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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Its Marinakis trying to make a statement but shows how dumb the F***wit really is....... Yet I bet Oly fans wont say much about that its normal in their eyes....
  2. There is nothing wrong with a whole bunch of refs hanging in a suite together at that bourdello, its perfectly normal well in Greece anyway lol
  3. Nothing happened in the Kypello Marinakis confused the refs room for the toilets or maybe a private eatery and there's nothing wrong with wishing the refs good luck AT HALFTIME of a match every president does this :)
  4. We all have our opinions on players and that's fair enough we all have to respect that. At euros in Poland while I was there he was terrible, the shirt incident is just a kick in the face to Greek fans, where would he be if it wasn't for Greek Football? The fans that I travel to the euros and wc with that live in Greece known as GF went to NI today and they are pissed with what he did as they travel to every game Greece plays and all they want is some recognition from players especially now in the dark times we are going through because they never leave the team alone.
  5. Reaper in regards to Holebas, personally I never rated him after seeing him at the Euro's and now he can F*** right off the scum.
  6. Holebas SHOULD NEVER wear the Greek jersey again the dog that he is, scumbag.
  7. Just read that Platellas will be right for the game
  8. I didn't read he was injured but if he isn't fit throw in Barbosa.....
  9. Guys it wasn't all BR's fault, yes his team selection was wrong but Liverpool's transfer committee is what hurts them the most. A coach wants a player and they aren't able to get him because of this committee as they have the final say on who comes in. BR never wanted Balotelli it was put on him. This is why Klopp will have an issue, my friend is lives in Merseyside and is a season ticket holder and has many contacts in Liverpool has said the committee will stand but Klopp wont be able to bring anyone in, but he does have a say. I personally think if you want him to do well give him full reign and let him do what he wants but I don't see that happening, the yanks that own Liverpool are the ones hurting them club.... But good luck to Klopp its a big challenge and it will show how good a manager he is....
  10. Original I agree with you 100%. I think for us our defence and 2 holding men will play a huge part in this game for us, if they aren't on their game we are finished. On the break we have the talent, speed and skill to get forward and score BUT any chance we get must be taken, simple as that otherwise it will bite us in the ass.
  11. Conspiracy theorists hahaha f*ck I love that saying, those that use that term are the ones in the biggest denial.
  12. Because everyone is benefiting from it that's why..... This is why no matter how much evidence is mentioned I don't get my hopes up because they are all dogs the lot of them. A gas chamber is where they belong
  13. Cheers Pana Klopp to arrive Thursday at Merseyside will be announced Friday from what my mate tells me who lives there.
  14. Someone where in this whole I post I did mention that I had a feeling Beos would snitch. But will something come of it or is it all bark no bite?
  15. Thank you Val & well said glad we are on the same page
  16. I only do it once Pana not sure why double posts come up.... Sorry boys
  17. Good coach to have BUT the only downfall is that transfer committee livo has, how can they expect any manager to come in and do his thing when he cant get the players he wants? This has to change in order for Livo to go forward... Hopefully they learnt from that but as I have always said yank owners don't belong in football and until those owners F*** off it will hurt livo....
  18. Good coach to have BUT the only downfall is that transfer committee livo has, how can they expect any manager to come in and do his thing when he cant get the players he wants? This has to change in order for Livo to go forward... Hopefully they learnt from that but as I have always said yank owners don't belong in football and until those owners F*** off it will hurt livo....
  19. I give you credit for the above comments you prob wouldn't hear this from many Oly fans in regards to being a Europa team and not a CL, respect Reaper!!!
  20. I also hear Arsenal fans are proud of their CL record, what record lol ffs they haven't won the CL once to be proud of anything
  21. I agree Portugal is historically better than Greece but where it matters most is with titles and we have more than they do. Oly held the worst away record in CL at one stage, personally for me that wouldn't be something to be proud of, but each to their own.
  22. Just seems you cant accept the fact that Oly has failed time after time in CL with the amount of attempts they have had. In regards to Portugal, fact is we are more successful than they are, we have 1 title to show for it, where as they have none.
  23. Apoel's budget was $15 million that year from memory and surely Oly's was more and has been more than that each year yet they had one miracle run, im still waiting for Oly to have that magical run and with a budget of $60 million now excuses aren't enough.
  24. Klopp confirmed 3 years will be announced later in the week
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