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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Whoever besides yourself said you were good at it? I'll tell you who ,nobody.....And its great to see it pisses you off, doesn't take much I guess :) Copy and paste specialist.
  2. Greeko correct me if I am wrong but aren't you the one who constantly comes into AEK and PAO forums and tries to bait people? So you can post on our forums but we cant post on yours? Didn't realise this forum was a dictatorship....
  3. I have been reading that for the last week but I highly doubt it will happen, or so we hope.
  4. Couldn't have said it better Damianos, silence is bliss, just shows they know how pathetic and low they need to get to get 3 points off a mighty big team like Panaitolikos......and that's with the roster they have, yet they worry about Melissanidis. Bravo what's that now 12 points with assistance of refs? A lot to be proud of.....
  5. No doubt jvc they would've won that match, as for our goal debatable yes but benefit does go to the striker at times, to be honest sta arxithia mou if he was offside when I see Oly getting so much in their favour, how was the Panaitolikos keeper worthy of a red with that when you see him turning his body sideways and away from the Oly striker? 8 in 11 matches? HAHAHAHAHAH and then the super "wedidnothingtoyou" crew want to say AEK had help from refs LOL....... That's +12 thanks to the refs to the reds.
  6. The game was poor by the refs and I agree both teams could've had a penalty given. Arzo's 2nd yellow was a card but this ref you could wanted to send one of our boys off and finally he got his moment to do it. Im pretty sure the rule changed this season (read on an epl site) that even if he isn't interfering with play he can be called offside if he is in an offside position. If that was Oly jvc that goal would've counted, Johanssen's penalty would've been given and Arzo 2nd yellow would've been play on, after all we saw it happen few weeks back when they played Veria, 5 clear fouls not given, yellows not given to players BUT we get help from refs according to some xeftiles who claim to know football but really know F*** ALL :)
  7. Amo it just continues to show to us all how xeftilizmeni they truly are, say what they want about AEK but fact is they needed the refs help to send the keeper off for a non-existent foul. They should look in their own backyard before they lay blame elsewhere, how you can actually be a happy fan when your team is like this is beyond a joke, yet they cant admit it.
  8. So the reds needed again the help of the refs to over come the mighty big force of Panaitolikos :) How about the clear red card given to the keeper hahahah you guys are the biggest laughing stock its not even funny anymore And then they have the nerve to bag AEK and the apparent help we get from refs, xeftilizmeni you only see what you want to see and over look your own teams xeftiles That's 12 points gifted to the xeftiles who struggle to overcome teams like Panaitolikos even with the roster they have LOL.
  9. Tsartas is an arrogant m****. I really don't understand why Tzane wont re-sign after all it was AEK who gave him his chance and it was also with AEK he got his NT call up. They need to sort this out and if he doesn't want to be there sell him now before he goes on a free.
  10. Where do I start........ 1. Clear penalty not given (atleast now spastics wont say the refs gave us points again) 2. Disallowed goal would've been given if he had a red shirt on 3. Arzo is rubbish 4. We didn't have the right balance 5. The ref was hanging to get us down to 10 men 6. Aravidis should not have been on the wing 7. Djebbour showing his usual side of arrogance 8. Their goal was a ripper but we allowed him to run at us 9. We got a point atleast 10. F*** these pricks that destroy the Greek League 12. LOL at those idiots saying AEK robbed Panionios obviously they cant take their red glasses off and will talk stupidity as that all they seem to know
  11. Floriginal? Personal insult only shows how shallow of a person you are. Reaper you are one of the few Oly fans I give respect to as you speak with sense....the rest seem to keep their red glasses on.
  12. Wow isn't that fantastic of Oly, another tax right off for fatF***........... You want to get back to talking about your choke now?
  13. Oly had prob one their best CL campaigns and still couldn't go through the group stages and now you have people blaming fitness and budgets as an excuse.... Funny these things weren't mentioned when Oly was winning games.. Tzatziki they choked it no other explanation, all they needed was a draw or lose by 1 and they copped 3, choke nothing more to be said.
  14. I just read it also, no idea who he is, his scoring seems average also, surely this is a piss take, I couldn't see Poyet accepting this
  15. I don't understand how fitness can be an issue in December, that's all up 6 months of pre season, friendlies and the season all in one and fitness is an issue now? Why wasn't anyone mentioning fitness when Oly won against Arsenal or when they were beating Zagreb? Sorry poor excuse.
  16. ^^^ no one said it was a failure, they had their best campaign in the CL and didn't go through the group stages and choked big time at home.
  17. Sorry my bad, should I come back tomorrow then Omonoia?
  18. Giourkas the excuses already came, they have a bigger budget than Oly, yet when they beat them in London there was no mention of this budget :)
  19. Like Marinakis is going to put money from his own pocket.....
  20. So much for carrying the flag for Greece the scums, they choked it when it was in their own destiny and only needed 1 point from 6 to go through...... Maybe they should give them Greek refs for their Europa ties atleast that way Fortounis penalty would be given :) :) :) :)
  21. What about Fortounis dive hahahahaha, Greg Louganis has nothing on him, if that was in the SL no doubt it would've been a penalty just like that ripper one they got last week, then they cry foul when AEK get penalties hahahaha atleast ours are actually penalites and not sniper shots, rezili
  22. Oh yes two years ago when they ran their mouths after 1st leg and they copped another 3 boutses in the 2nd leg :)
  23. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww what a sick comeback that was 3-0 choke choke choke #prayforpireaus
  24. Hi Tzatziki nice choke today thanks for giving us a great laugh we ALL appreciate it
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