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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. 400kg of kreas right there in that pic Accor
  2. Oly aren't match fit hahahahahaha that's the best call of them all........
  3. Budgets weren't mentioned when you beat them in London yet now lets throw the budget excuse in, what a xeftila just say you weren't good enough and you choked your best ever chance of going through.
  4. You reckon he's saying "let us through or I will tell my son" hahahahahahahahahahahaha #prayforpireaus #thechokeisreal #arsenaldidthistoyou
  5. Wow what great input you bring to this convo.......
  6. I don't see it happening, if we make Europe next year though surely he would have to open up the books and spend a little....
  7. I don't see it happening jvc, we will be lucky if he spends 500K in January, though if he did which I personally doubt it would send a clear msg to all. I just hope what he is seeing from the team and Poyet now that may make him spend a little but again I doubt that will happen as he is holding out on the ground which tomorrow should be one of the last things we require to be signed off on and then hopefully March we can get that started also.....
  8. I don't think PAO was the real deal it was more they went on a great run and were getting results each game and also beat the champs, even though they got docked the points.... I do agree though 2nd place doesn't mean much at all especially with this m*****a playoff system that's in place, but for AEK this season only, 2nd place is a great achievement for a teams that's just come back to the SL..... If we did make CL then that would be huge but personally I am happy with a Europa spot for next season....
  9. You play to what's infront of you jvc, AEK isn't to blame for the league being the way it is they can only get on with their job and get the results they require.... As for finishing 2nd by default sorry I don't agree AEK should not be finishing 2nd this season considering we just came back to SL, but we have the squad that can finish 2nd, that's the difference and it has nothing to do with PAO or PAOK being terrible/weak, AEK has a plan where as others teams don't seem to have that currently and that's why AEK is where they are.
  10. Well it ain't no surprise who that PAE President is, lets see if the Greek courts and prosecutors have what it takes to do the right thing and not just sentence the fall guys.....
  11. jvc people don't watch the SL because of the way its become it has nothing to do with where AEK was playing even if PAO did drop there would be no difference, people don't want this league why would they watch it for when they know what will happen each season? As for the standard yes it has dropped and needs massive change.... As for my team maybe your team is playing wanabe soccer and B Division football but I don't agree on that for AEKs part, we have built a decent squad and have played good football along the way and for a first season back where we currently are sitting is something you and most probably everyone else didn't expect us to be. If AEK keeps the core of these players and adds some quality in the next 12 months this team can achieve good things I believe.....
  12. jvc people don't watch the SL because of the way its become it has nothing to do with where AEK was playing even if PAO did drop there would be no difference, people don't want this league why would they watch it for when they know what will happen each season? As for the standard yes it has dropped and needs massive change.... As for my team maybe your team is playing wanabe soccer and B Division football but I don't agree on that for AEKs part, we have built a decent squad and have played good football along the way and for a first season back where we currently are sitting is something you and most probably everyone else didn't expect us to be. If AEK keeps the core of these players and adds some quality in the next 12 months this team can achieve good things I believe.....
  13. The tv revenues wasn't because AEK dropped jvc they had said that year they were re-negotiating the deal from memory.... As for what we are ranked in Europe atm it doesn't bother me, what bothers me is AEK growing in Greece and seeing the club do well as its being run better than ever, the rest will come in time, I don't expect AEK to go into Europe right away and kill it because it wont happen, look at Juve it took them a good 5 years to grow and look at them now. I hope PAO doesn't drop and deep down I don't see them dropping but with Ala there the joker he is capable of anything as he isn't the smartest person when it comes to football.... Tzatziki AEK owed MANY players also champ
  14. Meli WILL NOT spend anywhere near $10 mill that's for sure, we will be lucky if he spends $2 mill, we need a striker 100% a winger and a defender, if we get quality in those positions I am confident of top 2, if not then we will have to do the job and MUST win the derbies, but currently our team has a new fresh aura about them with Poyet there so just hope it continues..... As for PAO I heard the debts are closer to $30-$35 million, is this not correct? How much has Ala dropped into PAO since he took over because when he did take over the debts were closer to $40 mill.... As for 3rd division, the amount of fans you have makes no difference for the team to fall to 3rd division, the league wont be better or worse with PAO in 3rd division, nothing changed when AEK dropped so I wouldn't expect anything to change is PAO dropped.....
  15. I think Pateras taking over is the best thing to happen because from what I see Ala is more likely to send PAO to 3rd division the way he is going Any chance of Giannakopoulos taking over?
  16. I don't think much will change from the line up over the weekend, this is a big game for us and a chance to open up a lead from the rest with Pao playing Asteras... I would start Diego, you can see he is enjoying his football now and he can only get better for us. Lets hope Djebbour keeps firing for us, seems he has won over the fans with his last 2 matches which is another good thing and can lift his confidence also but also lift the team now since we lacked up front at times
  17. Another clear penalty given to Oly over the weekend :)
  18. Come on guys why do you all sound surprised, that's what they do best the xeftiles and the fans just keep quiet.....
  19. Great win today and good to see Djebbour score for us and it was a bullet header.... Didn't watch the match just saw highlights and the team now is playing with different spirit and more belief, makes a huge difference when you have a coach like Poyet there... As for CL we have many hurdles to cross before we qualify, for the moment where AEK is sitting is great, whether we get to CL which would be huge first season back or Europe I am still happy.... We also got a few shady calls against us and a penalty not given on Djebbour which was a clear penalty, but probably best we didn't get it so others don't rave on about the refs helping us and not been given free points by them, even though we were up 2-0 by the time the incident took place..... Huge game next week
  20. And the papares wana talk about AEK getting the help of refs hahahahahahaha but I guess to them it was a clear pen, xeftiles eh re xeftiles
  21. Original I agree after all if reports are true Berba was offered to us and they didn't go for him either, imagine we had Berba upfront now..... Reaper I think he would be good for a season, maybe 2 max with his age and sewing up 2nd spot is or should I say MUST be our priority as we all know Oly wont be caught with the lead they currently have....
  22. Big name, a good striker with a proven scoring record, I agree Che do you want him or youth to build? Personally if you want instant success you need him in your squad, surely they can afford another youngster on the books....
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