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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Dikefale I like the line up the only one I have a question mark over is Platellas, he does my head in. Maybe have Mandalos at #10 and Diego out wide as an option?
  2. I didn't watch the full game highlights only and PAO was very below par. Berg doesn't seem to be interested atm..... The longer the coach stays the less motivation the players will have and "if" they sack him they'll be chasing teams if they drop more points to teams like they lost to on the weekend.... But on the other hand, it only takes one win to change the teams mentality and if that win comes they just need to keep that momentum going....
  3. Our CBs are good but not fantastic just yet, but they have the potential to be. Tzane is quality..... Our midfield is good, we have depth and plenty of it for once and this benefits us since we have lacked this over the years. We did need a striker though, hopefully they get one in January but if we are doing well and close to the top I cant see them buying one as they will have faith in what we currently have... Overall we have built a good squad, is it capable of winning the league? I think we are close to that, next season should be more realistic in a title charge.
  4. My worry was Mandalos as soon as he came on he copped a bad tackle. Diego copped a few hits also but lets just say that came to his speed and little size.
  5. I know you could see from 1st half they were going to end up getting a red the way they were tackling. The 2 guys that did get sent off deserved it, both tackles were worthy of a yellow and considering they new they were both on yellows already only an idiot would make those challenges. It just seems that these kologavri cant digest this fact and claim the ref favoured us, its a conspiracy to them. Just shows how clueless they all are when they just talk these m*****es
  6. Or when I get to you over there lol!!!
  7. Its not clean re we got a penalty and PAS had 2 players sent off, its a conspiracy I tell you :) But they over look the fact another was awarded to us but it was over turned. Malakes will always talk m*****es
  8. Will be an interesting game for both sides bananas, I think it will be a battle of the middle, whichever team wins that battle will most likely win the game. Cant wait as this game has big meaning for AEK but also PAOK to show they mean business this year.
  9. I forgot to mention I LOVE hearing the gavri whinge about us getting that penalty and the 2 reds against PAS, they must have missed the penalty we were given that was over turned, xeftiles want to bag us and over look their m*****es over the years. PONAI m*****es eh? The 2 guys that got sent off were rightly sent off for their 2nd yellows, if someone cant see that then they got rocks in their head. Keep bitching.
  10. jvc I am invoicing you for my bet win :) $2 from your odds of a 1 million to one :))))))
  11. If PAOK play 3-5-2 this will benefit us massively. It is a big game for both teams and especially for us so we see where we at as a club. I wouldn't change too much, I think our midfield can win this game for us, Simeos and Johanssen to stop everything through the middle and getting forward it would be good to see if he can fit in Diego, Mandalos and Vargas in the same 11 because these guys can cause havoc when running at PAOKs defence but I cant see that happening as I am sure Dellas would like some firepower off the bench. I personally wouldn't start Platellas, too inconsistent and his decision making at times is terrible. My line up would be: Baroja Galo Tzane Kolo Soiledis Simeos Johannsen Vargas Diego Barbosa Aravidis
  12. All the streams were blocked in Australia and since I don't have Antenna I listened to the PAS game on radio, made me feel 15yo again This is a big game for us and it will be interesting to see how the players react playing up there with their fans. A draw would be a great result but I can even see us winning it PAOK aren't cautious
  13. It was a good result and we showed character coming down from 1-0 to be up at HT, this is the kind of AEK we want. I feel Baroxa was at fault for the goal but our players did let Acosta run freely and have a shot, but the keeper should've done better. Diego well you guys have said it all, this guy in form can take us to new heights. Barbosa finally found himself and at the right time also. Platellas does my head in, simple. Chrisantus is slowly losing my faith. Simeos and Johanssen were both brilliant for us. Good to see Mandalos back also & Varags did well when we came on, he showed plenty of hunger.
  14. Is the black one they had shown a while back going to be available?
  15. AEK fined $25k for fans behaviour in 1st 2 games of the season and PAO also fined $2k, bravo EPO fine us for nothing and Oly fans fight with MAT and get nothing. Xeftiles
  16. Apparently Dellas wanted him Akritis but when you look at what we have spent this season ($160k) you cant see them spending $1.5 mill on Berba, personally I think if we did get him we would've been hot favourites to contest the title as he was the last piece in our puzzle......
  17. Che i said Berba would pay us back in shirt sales don't understand why they didn't fork out the money and get him, the guy would've lifted everyone around him and filled the stadiums for us even more, big mistake on our part.....
  18. Berba is quality even at his age yes he may lack pace but with the ball he is a magician. He was killing it an Monaco last season and demolished Arsenal in the CL. This guy once fit will do wonders in the League anyone who says different is either jealous or hating.....
  19. Finally a decent time for us Australia 11pm is brilliant!!!! Original with the elections coming up the PAOK game wont be going ahead, have they said anything about that?
  20. The question with Samaras for us is can he make a difference for us? I personally think he can
  21. Its simple Amo, yanks owners don't belong in football the F***ers have no idea
  22. Surely we will get more than 10k, after all its our 2nd home game the team is still doing well even though its early days but I do understand they are upset we didn't get a striker but it doesn't mean they should turn their back on AEK just because of that. The players need their support. MANY teams around the world have issue with their board and management, nothing new. Take Arsenal, United & Livo for example
  23. Will be good to have them both back, Kordero will find it hard to get back into the team with Johanssen & Simeos in fine form and Diego will have more fitness under his belt after the friendly we have this weekend so Dellas has a great selection headache to make.
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