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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Seems like they fined him 1000 euro for every kilo he carries :)
  2. Still don't know why the acropolis is there after all it aint in Pireaus... Can someone also tell me is that the Lion of Amphipolis? The only thing they left out re gamoto was Noor1 :)
  3. AEK is looking at Vellios, we should've went for him in the summer the guys been scoring for fun
  4. Also got Brighton promoted, Brighton hasn't gone anywhere since without him and him being sacked as you say live on tv isn't an insult to him its an insult to the club for not doing things the correct way. He also got Sunderland to a league cup final, first time they got to a final in 22 years. Cant be that bad and as I said he is better than most of the sapio coaches the SL currently has.
  5. Lol OH defenders must be trembling at the sight of him hahahahah
  6. I think United have a good team, still need a couple more to be a real threat but the style isn't suiting the players one bit. We need an arsenal style football as we have the players for it but we are too slow going forward. Bastian is quality and will give us a good 3 years, Morgan will end up being the DM in the long run. Martial is great young player, its LVG's m*****a for putting him there the guys an out and out striker and he plays him wide, don't get it at all..... Rooney should be #10 or Mata, Mata isn't a winger doesn't have the pace as you said for a winger. Herrera well f*ck I been saying it for a long time, when the kid plays we look dangerous going forward, when he doesn't we lack movement and go forward. He sh*ts me when he plays Carrick & Bastian, they are similar players and hardly anyone plays 2 DM these days I really don't get it...... Also agree with you about the CB situation, Smalling has picked it up massively for this season but there is no real leader and that's what we lacked, don't get why we paid $35 mill for a left back when for $40 mill it would've got you Otamendi or Hummels. Thankfully we kept De Gea, Romero didn't do too bad when he played but De Gea is class and will probably be one of the best keepers in the world one day.
  7. What makes you say he isn't serious Green Man? He's got more knowledge of the game that many of the sapia coaches the SL currently has.
  8. If it was for Oly though it would've been done in a heartbeat but AEK & PAO cop this sh*t, xeftilismeno kratos.
  9. Well Dellas looks like he is on his way to Atromitos with Lybe by his side, good luck to them I wish them all the best
  10. Greekaus if anyone is going to build a team worthy of challenging it will be Klopp, that's also if he is given the players he wants as this transfer committee they have in place is a m*****a.... It took him 3 seasons at Dortmund to win the league but he did sign quality players at that time, then once they left he really struggled. I think Livo will improve and may even get a CL spot this season since the comp is so up and down, it certainly cant get worse than what it was. But I feel if Livo don't win one under Klopp well f*ck they are never going to win a league... As for United today me to zori pali, LVG needs to retire ASAP and if United have balls they should let him go at seasons end
  11. I want to know how many more approvals and permits we need to have before we can actually see some action happening......
  12. Not sure what he did because not much was said about it, but Djebbour and Aravidis both trained yesterday with the team so that's good news for us
  13. Siga re I'd take it personal lol we all defend our teams one way or another....
  14. He's a f*ckwit plain and simple, there are no other words for him.
  15. Pana its a derby tackles always fly in them, not saying what he did was right, he could've broken his ankle but didn't, but Sanchez actually injured Mandalos, you cant go diving into tackles like that and he does have a history of it
  16. I agree Klopp has changed quite abit in his short time but the situation with Liverpool is will they be patient and wait 3-4 years with him to win a title? Arsenal will go close this season that's for sure, but if they do win it they will win the title when every other teams has been below par. United as I said above need to F*** LVG off asap and change their football style and they better not think of giving it to Giggs, otherwise we are more F***ed. City will be up there they always are and even without Silva and Aguero that De Bruyne is doing wonders, he is quality.
  17. I also believe Sanchez didn't get a card for that reckless tackle he did on Mandalos that actually injured him and could've done more serious damage. Yet Berg continued to play on whilst Mandalos didn't.
  18. I think its good for him also, but as you said this season Atromitos have been terrible
  19. Chelsea were never going to win it with the same team this year but I don't think anyone would've expected them to be where they are now BUT Mourinho does have a habit of ruining teams in his 3rd season in charge. But there's still 26 games to be played and yes they wont win the league but they can still make top 4. As for United im over it, the sooner LVG F***s off the sooner we can play football and actually not fall asleep watching it. This is the same guy who in the 90s played total football with Ajax and it was a joy to watch and now he has his team playing this shitty football.....Its embarrassing
  20. Good read and its the small things like this that make a difference as a coach, thanks for that Reaper......
  21. Rodgers has been mentioned to take over Chelsea if they do sack Mourihno, but sacking him would cost Roman about $35mill as there is a clause in his contract. The EPL is not strong this season either, I can see Arsenal winning the League also, they are firing atm.... As for Ranieri the p***** couldn't beat a Faroe Islands but now has his team sitting top 4 in the EPL......amazing.
  22. Dellas name has been mentioned for the Atromitos role
  23. Its a given we need atleast another 3 players to come in and one has to be a striker, hopefully now that Meli has got Poyet he will give him what's needed for the team to go forward... I give credit to Milo even with a small budget that he has to play with he has done well for AEK, well except for Christanus....
  24. The one change he made on the weekend probably saved us from losing, the one change Dellas made vs Oly made us cop another 3, this is the difference and experience Poyet brings to us.
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