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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. I don't think you guys have been more screwed than us as I said AEK was the team not many loved. Look now re they wont even let us build a stadium as a way to get back at Meli for his apparent dodgy deals, which bloke in Greece isn't dodgy? Our govts ffs rip Greece off.... They let one team suffer without a stadium due to other issues. Maybe him having OPAP is another reason why but really a team cant suffer because of that and lastly atleast you guys have had a couple titles to celebrate, us on the other hand have gone 2 decades without one
  2. Hope its true Original it would give the team the lift they just need
  3. OPAP has not been PAO come on man seriously not every agency or person is against PAO. If anything PAO has many people and media behind them. AEK is the team not many have loved.... Anyway as for Samaras I would take him its not like we got much better and I think he would do well for us.
  4. Im sure they will be after that and what happens is all a mystery
  5. First year winning it is a hard ask but no one said it cant be done but I will be happy with top 3 then a shot at the CL spot. Either way CL would be amazing but Europe for first season wouldn't so bad either
  6. No matter how much the odds are stacked against our teams you never lose hope. As I said I am sure everyone in AEK knows what's going on in the background and where the favouritism is toward but if AEK do their job, stay focused and be consistent then anything can happen.....
  7. This I agree on for sure mate. As for what they say I honestly don't bother with them too one eyed to admit anything else about a team
  8. Brilliant signing by PAOK congrats as an AEK fan I am dirty our management didn't go for him. Biggest signing of the League. Hope he has a great season!!!
  9. Sorry for double post... jvc I would be happy of PAOK or PAO won it also as the league needsa new champion after so long
  10. If you say it like that then PAOK can say they beat Oly in their bourdello and drew 0-0 at up north, from memory was anyone else in the league able to take 4 points off Oly last season? SO can they say they are better than Oly? They choked themselves mate they had a 7 point lead and F***ed it and since then they went downwards. So if AEK beats PAO in a couple weeks are we a better team?
  11. If you say it like that then PAOK can say they beat Oly in their bourdello and drew 0-0 at up north, from memory was anyone else in the league able to take 4 points off Oly last season? SO can they say they are better than Oly? They choked themselves mate they had a 7 point lead and F***ed it and since then they went downwards. So if AEK beats PAO in a couple weeks are we a better team?
  12. I mentioned PUMA on the page before then you posted something about where the money came from.. All good maybe just abit of confusion of who your post was aimed at
  13. Relax accor I only asked about PUMA as that's what I heard, simple question that's all.
  14. Maybe they are but fact is PAOK had a 7 point lead at one stage then choked in many games which is another reason to the one I mentioned above as to why you finished 2nd.
  15. ^^^ Don't agree be serious now he is a huge signing for them, he was killing it for Monaco last year and took the piss out of Arsenal in the CL, he has 20 goals in him easily. AEK in my opinion F***ed up by not getting him when he was offered to us as he is the exact striker we need and with him we could've been a big threat to Oly for the title. Goodluck to PAOK great signing and probably the best one in the SL
  16. ^^ Because you showed consistency and went on a great run at the end while PAOK flopped
  17. jvc you are saying the league is sinking, I agree there are things that can be done better but teams are still able to bring in big name players like Cambiasso, Essien, Diego and now Berba at PAOK. Would you be saying all this if PAO was champions and the strongest in the league? It wouldn't bother you at all because your team would be winning things and you wouldn't care about the rest and how they are travelling. We are getting teams in Europe who never got there before and yes it maybe because AEK/Aris and others have been below par, but these teams that have made Europe showed consistency all season long and earned their spot in Europe. Now whether they perform well in Europe or not is another thing but in reality not many Greek teams progress from their groups in Europe so it doesn't make a difference.
  18. That's the League's problem though in the end to say AEK is hurting is very wrong mate. We are in way better shape than what PAO currently are. We have a lot more things going in the right direction than what many other teams do in the league currently.
  19. Will Oly be fined for the fans fighting with MAT on the weekend at OAKA or does that only apply to all other teams in the SL? Typical propaganda not even mentioned in any papers what happened.
  20. Sorry for the double post... jvc you really think they were going to boycott the league? Ela re that's an empty threat from ALL parties involved.
  21. jvc how is AEK hurting? I don't buy into that. For the first time in years I and many others I can say actually enjoy watching the team play with that brand of football, we have a good young coach who wants to get us to the top, we have good harmony within our team and our management is taking AEK in a direction we haven't been in for many many years. We may not get to the top today but the way we are heading we will get there very soon. Yes we can say they didn't spend what was needed but the players they have brought in have made us stronger not weaker, we have depth all over the park except that striker position. Meli has never been one to splash money on anyone, he doesn't want a repeat of the old AEK who just spent on anyone and got into the mess they did. It was a blessing for us to gown down, I said it many times we needed to drop, 2 years of pain wasn't going to hurt us anymore than the hurt we had experienced the last few years. As for the corruption, we can all bitch and moan about it but fact is nothing will be done and it will continue to happen and all AEK has to do is focus on themselves get the results needed and hope for the best.
  22. jvc how is AEK hurting? I don't buy into that. For the first time in years I and many others I can say actually enjoy watching the team play with that brand of football, we have a good young coach who wants to get us to the top, we have good harmony within our team and our management is taking AEK in a direction we haven't been in for many many years. We may not get to the top today but the way we are heading we will get there very soon. Yes we can say they didn't spend what was needed but the players they have brought in have made us stronger not weaker, we have depth all over the park except that striker position. Meli has never been one to splash money on anyone, he doesn't want a repeat of the old AEK who just spent on anyone and got into the mess they did. It was a blessing for us to gown down, I said it many times we needed to drop, 2 years of pain wasn't going to hurt us anymore than the hurt we had experienced the last few years. As for the corruption, we can all bitch and moan about it but fact is nothing will be done and it will continue to happen and all AEK has to do is focus on themselves get the results needed and hope for the best.
  23. Xanthi played very disciplined had everyone behind the ball and didn't allow us much space, you can dominate all the possession you want but when teams do this it makes it harder to break them down. This is why Dellas should've changed it a little bit and have the players get the ball in behind their defence (RB & LB) quicker instead of playing from the back and middle each time, we played into their hands. Don't like playing long balls but sometimes against teams like this it has to be done especially when they push forward and their RB or LB get forward and are slow to get back, we have the speed on the wings to do this but we didn't take advantage of that once. The 3-5-2 is a great formation but with that you need 3 very solid defenders and 2 wingbacks who can go up and down all the time, then a very creative #10. Risky formation these days in my opinion but depending on what League you coach in you may get away with it here and then....
  24. Yeah right it had nothing to do with Russia lol Putin was one of the first to publicly back Blatter. The day after all the arrests were made the first thing that was said was the Russian world cup is under scrutiny. If the FBI really wanted to cleanout FIFA it wouldn't only be a handful of people that got arrested, there was more than 7 or so people on the take. Is the FBI oblivious to what's going on in Greece? The whole world knows and talks about it but the FBI allows it go continue.......
  25. The FBI only got involved to oust Blatter and attempt to take the world cup from Russia. If they cared so much they would've have done this way before Blatter was re-elected. Also FBI had no right to do what they did, FIFA is on Swiss land the Swiss police could've handled it themselves
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