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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Accor do you believe something will come of this?
  2. And with all that evidence what do you think will come of it?
  3. We need actually we MUST win this match as we can close the gap at the top with Oly playing PAOK up north and also PAO going to Xanthi.... I like the line up you have Original I wouldn't change anything and as you said Barbosa deserves a start. You can throw Vargas and Platellas in at some stage to inject pace and abit more life to the team if things aren't working. Mandalos can play on the wing also and I would prefer Diego at #10. One thing that gets me is Johanssen and everyone saying he is tired, we only play 1 game a week so what's making him so tired?
  4. try aek 1924 fb page amo I saw them there
  5. I just saw the highlights and we had so many chances and went a goal down, but great character to comeback and win that game. 3 points is what matters most at this stage as we don't want to be falling behind the teams above us anymore as we have a tricky run coming up. Great freekick by Barbosa!!!
  6. Big odds I might just be tempted to take it lol
  7. As if any Oly fan will say it was a penalty against them lets be serious now boys.......
  8. It was easier to watch AEK in 2nd & 3rd division.... you'd think AEK or whoever has charge would unblock streams for everyone around the world considering we have just come back to SL.....
  9. Syriza can go get f*cked only in Greece does someone resign and get re-elected. Atleast Tsipras can sell the rest of Greece off now..... As for Greek football they barked and barked they would makes changes and did f*ck all, typical politicians
  10. OH I feel your pain, we usually open the club here to watch the games but wont be again this week since there streams are blocked. Have to revert to the radio and feel 15 again lol
  11. I prefer Diego at #10 also but if PAOK do play 3-5-2 Dellas may be thinking to put him out wide so when we counter he can catch out the wing backs if they push forward Looking forward to this game hope its a cracker and both teams go out for the win
  12. I just don't bother any longer with rubbish off the field, all I can do is hope my team does their job, gets the results needed and be a title threat if we can be. My only worry is if and that's a big if we are close to the vroma of Pireaus come close to season end the p*****es will come out to favour the special ones.....
  13. The best of it all jvc is that there has been nothing provided in terms of evidence lol only in Greece this sh*t happens
  14. Irakis got fined 3k for their banners, ok so basically we got fined 12k for matchday 1, that tells me we got fined 3k for our apparent banners if you go by Iraklis fine and then 9k for fan behaviour. Again I say we got fined 9k for fan behaviour for not even fighting or invading the pitch but Oly got fined 1335 for actually fighting. This makes sense to me the league is very clean.
  15. Ok let me put it this way, we got fined 25k for fan behaviour and Oly got fined 1335 for fan behaviour for actually fighting, do you not anything wrong with that? Talk about living in denial.
  16. Again you didn't answer my question. Do you see logic in us being fined 25k for things not explained and Oly copping a 1335 fine for fighting with MAT? Simple question really...... There isn't much to see I saw the game and my mate was in the crowd for both matches and he didn't say anything happened. So I don't see what the "fans behaviour" was all about. As for slogans I didn't see any and if there was one why wouldn't they tell us what it was? Any other time a team has a slogan up they show it all over the media did they not take a photo of AEKs slogan?
  17. Reaper I honestly didn't see any slogans that were offensive nor did Original mention anything they were going to do. Its all a farce. How can you possibly get fined 25k for a slogan and fans behaviour when they didn't fight with anyone? We got fine for BOTH games not one. What did our fans do swear? WOW man which Greek fan doesn't swear in a stadium? Again I ask you don't you see an issue with the amount of this fine? Oly got fined 1335 for fighting with MAT and AEK got fined 25k for an apparent slogan and fan behaviour to again I will say didn't fight with MAT or opposing fans and didn't invade the pitch, does this seem logical to you?
  18. I had a feeling he might put Diego out wide which isn't a bad thing but if we are playing on the counter you want him at #10 running at players. Giving Anakoglou a start will be interesting, I rate him a lot as he has a great left foot just hope he is on his game as he will play a vital role for us. Johanssen and Simeos will get their job done and cut everything out as they have been doing. We need to try get an early goal to knock them off abit, we don't want to be going down early as they will lift with their fans getting behind them. In all honesty as much as I want the win I will be more than happy with a draw up there. The 4-3-3 has its positives and negatives, in attack its great in defence you can get caught out if you move players forward, unless Dellas drops his wide men deep and sit in a 4-5-1 while defending which I don't mind as they will have to try break us down.
  19. hahahahahahahaha wouldn't surprise me ti xeftiles they have become in EPO
  20. It's decisions like these ones that show how disgraceful & corrupt Greek football has become.
  21. hahahaha sorry man hope this doesn't get me a fine from EPO :)
  22. I was being sarcastic to hahahahaha will interesting to know though with the boys above you mentioned
  23. So now you get fined more for having abusive banners in the ground than fighting, again that makes real sense. And what was bad about our fans behaviour? No pitch invasion, no fighting with MAT, no fighting with opposing fans, im abit lost on this fan behaviour. Reaper do you not see anything wrong with this fine toward AEK? Cant wait to see if AEK fans fight with MAT what the fine will be. Surely we will get the 1335 fine like Oly right?
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