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Petition for Papadopoulos to stay


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poly kali skepsi file..... tha prospathiso na to metafero se osous panathinaikous gnorizo!

auta ola tha pane omos stin PAE?

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The problem however is the PAO fans themselves. Not the intelligent ones, but the ones who make excuses for Tzigger. If we take this forum as a cross section of PAO fans, atleast 33% still are tzigger appologists. They attempt to defend tsigger as not tight and unlucky or bad judgement or management ect ect. Once this number of appologists goes to zero like it has finally done with PAOK fans with their boss, you can start to change your club. As long as the appologists are there your club will slip further behind Olympiakos and maybe even AEK. What amazes me is before tzigger, PAO were within touching distance of OSFP, now OSFP are easily ahead and PAO every day is deminishing in stature and respect.

Kinda make sense... Take George Bush for example, the majority of people dis-like him or dis-like his leadership however he remains in power because there are a minority that support him and kiss his ass (45%) which if u think about it; isnt really enough however its enough for him to do what he does and he will keep on doing this untill 100% of the people r against him... this concept applys to pao as well; as long as u have people defend this management then they will keep on doing what they do :tdown:

i belive the following 3 points are enough justification for Pao supporters to call for Managements heads:

1) Pao has only won 1 title in the last 10 years!!! this is a team that is ment to b gunning for the title every year and should have atleast won 40% of them... Now people might defend them and say for a season or two we were unlucky coz of a post or two but to me that doesnt cut it for the past 10 years!! Lets say there right about the un-luckyness (which to me isnt an excuse coz everyone in the world would have a case to answer for) then what about the 7 years; whats the excuse there??? i just find it really weak when people start using unluckyness as an excuse to justify poor management and lack of success for the past 10+ years...

2) Managements constant valuation of its Greek players/star players... they seem to always let them go because they ask for a raise... examples here are Lybe, Pap, Kolkka, Nipoloidis, Konstantinou ect.... and replace them with cheap solutions such as Wooter, Flavio, Maric, Zutaz, Debah just to name a few....

3) Constant firing of coaches... Now i know alot of Greek/Pao fans r very impatient and call for most of the coaches heads at the end of the season when Pao dont succed However this wouldnt be the case if Management hired a proper coach's, keepts its core players and replaced players who were struggling in positions such as RW, CB ect... instead of replacing core players with cheapies and signing players that we dont need in positions and ignore our weakness... The failure of the previous two points lead to the third and contribute to this problem..

these three points are enough to say that this Management sucks!! i just cant understand for the life of me how people can sit there and argue and defend this management yet ignore these 3 points at the same time :blink:

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Kinda make sense... Take George Bush for example, the majority of people dis-like him or dis-like his leadership however he remains in power because there are a minority that support him and kiss his ass (45%) which if u think about it; isnt really enough however its enough for him to do what he does and he will keep on doing this untill 100% of the people r against him... this concept applys to pao as well; as long as u have people defend this management then they will keep on doing what they do  :tdown:

i belive the following 3 points are enough justification for Pao supporters to call for Managements heads:

1) Pao has only won 1 title in the last 10 years!!! this is a team that is ment to b gunning for the title every year and should have atleast won 40% of them... Now people might defend them and say for a season or two we were unlucky coz of a post or two but to me that doesnt cut it for the past 10 years!! Lets say there right about the un-luckyness (which to me isnt an excuse coz everyone in the world would have a case to answer for) then what about the 7 years; whats the excuse there??? i just find it really weak when people start using unluckyness as an excuse to justify poor management and lack of success for the past 10+ years...

2) Managements constant valuation of its Greek players/star players... they seem to always let them go because they ask for a raise... examples here are Lybe, Pap, Kolkka, Nipoloidis, Konstantinou ect.... and replace them with cheap solutions such as Wooter, Flavio, Maric, Zutaz, Debah just to name a few....

3) Constant firing of coaches... Now i know alot of Greek/Pao fans r very impatient and call for most of the coaches heads at the end of the season when Pao dont succed However this wouldnt be the case if Management hired a proper coach's, keepts its core players and replaced players who were struggling in positions such as RW, CB ect... instead of replacing core players with cheapies and signing players that we dont need in positions and ignore our weakness... The failure of the previous two points lead to the third and contribute to this problem..

these three points are enough to say that this Management sucks!! i just cant understand for the life of me how people can sit there and argue and defend this management yet ignore these 3 points at the same time  :blink:

people who take an objective viewpoint and make their own decisions are PAO's problem essentially what you tell us... :tdown: like what people post in a diasporic online forum means a damn to PAE.... :LOL:

as for W Bush - The only thing you would know about GWB is "Iraq Iraq America bad" if you live outside of the USA. Its sad and true. People defend what he does for some actual good reasons. I used to be a fanatic anti Bush myself but when I listened to the other side they actually have a point time to time!!! Bush was elected democratically like it or not. And to be honest most of the people who voted against were pretty stupid and just said war, gay marriage and abortion as the reasons...not that most people who voted for Bush were any smarter...Or the president himself :P At this point I dont care hell be gone soon..at least the US is out of its recession, and the country is safe.

i will just quickly respond to #3

Ur right it is their fault. But are you considereing how every time the team plays bad the media fans boycott, boo the team and curse out the coach and the management demanding for the coach to change now the coach changes and people complain about changing coaches----how the hell are you supposed to win in this situation. I think the situation has changed though, Malesani a couple years ago would have been axed way earlier in the season....even you can admit this is lose lose situation

as for hiring a proper coach theres no way to forecast how a coach can do ..... i honestly think Mourinho would be booed and fired if he came to PAO. Any coach can and sometimes does fail...I mean some would say Markarian was a bad idea before he came- the guy did GREAT with us and he wasnt as qualified as Alberto so it shows you anything can happen...Markarian went to Iraklis and he gets fired midyear! It shows you can do well at a high level and still fail at a lower level... Coaching is a touchy thing in terms of sucess there is no consistence...

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the thing is here drakos ur only showing one side of things when u talk about coaches such as Markarian who was one of the better ones... what about scansy?? before he was given the job at Pao he was a scout 4 us and b4 that had limited experience with ofi as a coach which he failed there as well... so why would management choose a person like him in such a important position when clearly he is under qualified and failed at a much lower club?? is that good management?? theres way more exaples like scansy in the last 10 years who have not only failed to win anything but b4 they get hired there were warning signals allover them (under qualified, failed in previous clubs ect...)... Even when you use Markarian as ur example and try and make it look like we get coaches like him and his caliber year in year out he wasnt all that happy when he was there; if i remember correctly he wasnt given the freedem to buy who he wanted most of the time... King V (or Zaech) was the one that bough 75% of the players and let the coaches buy the other 25% and then when Pao do fail you kinda wonder why?? when was the last time we have seen a coach at Pao have 100% controll over the squad??? that means having the freedom to buy who you want within reason, means u can drop who ever isnt performing and not jst keep him there because of his name and worrying weather King V will say anything; having the freedom to speak out if u dont like things without getting fired the next day... i think thoes are the reasons why a coach like Mourinho if he came to Greece would struggle (we cant assume he will fail or succed) to do anything with Pao because of the constant niggling (interfering) King V and his puppets will b doing while his trying to do his job... Thats why when coaches go to england they basically have 100% controll over the squad then u can hold a coach 100% acountable for what happens in the season not like in Greece where King V decides to get rid of our core players like (pap, Lybe, Kolkka) for no reason besides being tight and then replacing them with cheapies like Dembah for pap, Wooter for Kolkka, zuta for Basinas ect...

Dont get me wrong the coach is atleast 50% at fault when the team doesnt succed however because of management handling of affairs such as core players and there constant interferience then Management must be able to wear some of the blame... espeically when Management hire idiots like Scansy who have no qualification or past success with other clubs espeically when the other clubs have been of less caliber like OFI!!

Even hiring m#$%!zani was bad on managements behalf i mean sure u can say he won Eufa cup with Parma when he had a star fleeted squad but what happened then?? apprently he was at another 2 italian clubs back in italy and he got atleast on of them relegated!! and the other one was close to it or they got relegated as well... The point is m#$%!zani wasnt all that as management were saying?? and then it came painfuly obvouse half way through the season that he was indeed a m#$%!... (dont wanna get into this argument again coz according to you he did an awsome job lol)

point is Management have alot of bearings when it comes to the whole coaches argument... sure fans r responsible for calling the heads of the coaches who arnt successfull however management are the ones who hire these idiots; who Half are completly under-qualified and the others havent got 100% controll of the team and its affairs which could just b the trick from winning it to losing it....

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Kinda make sense... Take George Bush for example, the majority of people dis-like him or dis-like his leadership however he remains in power because there are a minority that support him and kiss his ass (45%) which if u think about it; isnt really enough however its enough for him to do what he does and he will keep on doing this untill 100% of the people r against him... this concept applys to pao as well; as long as u have people defend this management then they will keep on doing what they do

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:LOL: :LOL: what a typical american.... who gives a ###### what the US have done to other countries.... as long as where safe who cares.... lol :LOL:

yep, cuz thats exactly what i said. Good job reading who is the redneck? do you even know what that is? or you do because are you an expert on american life and culture because you watch hollywood movies, tv, and buy and use american products detesting american capitalism because ive see plenty of those!

You wouldnt know anything about america, or politics, or war or economics. I stated a fact out of optimism and you respond with bullshit misquotations. (I DIDNT SAY WHAT YOU SAID I DID)

And you make great arguements:

"Anybody with half a brain knows this!!!!" Wow, youve convinced me. You should be a lawyer.


I agree lets leave Bush and any other political thing out of this thread.


about Skazny i thought you would bring it up......I agree he was a cheap, crap solution and an awful decision. Who knows what they saw in him or if they were just lazy or cheap.

As for Malesani just because he failed with the last serie a team (serie a is a tough league and the team he had for 1 season and they were pretty bad) doesnt mean hes not qualifyed by any means....he had great records in bringing up teams like Chievo Youth (that generation made it not only to serie a but had an incredible run and are still there today) Hellas Verona and Parma...Saying he was no way qualifyed is incredibly unfair. To make and raise a new team, bringing in a serie A coach was a great idea especially one thats good in raising up teams for the new team. The coach profile met the plan. Then thats a good decision. He didnt do so well, he had a tough season. It doesnt make him an incompetent coach. Players still defend him and speak highly of him. There are reasons for this. Im glad hes not staying because the pressure would just increase, and Bakke is confident and no-bullshit type personality. Every coach at that level is going to have its failures. The ones that dont have any at all would not be at PAO.

what if when we hire a good coach well reputed etc etc and the team fails again? Its VERY possible. Im positive if you brought mourinho here he wouldnt make it till xmas. There is no way you have a set skill level and success in one place means the same sucess should happen in another and even lower one. Thats just not how it works, there is a very limited influence on what nonplaying staff can do.

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see all these coaches, players, scouts, front line management, middle management ect... can be best described by this quote "the apple doesnt fall far from the tree"

which basically indicates that coaches of scansy caliber and players of wooters caliber are similar to the way management has handle Pao's affairs in the past 10 years and what there expectations are and unfortunatly will continue to be unless they change there wicked ways...

or this saying "your only as good as what you put out" which means if he continues to be cheap and let players of Pap's caliber go yet keep players of ebede's caliber in the team then u wonder why Pao dont succeed very often....

just had to say that as a final statement...

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as we talk of coaches and calibre...not that i disagree at all about Skazny he had no business at PAO.... but here is an intersting and true quote about fans and coaches relevant

"The profession of football manager must be unique in that nearly everyone, even the utterly unqualified, believes they are justified in questioning the wisdom of those in the hotseat."

-fifaworldcup.com article....

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