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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Papers saying Oscar Cardozo may become free in January, even at 32 he is still scoring goals, would've been better if we got him a couple years younger but he has a nose for goals.... let see what other names are thrown around from now until January, I expect a new name each day
  2. Just looked at the fixture list and PAO wont have home fans until 20th Feb again vs PAOK
  3. Yes you are correct I forgot about that p*****a
  4. For AEK to go up? I think AEK was far superior than the rest last season and was worthy of their promotion.... Same with Iraklis.
  5. Oh look the troll appears..... Get tzatziki with it!!
  6. Wow what p*****es but im sure we all new that teams are fixed to get promoted/relegated..... I wouldn't trust Kougias he is the biggest F***en snake in football, well after fatboy..... Good on Lamia's president for speaking out I remember last season they were doing very well then fell off the pace toward the end....
  7. I think with him coming back (if it happens) and Meli being with AEK things will change slowly for the better, after all these two are mates and I am sure they have the same mindsets on what need to be done to clean up the league.....
  8. I think he would be great if he returned the guy clearly knows football and what it takes to run a club, plus he is a powerful figure and it will lift PAO and the fans if he does return.... BUT will he come in and take over and clear the debts or will he take the route Meli did with AEK?
  9. Talk of boycotting the league by owners is a joke and they wont do it, if they wanted to do that they would've done it by now.... As for the investing, owners wont do it with the current state the league is in and as for stadiums well look no further than AEK, we own the land yet have been delayed nearly 2 years with ridiculous excuses, why is it so bad for a team to have their own stadium? Building it will open up 1500 jobs, after its done the museum that will be built there has been said to generate minimum $20 million euro in tourism for the govt BUT this is Greece being run by animals who want to ruin in to the core not fix it.....
  10. Is Pateras seriously considering to take over or is it paper talk?
  11. Must admit I LOVE hearing the gavri whinge and whine we got another penalty today, a clear penalty at that also and anyone who says it wasn't a penalty is clueless on football, BUT wait the refs helped influence us win today also even though we were 2-0 up... The yifti don't look at the petsino penalty they got today also they worry about AEK, I love it. Oh wait I forgot they had a player sent off also today 3 mins before the end whilst up 2-0 which could've been a straight red also, the ref really helped us today once again, that's 9 points they have gifted us :)
  12. I heard Reaper called my name lol :) There is only one thing you can say, you have seen them given at times and then you haven't seen them given, in the EPL you see this all the time and hardly ever a penalty in awarded. Personally I think it was soft BUT if it was outside the box would it have been a foul? If yes then that's a penalty.....
  13. Lamia what happened here I heard something over the weekend? Are they not taking part in the comp anymore?
  14. I couldn't find a stream and I don't have Antenna so I listened to it on radio, first half we were in control but didn't threaten them too much, then Johanssen stepped us for us at a perfect time. He has been our best signing to date and this new role Poyet has him playing is doing wonders..... Overall we did well and once Djebbour and Platellas came on the game changed in our favour even more, Djebbour was in the mood to play today and hopefully with more game time he can find some good form and get a few goals under his belt as we are desperate for someone upfront to convert these chances. Aravidis is a good player but he is out of his depth at times. Also was great to keep a clean sheet. 2nd spot now and Kalloni up next at home and really on form and paper we should beat them, lets keep this momentum going until Xmas.... Also 2nd round we have all the big games at home except for Tripoli so things are slowly becoming in our favour, that loss to Tripoli hurt us though as we could've had a bigger gap from 3rd spot....
  15. What makes me laugh the most is Oly fans say we are anti-Greek if we don't support Oly in Europe, ok why don't they show support to PAOK Or PAO in Europe?
  16. Of course criminals walk free fatboy is still walking free and I wouldn't say Meli is our version of fatboy, fatboy has taken things to another level of stupidity...... I forgot Meli also had Zografos bashed last year the claim fatboy made less than 24 hours after it happened, he just forgot to provide the proof. Seems he new it happened and who it was before anyone else, nothing suss about that........ When Meli did go to jail in the 90s for oil smuggling (something that ALL people in oil do) who was it that got him out of jail?
  17. Mad answer....... makes a claim and cant even say what they are.
  18. Lol Pana I don't waste my time on them but when they make claims I love to hear what they got to say about it, google is always a good help for people... Just want to know is his conviction football related?
  19. LOL I agree would just LOVE to hear what convictions they are and how they are affiliated to Greek Football......
  20. Im not making the claims he has been convicted, so why don't you enlighten us on this? Was it football related also?
  21. Really now is that so? Was that for football matters was it?
  22. Well he hasn't been implicated in bombings, extortion, match fixing, shipments of heroin, going into refs dressing rooms at halftime, using a paki phones,the list goes on, he also doesn't have to report to the cops every 15 days, until he is implicated or put on the same conditions as fatboy all you can do is assume pray and hope :)
  23. I know its a huge farce as fatF*** is still walking the streets also
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