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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Cant see Diego getting a start don't know what has happened there but something isn't right. So we have no Vargas and no Barbosa for the next match, will be good to see what Poyet does.....
  2. Same fan base who desecrated their own fans grave and blamed it on AEK fans and what happened? Those arrested were actually Oly fans, can someone say M-A-L-A-K-E-S.... Seems they can bag others easy yet forget their own fans halia........ Doxa anytime you wana let me know which ref Meli had bashed im here to listen :)
  3. Doxa which referee did Meli have bashed please tell us so we can have a nice laugh......
  4. That's exactly my point Original, are they willing to spend as example $500k to bring in a guy who by his stats can score goals? Something tells me they wont.
  5. Front page of Ora says we are looking at Rosenborg's striker Alexander Soderlund. He has a good scoring record but I wont get my hopes up as our management are hesitant on spending money......
  6. Olympiakos is also the only team in Greece to constantly be in Europe and not even get to a Semi Final or a Final and they've had more attempts than ANY OTHERT TEAM in Greece, great history. When you get to one then run your mouth until then AEK and PAO laugh at you :)
  7. Make sure you go post that on the PAOK side now, since you've posted it on AEK PAO & OLY :)
  8. Wow what an amazing human being Marinakis is, they should build a statue of him and have it right next to the acropolis.......
  9. Venetidis started vs Russia other than that he got a few mins as a sub and the rest just made up the numbers for the NT
  10. I think the count is PAO 6 AEK 5 and OLY 4 from memory don't think PAOK had anyone in the NT then
  11. Lol how can they even put their name with a team like Bayern? Some people lack in the brain big time
  12. Elite like Bayern Munich, I wouldn't even put those two teams in the same sentence.
  13. Doxa I agree mate they should put a statue of fatboy right next to the acropolis, the most prominent Greek person to ever come through Greece, his legacy is almost as big as Alexander the Great :)
  14. Could you imagine the gavri and what they'd be saying if Meli or Ala were seen hanging with Platini they would lose their sh*t BUT since their president does its perfectly normal for this to happen....
  15. PAOmelbourne careful re Marinakis eyes and ears are watching what we say with each comment, they may run and pass it on to him as they have a direct line to Marinakis :)
  16. This kafenio post took things to another level :)
  17. I think all these guys involved in football have their flaws and aren't perfect but Marinakis takes it to another level......
  18. We need a fetfa type of winger We all new this team had its strengths and also weaknesses so we shouldn't be surprised there are issues in certain positions.... Hopefully Poyet is given some funds to bring in players otherwise we will be battling to stay top 4
  19. Are they the same corrupt govts who have kept fatboy out of jail also? Remind me who is koubari with Bakoyianni again? You hold onto that hope champ. Thanks for answering my question above also :)
  20. hahahahahahah Meli in jail soon F*** people make me laugh, over look their own presidents halia and worry about other teams. I read another comment the other day saying Meli will be murdered soon by the Czech mafia for OPAP, kati m*****es people talk I find it so amusing....... Remind us again who has 5 serious charges against him and reports to Police every 15 days and was just recently fined 150,000 euros? Was it Meli? Hmmm
  21. I didn't watch the game but saw highlights and firstly Vargas is a scumbag, brain or explosion or not he cost us the game playing with 10 the whole 2nd half, iv always said he shouldn't start and they have persisted with him but now they should wake the F*** up and drop him. Diego needs to be used more, don't care what anyone thinks he's a game changer and he can offer us a lot more than others who are currently starting. Why take off Mandalos for Cordero and not throw on Djebbour? Bad decision this one. The goal was a m*****a, yes it bobbled up on Baroja but ffs you are 1st team players follow the F***en rebound and cover your keeper, be pro active rather than re-active. All in all disappointing result and not the way you want to finish off before the break. Lets see how Poyet turns it around in 2 weeks.
  22. Its only normal for coaches to try take players from his ex team and Dellas would be no exception. Tzane hasn't been looked at since Dellas left and this is a guy who got a NT call up, something isn't right there, ok he had a shocker against Oly but doesn't mean he just get over looked now As for the others it all comes down to management if they want to sell them then if the price is right they can go but Platellas and Anakoglou I would keep
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