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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Seems to be doing well this season Sheriff
  2. The "wedidthistoyou" crew are complaining we get penalties haha I guess all the penalties over the years they have got were all 100% legit.... Run along and continue your 155 pages of rubbish and personal attacks on people and their families on a football forum,lowest of the low you are.....
  3. He is one m#$%! does he even believe the sh*t he says? Bigger team when they're sitting last without a win hahahaha
  4. Many owners said at season start they would boycott the league but it was all bark no bite, they wont do it. If they were serious they would've done it when they said it... As for cancelling the season that wont happen either EPO would not do that..... Justice needs to be served but as i said above until the courts and prosecutors grow some balls that day wont come either.
  5. If all honesty he gets that chance at OAKA or on a decent pitch he would score, that ground was terrible today but you get this when you go to small teams like this one.. Their coach killed it though he came out and said his team were a bigger team than AEK, his team who hasn't won a game yet this season, ti m#$%!s ine, but wouldn't expect less as he is a bitch of Marinakis
  6. I don't think what he said is bad to be honest, just shows his confidence since he hasn't played all season.... I saw Diego's one on one that field was terrible the ball bobbled up on him and it did the same a couple times to Baroxa is goals, but I must say if that was an Oly player in Diego's shoes it would've been a penalty and a red to the defender LOL :)
  7. jvc nothing is going to happen, well not right away it wont, until the prosecutors and courts show some balls and actually start making example of people then nothing will change BUT the problem is they are too scared to do anything because if 1 guy falls then many will follow and I am certain big names will be mentioned, not only fat boy but people in govt and in the police...... They cant even jail people who have ruined Greece how or what makes us think they will jail people who have destroyed Greek Football? As for the sinking that started a while back and its getting worse for certain teams, but one thing I wont and cant do is turn my back on AEK and not watch them play..... These guys can have their corrupt league it wont stop me loving or watching AEK.....
  8. I don't get him, he comes out and says he is resigning and he doesn't.... In a way even though he is a clown of an owner i think its good he is staying because who knows where PAO will end up if he walks since there is no interest for a new owner
  9. I think Platini is bringing himself down at the moment anyway......
  10. Pana don't let trolls bother you that's all they are and rubbish is all they talk. I see other trolls make personal comments at people about their families, that's how sad and low some people get. You are on a football forum and you wana talk about people's families. Laugh at them its the best thing you can do, biting back just gives them satisfaction.
  11. Don't know why they didn't make a play for him earlier Che he would have been a perfect option for us upfront instead of paying overs for Djebbour
  12. Boys relax the boys had 2 weeks off due to International matches, give Poyet time he cant get everything right in 3 weeks. I agree with Dikefale, would you rather play beautiful football and lose? It says a lot when a team plays bad yet still get the 3 points. We are still a good 3-4 players short of a strong squad and I am sure he will bring a few players in, so patience is what we need boys.....
  13. I would take Vellios in a heart beat the guys scoring for fun at a below par team, imagine he was in our team getting the service form our midfield....
  14. A 5-3-2 becomes a 3-5-2 in attack its a very rotable system to play, it can also become a 4-4-2 if the DM sits deeper so it has its positives. I just don't know why they don't try a 4-4-2 diamond formation, that gives variety also but these days the one striker is what many coaches prefer to use, but if you play 2 strikers teams are already on the back foot as they expect teams to play with 1 striker....
  15. I wouldn't say they didn't have quality CB as De Vrij and Vlaar did a very good job for them at the WC.
  16. I wouldn't say they didn't have quality CB as De Vrij and Vlaar did a very good job for them at the WC.
  17. OFI-mtl I have always been a fan of the 3-5-2 but these days it is a very hard formation to get working, you need 3 quality CB which we have, you need 2 wing backs who will run all day, currently we don't have this and you need a creative #10 which we also have and 2 deadly strikers, which we don't have either, so since we don't have all the needs to play this formation I think we will struggle in certain areas, but Skibbe deserves a chance like the rest who have coached the NT so we shall see how he goes about it. From memory the last NT to dominate with the 3-5-2 was Holland in Brazil and still I wouldn't call that dominating, Italy was very good with the 3-5-2....
  18. Does anyone know what the situation with Brecevic is?
  19. hahahahahahahahahahaha ChiPao call of the day!!!!
  20. I was reading that article about him Dikefale and wondered the same thing, ok he is getting on but until we find a decent striker he could help us out surely
  21. OFI-mtl personally iv seen Samaras at a few euros and world cups and I would curse him as times because he can be lazy and hold the ball for too long or not get involved as much as you'd want him to BUT when needed he steps up for us and he has done that many times so I believe we missed him big time in this campaign.
  22. The formations the NT has been using lately are terrible because many times we get caught out with balls in behind the defence, go back to a natural 4 defenders and change the middle and front line, we cant afford to have teams get behind us all the time and the teams we have played aren't exactly big teams, we play these kind of formations against a Germany, Spain or England they will slaughter us with pace on the counter. Build your foundation from the back after all in Euro 2004 it was our organised defence that got us the title and yes we may not have the talents of Dellas, Fyssas Seitaridis and Kasapis but the players we have at the back currently are more than capable of doing the same job as those guys did.
  23. Oh I forgot to add F*** TSIPRAS the dirty dog, seeing him all smiles at the game makes me worried on what he was actually doing there, the only thing I give him credit for is when he walked right past Girtzikis and didn't even acknowledge him.
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