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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Oly saying the Pao decision is a scandal, just hearing those words from them make me laugh..... How is it possible for Pao to get docked 3 points last season for doing less than last week and now they don't get docked points? Not having a dig at Pao just the way the decisions are made.....
  2. Good move to get him re-signed as his value will increase but really this is a player you don't want to let go of when you are building a team to challenge.....
  3. Lol I stopped over at Dallas that city is F***en huge, never new it was that big as for the mounia those days are long gone now being married hahaha
  4. Loved it jvc, would move there in a heartbeat, shame i didn't catch up with Che while i was there but i met a mate of his and he took me around a few places in Astoria and Queens
  5. One day I hope I can get over there also, loved NY, Vegas was Vegas a bourdello lol but NY was something else......
  6. Lol I haven't been Canada but was in NY in Feb and I loved it, cold and snowing but it was mad except when we walked through Central Park I died form the cold hahaha
  7. I hate this heat I would take a NY winter over this anyday lol
  8. Not much re dying of heat down in Sydney today, spewing United played like sh*t (F*** Van Gaal) other than that not much else :)
  9. Well Gouz Gouz I think your theory of me not joining and lying about it has shown who the liar is and that isn't me but YOU :) Next time don't assume or talk sh*t when you have no proof. I think we have given them enough attention for 2 days, back to reality now, lets talk football while they talk about families........
  10. Home game for us and a chance to climb the ladder as Tripoli has Oly away..... What line up is he going with? I don't see many changes to the team from last week
  11. I think its a good thing he showed abit of emotion as it shows he is passionate for the job he is doing and after all it was his first win for him so by all means he can show abit of emotion....
  12. Gouz Gouz I don't care what you think champ, I have no need to lie to you, ask your mods and I am sure they'll see 2 attempts one is with my Original Sydney email and the other is from another one soccerfan121, so take your assumptions and tell them to someone who cares. Infe-rno7 asked me to join there so we could have a chat about something, I even put my email on this forum for him or anyone else to email me but no one did, please don't talk rubbish and act like you know something as you are making yourself look like clown, just the red nose is missing...... Since your mods wont accept me on there come here and pm me mate you can say whatever you like since you say there's plenty to talk about
  13. All they need to so is take a leaf from Poland and do what they did which they are currently trying to do now but hasn't gone ahead yet...... Personally the fans are the least of my worries, if I was an owner and I put money into my team I would want a league where favours aren't done for 1 side only, once I get that sorted then I would work on the fan issue, but an owner cant do it on his own he needs govt, police working with him and since its Greece I don't see that happening.....
  14. Well that isn't correct but I guess in your mind it is.
  15. Kala didn't expect less seems like they enjoy twisting things to be in their favour, some really lack logic and don't understand tongue in cheek comments and thinking I get mad when they say we got 6 points with refs helps hahaha look who's talking about refs helping, but each to their own, they can say what they like, one wrote a comment about my wife and edited his comment in 2 mins, that's the type of people they are, Anyway I have given them enough attention so I wont bother anymore, if the aektzi wants to ask anything he can send me a pm here happy to answer whatever questions he says he has......
  16. ^^ I don't think you are the only team standing up against them.......
  17. Sorry Amo that you went through that but we needed a good laugh for the day and to also help their page get a little busier :) They went from 155 to 160 in a day that must be a record for them over there hahahahaha Anyway after all is said and done one mention by me and they all lost their sh*t and went nuts with their posts... the other one is begging me to join their page as he has legitimate questions to ask me, but as I said its abit hard to join when they don't accept your request, if he wants to ask question make an account here if you haven't got one already and pm what you want to ask, happy to answer whatever question you may have..... And by the way boys F*** it sucks that the refs have gifted us 6 points this season, it makes me very mad hahahahaha that one is the best call of all.....
  18. Some people just don't get sarcasm or tongue in cheek when things are said on this forum they are still stuck on those words lol Let them talk Che they are happy they opened a forum for themselves and think its a big thing, go open a club then talk, cyber bullies :) Che atleast we got their page a little busier today hahahahahahahaha
  19. I find what he says hilarious, he is still stuck on us getting 6 apparent points with the help of refs hahahaha shame we were winning when those 2 players got sent off and now he is trying to say that it wasn't a penalty BUT I guarantee you if it was an Oly player it would've been a penalty 100% but cause its AEK we got help from the refs.... I have seen what they say and majority have no clue on football. I am sure there are a couple of trolls in here under certain names trying to stir the pot, its not half obvious who they are...... By the way Che I think you pinched a nerve on him he aint happy........ They are worried I said "send them to gas chambers" but they condone people wishing cancer on others and their kids, great bunch over there......
  20. Che only did it for a reason to clear something up with one of them after they ASKED ME to, so thought it was the right to do so we could clear the air as I have no issues with him. As for the rest of them I wont even bother...... But you hit the nail on the head with your post!! LOL one of them is trying to make me mad apparently by saying the refs helped us vs Giannina, hmmm weren't we already winning 2-1 by then? Shows how much you know or should I say how little you know :) Claiming the penalty on the weekend wasn't a penalty then just shows you are CLUELESS when it comes to football :) He's got me soooo mad that I cant wipe the smile from my face :) :) :) :)
  21. Lol didn't even take 24 hours Amo :) Now they are asking for me to join their site, well iv tried 2 times but someone wont accept it.....
  22. Lets see what new excuses are given this time.........
  23. MAT are dogs they did the same things to AEK fans..... Giourkas I love the saying "they were scared to play us and took the 0-3 forfeit) hahahahahahaha F***en clueless bunch the lot of them The more things that come to light just shows how corrupt things really are and as I said yesterday its not only owners, its people in govt (Kontonis) and also people in the police...... BUT that's normal for Oly fans if this was Meli doing all this then they would be losing their sh*t....
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