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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Reaper who knows re its Greece :) but from what I was told there is one more permit they need (even though we got 50 of them already) then we can start, they are saying by March everything should be starting, lets see......
  2. Kougias is the biggest glifti in Greek Football these days, surprised he doesn't have s%$#! around his face from having it so far up fat F***s ass :)
  3. Kougias is a F***wit and to think this m****pano was once at AEK. The same arxithi who had all this info and was showing it to all to bring down fat F*** and now he's done the biggest kolotouba just so he can have a team in the SL.....
  4. Amo either way I think the players went into this game a bit cocky and thought they win it easy, its teams like this we need to be wary and now having them in the kypello will only give them confidence and give us a slight complex with this result on our minds.... F***en Anesti what was he thinking I still watch it and it does my head in
  5. Fat F*** will be spewing now Platini is banned who will he use now to keep the corruption going? Meli will also be blamed for the shooting that occurred overnight also, same way they blamed him when Zografos was bashed and they said they had proof yet they haven't provided that proof
  6. I give it 1 day before everyone starts blaming Meli for the shooting that occurred overnight, the same way they did when Zografos was bashed and they apparently had proof, well the fat c*** owner said he had it within 24 hours of it happening and has still yet to provide that proof because he's a s%$#! talker :)
  7. What a terrible performance by Anestis what the F*** was he thinking??????????????????????????????????? Even Kolo mistake was bad. Cant believe Johanssen's 2nd was disallowed another ridiculous decision. Instead of winning and going into the break with an edge on the other teams since they all dropped points (except PAOK) we ruined that chance, typical AEK.
  8. jvc I'm sure they are ALL pocketing something especially Meli since he owns OPAP, he didn't buy that with his Czech mates for fun..... Only difference now is Meli can do it via OPAP where as fatF*** needs to bet overseas, there is no way Meli would allow them to rip off OPAP and he did come out and say a while back that they had been betting in Singapore and Malaysia, soon enough those authorities will catch up with them. As for the League yes AEK a slight upper hand for 2nd spot now especially if we win tonight but also in our favour is we have all the derbies at home 2nd round so that should give us more confidence and belief. As for CL, in the playoffs anything can happen and even if we do top the group for playoffs in CL we can face some bigger teams from Europe so it wont be easy to get to CL. I have said all along I will be happy with Europa first season back anything more than that is a bonus. Lastly Meli wont be throwing money in January, they will go for players on free's or on last season of their contract. Once we get into Europe then I would expect him to throw money into AEK.
  9. He played for the penalty you cant deny that
  10. Another fantastic win with 2 penalties against the mighty Kalloni, bravo the pride of Greece is doing fantastic :)
  11. The pride of Greece at it once again needing penalties to beat another mighty team in Kalloni, how disgraceful yet their fans wont say a word.
  12. Is that 10 penalties in 15 games now? hahahahahah spend all those millions to build a team and need refs to get you over the line against another mighty team in Kalloni, po po re boys this is a lot to be proud of if you are a gavro
  13. Pretty sure there is only 1 permit/licence we need to get
  14. Iv seen their piss weak comments about us which are basically the same things over and over, you'd think they would be bored by now repeating themselves but then again small minds are amused by small things, they hang off 1 thing we each say and rave on about it for 2 years, sad little site for a sad bunch of people. Mtl the papara still goes on about me saying gas chambers, I bet the m#$%! doesn't even know who the comment was aimed at but he still runs with it not knowing who it was directed at or the one that makes me laugh the most is where he thinks it bothers me AEK gets help from refs LOL an Oly fan talking about refs helping teams, the irony in that is just laughable itself, but each to their own....... I hope AEK can get help every game until season's end just so those papares understand how it feels when refs favour one team besides the xeftila team of theirs. But as you said here we can debate and not agree but end of the day its each persons opinion and everyone respects that, its a football forum it would be pretty sad if we couldn't even chat with each other just because we support different teams. Anyway keep your head up jvc, people that wish sh*t like that as they did toward you are scum, I wouldn't piss on them if they were burning on the street :)
  15. jvc F*** em they're dogs, they sit there and bag us for things we say now they wish cancer on your family, who's the jokers now? Now there is a civil war breaking out there between mtl the mutt and gouz gouz the keyboard warrior, the sick AEK fan he is who's on an Oly forum, then people say we have issues LOL :) Don't lower yourself brother, they have a football site dedicated to Oly yet use it to wish cancer upon people and their families or abuse people's wives, lowest of the low.
  16. Great news overnight as we got the green light for the $20 mill from Dourou and her buddies , its not far away now!!!!!
  17. Is it really true he has pumped that many millions into PAO or is it a myth of his? Surely if he had pumped that much PAO wouldn't be in the mess they are in now
  18. Well his bakery is surely not being bombed now is it :)
  19. Constantly here yeah mad one, haven't caused one fight so not sure what you mean by causing fights, guess when people speak truth it hurts you. Tzatziki as for you, I wont bother with you since all you do it take personal pot shots, you are irrelevant.
  20. Greeko I concentrate on my team first then I worry about the rest, please don't talk rubbish about me starting fights that's something you have tried doing many times so please don't put me in the same boat as yourself, it seems speaking truth here hurts people's feelings.I can comment where I like also champ.
  21. Another xeftila result in favour of Oly to beat the mighty power house B Ethniki team of Apollon, a lot to be proud of as an Oly fan.....Your history of xeftiles just keeps rolling on, well done!!!
  22. Hope we don't let him go in all honesty he can offer us something when given a chance
  23. I have read about witnesses talking in court briefly but is there a real specific date being set for this case for all involved? After all with all this evidence, statements and witnesses surely the courts cant just let this go by....
  24. LOL jvc he torn them a new one that's for sure. Last time I mention those rejects, their lives are based on lies about people they know nothing about so let them talk, that's all about what they are good for.
  25. Bothered? hahaha like a few jokers will bother me, I actually enjoy taking the piss out of them, they think it bothers me that AEK apparently gets helps from refs yet how ironic is it hearing comments like that from gavri LOL THEYDIDNOTHINGTOME :)
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