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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Dusan said the new coach wont be Greek, not that there is many to chose from that are Greek. Caparros wouldn't be too bad, he has done well with teams like Sevilla and Villareal Lets see what management suprises us with this time
  2. Its Greece it makes perfect sense lol As for not wanting him, he didn't have to take him on when Meli took over, but you could be right... Dellas resigned also he wasn't sacked, or that's what the boys from Original told me last night. He wasn't doing bad, yes he lost in 2 derbies but lets not forget they were away from home. He did make a few weird/bad decisions at times but he was still getting results in the end.
  3. We were never going to win the title this season no matter how much we thought or wanted to. As much as I dispise Oly they have a superior roster and they are playing good football this season. This season top 4 and a CL or Europa spot is exactly what AEK have to achieve, then the rest will come. But people need to be patient.
  4. Yes that I know was just making an example of what an owner should be doing
  5. And then they brag about following their team anywhere they go, did they not have any fans there at all? And after what happened to Bayern fans in the 1st match I highly doubt Oly fans will be welcomed in Munich for the 2nd game.
  6. val I agree he will spend but the way AEK is right now something has to change otherwise we will go back to the way we once were in football ways.... We were in $6 mill profit for the last 2 years, where has that money gone when we only spent $160k in the summer? The team we have is decent and with experience it will get better but when you lack in a position and its plain obvious, you as an owner must do what is needed and go sign someone. By not signing anyone you aren't backing your manager nor are giving him all the tools needed to succeed.
  7. On a different note does anyone know why no Oly fans went to the match today? I read an article that said they didn't travel is that true?
  8. Lets see what approach they take now, surely they are aware now that something must be done & a change of approach, otherwise people will lose their sh*t......
  9. 2 names mentioned now - Victor Fernandez & Joaquin Caparros
  10. Management trying to cover their mistakes in the summer and put it all on Dellas, I don't blame him for resigning, he shouldn't have to put up with that sh&t, management are meant to back him after all he has done not throw him under the bus like Meli did So we have now lost Lybe, Zikos & Dellas, people are bled for AEK.
  11. I don't blame Dellas fully for this, the guy wasn't given what he needed to succeed. Was he at fault for the Oly result? Yes I think he was. But as Che said above, we have played good football the last couple years and he has given some young kids a chance who have done well. He provided a good environment for the players also. For Meli to say Dellas didn't want Lafferty just shows he is shifting the blame toward him, but I don't think many AEK fans will believe what Meli says. I don't understand where they want AEK to go when they make rushed decisions like this.
  12. Yeah I know GL, but that's what I had heard from one of the Original boys in Greece, I am sure we will hear another 10 rumours.... Has any other coach been sacked this season or are we the first to do it?
  13. No Kef we have been given all the permits except one from the Mayor of the area. He is the hold up for this
  14. Will be good to have him back, he can offer as a lot of pace down that right side
  15. It seems in this current AEK everyone is at fault except for Dusan and Meli. They have also said Ketsbaia as Dusan told him not to sign anywhere. Lets see who they get now
  16. Makes me laugh the area is a dump and this will only give it life and lets not forget the museum they are putting there which will attract tourism. Meli said it would generate the Govt $20 million euro a year in tourism yet these dopes don't want it. Only in Greece........
  17. He did say that Dellas didn't want Lafferty also, does that mean Dellas was happy with Maki and Aravidis and Djebbour?
  18. Meli has never been one to come out and speak on rumours or media hype and I don't see him starting to do that now. Original is meeting Meli to ask what is going on with players and the stadium, I got a msg from one of the London boys who was going. Reaper same way he paid the stadium off too?
  19. Whoever made that move happen should be sacked, its turned it into a laughing stock for other teams fans..... Surely they knew he was injured before he signed???
  20. $50 mill is just under half of what the lower EPL teams have these days, cant see that happening in the Greek league now or in 10 years time..... As I said I would be happy with $10- $20 mill but then you are still behind the ball when you compare it to the gavri......
  21. Pan id love to say we will win the title but that's premature right now, we just came back and are doing things the right way for once and the football we are playing is also good to see. It takes time but Juve took time also, ok we aren't Juve but they were relegated and look how strong they came back. jvc $50 mill budget is excessive mate, I would be happy with $10 or $20 million, we brought some good players in with no budget now, imagine what we could bring in with $10 mill.....
  22. Amo I was always happy with a top 4 spot this season then next season you could expect a title charge, but as you said typical Greek mentality of laying blame on anyone they can when we lose a match. We were never going to go undefeated all season and yes this loss hurts but fact is we are building something good here and the fans for once need to show patience even at the worst times.
  23. Meli never said "opion thelete tha ton fero" that was media hype. Believe me or not but I have said it before one of the boys in our club went and met with Meli and his exact words were he wasn't going to pump money into AEK. He never said we will win the league first year back either. People need to get a grip and realise where AEK would be without Meli right now. We would be a laughing stock like those others teams in the lower divisions if not worse. As for the stadium, jvc when the Mayor gives you silly excuses time after time you cant just go and build it, no matter who you are. AEKs ex keeper Oikonomopoulos came to our club and his exact words were "when Meli says something he gets it done" BUT how can he get it done when the Mayor is gavro who doesn't want us to build on OUR OWN LAND? They have done everything asked by the govt and whoever else yet this guy is still holding us back. The League may be dead currently but still it doesn't change the fact that we should have a stadium and have revenue coming from that instead of paying rent at OAKA which mind you isn't cheap.
  24. What promises did he make in our first year? He will bring the best players? Or was that the media saying it? He will win the title first year back? The stadium is out of his control especially with the current govt, if ND was in govt the stadium would've been down a long time ago and he is putting $20 mill of his own money toward it. And so what if he relegated us? Im glad we got relegated as painful as it was, was AEK doing anything better in top flight before that or falling into more and more debt and becoming shambles with people like Adamidis doing under the table deals? You think Marinakis would've taken over Oly at $60 million debt and paid that off, a debt that wasn't his I might add? No chance. I understand that some people are upset, but why don't you ALL say Meli spend money when we win games? It is our first year back you cant expect miracles and we have a good core of young players, with experience and a few new faces in time this team can do something. As I said above just picture where AEK would be if Meli didn't step in. We would be worse off than Aris and OFI.
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