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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. im honestly still trying to see what we did wrong lol we were fine for both matches (Platanias & Xanthi) yet I didn't see fans invade the pitch nor were there fights in the stands, but the Greek league isn't controlled or corrupt they tell us
  2. So Reaper Oly got fined 1335 for fighting with MAT and AEK got fined 25K, seems fair only problem is im still lost to know what we were fined for????????
  3. Messi is great but as I said before Zidane was a genius on the field. Unless you watched him week in week out you wouldn't understand..... Messi can do freaky s%$#! but Zidane could take it another level along with Brazilian Ronaldo, these guys were born winners for club and country, where as Messi has known to go into his shell when playing for Argentina, same as Cristiano..... The only thing that eluded Ronaldo was the CL and to think he was in one of the best Madrid teams ever assembled and still couldn't win it...... Give me the players of the 80s & 90s era over these guys any day of the week......
  4. Ronaldo was a freak boys and he did it at a time when defenders were much tougher/dirtier. He also won awards when there was way more competition than what there is these days. Today who else but Messi & Ronaldo are favourites for player of the year? Back then there were stars in every league and NT teams. The best striker I have ever seen play
  5. Lol Pana!! I had the pleasure of seeing both Messi & Ronaldo play live in the WC and also Euros. I wish I had seen the Brazilian Ronaldo play live but didn't get that chance.....
  6. Brazilian Ronaldo for me is one of the best. Maradona will always be the greatest in many ways but being a coke head took away my favouritism for him. And you cant look past Zidane he did magic everywhere he went and won everything....
  7. Meli runs the NT? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA po po that was the best laugh iv had all day, thanks mate!!!
  8. So Grkfreezer is the Greek team gets their s%$#! together and start winning you'll support them? I don't understand your logic for hating the Greek team so much, iv been to Euros and seen them do F*** all but I never once turned my back on them no matter how much each trip cost me, I went to every game and gave all the voice I could to lift them like the rest who went to those games.....
  9. I'm still waiting for fatF*** to come out and talk about the things he claims to know, what's it been now 12 months+ since he said that? Why the silence, wouldn't he want to let everyone know who these people are and what they're doing wrong? Yet it seems EVERY country around the world seems to be doing articles on him and his vromia........
  10. I agree with Pana in regards to the budget talks, no one ever made it an issue in the past yet today they wana say "Bayern is worth $400mill" m*****es if you ask me..... They didn't say things like this against United, Juve and Atletico as examples....
  11. I agree Pana, up against a coach who has been through the "park the bus" scenario you only play into his hands as he has the experience to get past that and has proved it on many occasions..... They may have not won but they could've given a better fight, as they say the best form of defence is attack!! Anyway with Zagreb winning it only makes it harder for them now, Zagreb has never been an easy place to go and get a result.....
  12. I don't like betting during derbies in all honesty and betting against Oly well that doesn't sit right with me
  13. No one said you couldn't say what you like, but when others make a comment in sarcasm don't get all defensive about it. See me soon? Really? Not that I know you, but Ok I will be waiting......... Kafe is on you :)
  14. So from sensitive to now worked up, that isn't worked up at all, but you make of it what you like my friend so long as you feel better. As for the game and comments I can say what I like, if you don't like it then stick to your own forum. Have a lovely day
  15. Sensitive? No it wasn't sensitive it was a laughing matter, get it right :) As for watching it I don't like losing sleep its more important to me than watching Oly play
  16. Guys did Olympiakos cross the halfway line in todays game? 34% possession only chasing shadows.....Its a shame Marinakis couldn't get his mates Theodoridis and Platini to help him out for a result
  17. AEK442 everything is blocked so far but they reckon and not that I believe it that in a few weeks time they may be unblocked. It was easier to watch AEK in 2nd and 3rd division
  18. Hahahahahaha our mate :) It makes me laugh re have they seen both players yellows? Deserving fouls and worthy of a card, they new they were on yellows already so why make tackles like that giving the ref a reason to give you a 2nd yellow? The penalty I wont even bother with if they cant see it they I guess they just don't want to admit that's its a penalty.
  19. F*** really? And then people say the Greek league is getting better, how when fans cant even see their teams play, its a joke. Ohwell radio it is again then hahaha
  20. "they" do you think I mean those other clowns who have nothing better to do but get personal with people through the internet? No Amorgos im talking about Oly fans in general and their papers. Sta arxithia mou what "they" write.. I laugh at people like that, when you insult one's family it just shows what a true scumbag you are. One thing to sledge and bag teams im all for it, another to involved families, but each to their own if that makes them feel good well so be it.
  21. Greekfreak ANY normal football fan would know this, especially if they watched the 1st half of our game and saw how PAS was giving fouls away, they were bound to get a red in the 2nd half. But others claim the refs helped us with the 2 reds and penalty, they don't talk about how another penalty was given to us BUT was overturned, something you don't see in football very often. ITS A CONSPIRACY Meli must be paying refs :) pos tous ponai
  22. Since its their home game wont Antenna show it? Im sure streams wont be blocked. As for the guys above whoever does start I just hope they get their job done. I just hope we don't get another penalty in our favour, could you imagine the conspiracy theorists come out if we did get one again hahahahahaha
  23. He just does m*****es with the ball at times Amorgos, his decision making is terrible. Atm I would honestly rather Barbosa start than Platellas, he looked more effective than Platellas on the weekend also. Either way whatever line up we go with I just hope they put up a fight and get a result, will be good to see how they cope with being in toumba also. A good test for us at the right time because after the Veria game the big games are one after the other
  24. We are corrupt re lets be honest hahahahaha F*** they kill me with this sh*t just shows how clueless some people really are.....
  25. I'd love to say we can win the league but I wont, I will let my team do the talking. I see some people are still crying foul about AEK getting a penalty on the weekend and PAS being reduced to 9 men, if only those malakes saw the game, plastic fans. I also love the fact they don't talk about the penalty we were given that was overturned, but they still hold on to the penalty we were given.... So anytime we get a penalty from now on guys or a player from the opposing team gets sent off it means we are corrupt :)
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