Iraklis he would've helped us a lot in the front 3rd. As for Manolas rumours going round are saying he may see out the season, but he did come out and make it clear he's only interim coach.
  13. I think Poyet would be great for AEK with the different experience he can bring to us. Young manager and a name like him would show AEKs intent also. He would also be able to attract players to AEK
  14. I didn't chose the bag they actually sent it themselves which I wont complain about as it can become my new gym or coaching bag.... I have never really worn a Puma jersey so I wont bag the jerseys they make I just don't like their styles. Adidas lately has been my favourite and quite a few teams here these days use Adidas. As you said personal preference though
  15. Thanks Pana, why didn't you get a PAO one? I liked your jerseys when you were Adidas this one not so much.... Even the team I coach we had Adidas and next season they are changing and I hate it lol
  16. They even give you a small AEK bag where they put the product in lol new gym bag for me :) Love the jersey though and thank god it fits!!
  17. It seems we all agree Original except Meli & Dusan. Lets see what Manolas has got, I have a slight feeling they wanted Dellas gone to bring Manolas up and I really hope they find someone and not have Manolas there all season. From what training has looked like according to reports, Simeos wont be starting (big mistake) and he will have Mandalos next to Johanssen..... One can only hope that isn't going to be the case as Simeos showed us last weekend what can happen when all the work load is all on Johanssen......
  18. And do you blame them? These are young guys in coaching and management terms who have bled for AEK as players only to have Dusan boss them around. For all the experience Dusan has he should be guiding these guys to get the best from them when needed not bossing them and forcing them to quit, yes I understand AEK is bigger than any player or coach BUT these guys has given a lot to AEK and only to be treated like this.....
  19. Someone has to stand up and show balls and make these pricks that were involved pay, but its Greece and since everyone is profiting in some way, cant see the real criminals here being made an example of....
  20. Dusan is a piece of sh*t but he and Mel go hand in hand. We have lost Zikos, Lybe and now Dellas, surely they cant be all at fault. If Meli was smart and wanted success then drop your pride go see Demi and get him to comeback to AEK.
  21. My jersey just came today and it is brilliant!!!! Very quick in delivery also, just a week it got here.
  22. I don't get how in CL you can deny tickets to away fans, they allow the worst of fans to away games yet Oly fans couldn't get tickets? What a joke. Reaper I agree our fans are some of the best especially in away games.
  23. You think this is why he is starting to talk about it all now?
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