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It was ok when you opened up the topic about olympiakos 0% CL and 5% UEFA :whistle:

As they say what goes around comes around..i say PAO has 0% chance for CL and 5.1% chance in UEFA :LOL: :LOL:

By the way the porno today was great :LOL: :P :LOL: :LOL:


look who started this topic


and he tells us to stay awa from the PAO forums

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My final word on this topic....

Let me explain something to all you Malesani haters… Firstly you cannot blame him for the loss today if anything you must blame the players them selves, why you ask??

First off all they should have held out, any real team would have held out the 1-0 lead, but to let in not only one goal but a second goal in the space of 2 minutes with 10 minutes to go is just plane ridicules & disgraceful not to mention dishonorable to the Pao jersey. Some people might blame the Italian for taking out a Striker (who by the way wasn’t doing much) for a defensive midfielder (who by the way almost scored with instant success when coming on to the field) to hold up and control the game However how can you blame the coach for the players letting in 2 goals!!! How was Malesani supposed to predict that his defenders will have a collapse in concentration towards the end and let in 2 goals in succession??? The answer is HE DIDN’T NO COACH WOULD HAVE KNOWN!!! …

Now I bet u my life if scenario was that he had keep on pap and the attacking style pao was playing, the players them selves would dropped off due to fatigue which COULD/COULD NOT have lead to the goals. However let’s just say it also would have let in the goals for argument sake, and then I bet you my life the people who r blaming Malesani now will also have blamed Malesani for this scenario saying why didn’t he defend the lead bla bla bla….

Another reason why we should also blame the players them selves for this loss is because 11 Boys/Kotes (not men, coz men win games) not only let in two goals in the space of 2 minutes with 10 minutes to go in the game but also couldn’t put them away in the first half!!! What was it 17 shots on goal to Udinese’s 3??? COMMON what kind of team is this when they dominate the whole first half and only have 1 goal to show for it?? See how many fouls Udinese did?? They were struggling to keep up with paos pace and domination yet the kotes couldn’t fire past the keeper at least a second time. Out of the 17 shots on goal 7 were on target which makes it 1/7 = 14.28% succession rate. Yet Udinese had 2 goals from a possible 4 on target which makes it 50%!!! Another reason to blame the players…. Also I wont buy the excuse of it was raining and the field was crap because even though that might be true, Udinese still scored at a 50% rate of success…

In conclusion I blame 100% of the blame on the players them selves because

A) They couldn’t hold out for another 10 more minutes and not only they couldn’t hold out but to let in 2 goals in 2 minutes is just pitiful. No one else is to blame except the defensive line and Kota-sios

B) A real team should have a higher success rate in putting away goals when they get unlimited amounts of opportunity. If they put away a second goal I guarantee you Udinese would have gone all out in the second half causing them to cop another on the counter…

Wake up people, if Malesani gets the sack do you honestly think were gonna get someone better? Will probably end up with another scansy… Pao have a plan and that is to build a team for the future and good things take time… stop looking for the quick fix because that’s what weve done for the last 10 years and it has brought us peanuts = 1 League title, 1 Cup and a couple of decent runs in Europe… NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!

Sure pao have problems but like I said things take time, I honestly believe we need another 2 quality defenders and proper wingers…

Come on Hollywood...

No team can consistently play with the same tempo and passion for the whole 90 mins.

The conditions were horrible and the players get tired.

So this is the time a coach has to show his class and know-how and make the correct moves. The right substitutions in the right places.

Once Malesani took out Papadopoulos, Udinese saw what PAO was doing and made the subs in the middle.

Malesani was outcoached. Nothing else. He did not make the right moves and the team lost.

Finished....Melasani does not know what team he is coaching.

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It was ok when you opened up the topic about olympiakos 0% CL and 5% UEFA :whistle:

As they say what goes around comes around..i say PAO has 0% chance for CL and 5.1% chance in UEFA :LOL:  :LOL:

By the way the porno today was great :LOL:  :P  :LOL:  :LOL:


look who started this topic


and he tells us to stay awa from the PAO forums

Bar7 aka The Vazelo firestarter :LOL: ;)
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that c******ker wasnt supposed to play...........and malezani called their bluff assuming he was goin to play..........plain and simple they got lucky , its really too bad, malezani had a good team in their and should have the win .............if this happens to oly tomorrow too, i will begin a discussion on the conspiracy of the world ###### us in the closing minutes every other game...seriiously it is ridiculous

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Since many Oly guys seem to have been interested in this game,

Good luck to Oly tomorrow...Notice that if you lose you are enlarging your record of winless away games and target another record: to join the club of the teams with 0 points in the CL.

Do not forget you already have another record: we all know in which game it happened...

When you are heading to the glory of European football, targeting two CL records at a single game, why do you bother paying attention this miserable team that only has been once in the final, twice in the semifinal, and a couple of more times in the quarterfinal? You have achieved so much more that you have the right to mock us...

I don't want you to lose... but you are writting like you forget what you are talking about...

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My final word on this topic....

Let me explain something to all you Malesani haters… Firstly you cannot blame him for the loss today if anything you must blame the players them selves, why you ask??

First off all they should have held out, any real team would have held out the 1-0 lead, but to let in not only one goal but a second goal in the space of 2 minutes with 10 minutes to go is just plane ridicules & disgraceful not to mention dishonorable to the Pao jersey.  Some people might blame the Italian for taking out a Striker (who by the way wasn’t doing much) for a defensive midfielder (who by the way almost scored with instant success when coming on to the field) to hold up and control the game However how can you blame the coach for the players letting in 2 goals!!! How was Malesani supposed to predict that his defenders will have a collapse in concentration towards the end and let in 2 goals in succession??? The answer is HE DIDN’T NO COACH WOULD HAVE KNOWN!!! …

Now I bet u my life if scenario was that he had keep on pap and the attacking style pao was playing, the players them selves would dropped off due to fatigue which COULD/COULD NOT have lead to the goals. However let’s just say it also would have let in the goals for argument sake, and then I bet you my life the people who r blaming Malesani now will also have blamed Malesani for this scenario saying why didn’t he defend the lead bla bla bla….

Another reason why we should also blame the players them selves for this loss is because 11 Boys/Kotes (not men, coz men win games) not only let in two goals in the space of 2 minutes with 10 minutes to go in the game but also couldn’t put them away in the first half!!! What was it 17 shots on goal to Udinese’s 3???  COMMON what kind of team is this when they dominate the whole first half and only have 1 goal to show for it?? See how many fouls Udinese did?? They were struggling to keep up with paos pace and domination yet the kotes couldn’t fire past the keeper at least a second time. Out of the 17 shots on goal 7 were on target which makes it 1/7 = 14.28% succession rate. Yet Udinese had 2 goals from a possible 4 on target which makes it 50%!!! Another reason to blame the players…. Also I wont buy the excuse of it was raining and the field was crap because even though that might be true, Udinese still scored at a 50% rate of success…

In conclusion I blame 100% of the blame on the players them selves because

A) They couldn’t hold out for another 10 more minutes and not only they couldn’t hold out but to let in 2 goals in 2 minutes is just pitiful. No one else is to blame except the defensive line and Kota-sios

B) A real team should have a higher success rate in putting away goals when they get unlimited amounts of opportunity. If they put away a second goal I guarantee you Udinese would have gone all out in the second half causing them to cop another on the counter… 

Wake up people, if Malesani gets the sack do you honestly think were gonna get someone better? Will probably end up with another scansy… Pao have a plan and that is to build a team for the future and good things take time… stop looking for the quick fix because that’s what weve done for the last 10 years and it has brought us peanuts = 1 League title, 1 Cup and a couple of decent runs in Europe… NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!

Sure pao have problems but like I said things take time, I honestly believe we need another 2 quality defenders and proper wingers…

Come on Hollywood...

No team can consistently play with the same tempo and passion for the whole 90 mins.

The conditions were horrible and the players get tired.

So this is the time a coach has to show his class and know-how and make the correct moves. The right substitutions in the right places.

Once Malesani took out Papadopoulos, Udinese saw what PAO was doing and made the subs in the middle.

Malesani was outcoached. Nothing else. He did not make the right moves and the team lost.

Finished....Melasani does not know what team he is coaching.

Very well said ORIGINALAEKARA.


O Panathinaikos pigenei me aftomato piloto..... APO OLES THS PLEVRES!!!!!

opios me katalave ..... me katalave...... :angry:

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What kind of players would let in two goals in two minutes with 10 mintues from time in there own backyard :angry:

i also suppose the loss to Sevilla would be the coaches faul, i mean we copped 2 goals in the last 15 minutes of the game.....

all greek teams r KOTES :tdown:

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Guest Protathlitis7

we sure are

gone are the days when neither of us would ever lose at home barely. Before this year osfp had lost at home a total of THREE times

btw, crowd was 35,000

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hahaha man... so u understand where im comming from.....

UP UNTIL HE MADE THE CHANGE... the team was playing VERY WELL.....

With the change he made.... HE WANTED TO KEEP THE 1-0 score until the end.....


What is that saying to your players??? It is saying... SIT AND DEFEND THE LEAD!!!!

For me.... ok even if he wanted to sub off Pap... u put on another striker.... Torgelle or Manoli.... KILL THE GAME ... score another goal.... THEN U SIT AND DEFEND... becoz u have a buffer.....

U cant blame the players.... they where put in that situation with only 1 striker up front.... Manzios had 3 defenders on him.... wtf is he ment to do??? give the ball to WHO??? he is by himself!!! Ok ill put myself in his shoes... on comes andric... to help the kendro.... hang on... WHAT KENDRO.... flavio who can even make a simple pass??? who loses the ball more often than not??? HE CAN ONLY PASS THE BALL WITHIN 2 to 3 METRES successfully..... he has shown NOTHING!!! If u have a DECENT midfield... then maybe what he did can work...(thought i still dont agree with it.)

Scorelines can be turned around in football.... thats the beauty of the sport.... it can happen to ANY team... but....

When u bring it upon urself... thats a different story... and last night... thats what happened... Most of the blame for last nights result goes to the coach.... in my eyes... end of story!!!!

Pll may say he did the exact same thing against Bremen.... they are 2 completely different games.... different conditions.... in no-way can u compair the 2!!!!!!

More often that not.... if u use these tactics.... SIT AND DEFEND... let the team come at u non-stop.... u will lose.... any defence can only take sooooo much pressure.... and with the defence that we have.... its alot less......!!!!!!!!!!!

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this was 3 minutes and one failed clearance sent us in a world of s%$#!. Its not the coaches fault- he cant account for a goal like the 2nd one, and the first one was pathetic clearance....at least when were out of europe we can be realistic about the league.

dont blame Malesani thats ridiculous. He cant account for Andric's stupidity in this clearance......watch this its awful- he had space and time to clear it- when its in the area packed with players you kick it HIGH AND WIDE---- OUT........NOT LOW AND ACROSS THE GOAL. Then in the confusion/shock we suffer an incredible shot. and lose. Thats how the sport is, a game can change from the tiniest mistake.

And had this clearance gone correctly we would have likely kept it at 1-0 and Malesani would be hailed by press for his "italian defense" and other show their over obssesiveness with foreign footballing etc etc....

and have a look at this sorry excuse for a clearance:


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What a disgrace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melizana lost the game as a result of poor coaching decisions particularly involving substitutions. While playing in the Greek league means that tactical decisions come rarely into play due to the disparity between the top teams and the rest, Melizana and Soiled Pants are expats who should not understand the difference between CL and the Greek league.

Pap was worthless as usual. I have yet to see him do anything anywhere except in the lowly Greek league. Conceisao did nothing, Goumas and Tsiolis again cost the team goals. What a pitiful lack of concentration !!!!!!!

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Se pia thesi re Grace? Me ti niki tou Thrylo stin Norviegia aupio benoume sto keinoigei gia tpith sto omilo kai se thesi gia eisotho sto Kypello Uefa. Stin ithia thesi opos eseis re Grace. Ti v lakies les twra.

Den anaferthika gia tin apopsi sou sto Male..Apopsi sou einai kai einai sebasti...

Omws den dexomai na eirwneyesai tin omada mou stin Eyrwpi pou exei kanei perissotera eksw,se sxesi me oles tis alles ellinikes omades....

Kai den eimaste stin idia thesi giati exw 4 bathmous kai me mia isopalia eksw paw UEFA,enw eseis prepei na spasete oles tis"katares"pou sas dernoun kai na kanete to rimadi to diplo kai meta na nikisete i na ferete isopalia me ti Real mesa,kati pou to exete ksanakanei,alla den nomizw na erthei adiafori i Real fetos....Isa isa pou san omada thelei na apodeiksei polla..

Kai ola ayta prepei na ta kanete,prwtistws,gia na mi teleiwsete tin epitiximeni poreia sas fetos me 0 bathmous sto CL...

^^^^Poios Tsiolis?? :blink: :LOL: :LOL:

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^^^ Sumfwnw, mallon allo agwna evlepe

Conceicao together with Matzios, Bides and Leontiou (I understand you mean Leontiou because Tziolis didn't play) were our best players yesterday

The only person i dont agree with u on is Conceicao... in the 2nd half he was NOWHERE when we needed a strong figure to hold the kendro!!!

For me... he is a waste of money.... :blink:

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Guys, I think you are a bit biased towards Conceicao. Yesterday he was good, passionate, did a lot of work in midfield and had only a few wrong passes. Second half he was playing alone in midfield no one was helping him and Gonzales didn't support him very well. And you also have to take into account the state of the pitch! It is very difficult for a technical player to keep the ball in such conditions.

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Gonzales didn't support him very wel

file i might be wrong but shouldnt be the other way round????shouldnt flavio doing the dirty work so that eki can be the free role attacking midfielder,,,,,,is it me or some of these players roles are meddled up at the moment

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^^^ We all know that Gonzales is better when he is given a free role behind the strikers, nevertheless you have to acknowledge that generally with Malesani as coach, Gonzales plays next to Conceicao. In particular in yesterday's game, up until Andric went in, Gonzales was not supposed to be an attacking midfielder and he should have done dirty work together with Flavio. In fact sometimes Equi was playing behind Flavio. Don't get me wrong, Gonzales was decent yesterday but he can be much much better.

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Folks, Flavio did not join PAO to gain experience but to use his to lead the others.

He may be playing better but he's no rookie where we have to wait for him to develop his game. With his pedigree, he should be contributing more to the overall game than he is.

Yesterday, Mantzios was the leader of the pack and yet he is one of the youngest on the team. The man will not be with PAO long as I'm sure he's making an impression on opposing teams. If PAO does not build a respectable defensive line and revamp its midfield, Mantzios's talents will be wasted and he will leave sooner rather than later. Leonidou played quite well.

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I'm very disappointed, though not surprised.... So, disappointed that I didn't even want to read the papers or even the all the postings here.

You can say we were unlucky, but I believe that luck favors the prepared one.... We don't have a team that can play consistently nor it can compete with the better teams in Europe. Why can't we accept this? Even if you're fantastically lulcky, luck get only get you a little bit ahead, not make you into a great team.

PAO doesn't have the mentality/psychology of a team of the past that could go to europe and make itself known/feared.

I'm not sure Meltzanas should get all the blame. And, I don't think there is a great coach that would come to Greece right now. Changing Melitzana just for the sake of change isn't good.

Finally, I think it'd be best for PAO to have one and only goal this year: the domestic league's title. No UEFA. We should try to win the protathlima and master how to play crappy teams in scrappy games first. Besides, with out teams not getting points in europe, even our champion may have to go through qualificaiton rounds to reach the CL...

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ego stiriza ton Malezani mexri kai exthes.... oi kiniseis tou omos ston agona me thimosan kai pleon katalava oti den kanei gia ton pao!

den ksero giati fovithike toso poly ton agona les kai pezame me kamia Barca i me kamia Real i me kamia Chelsea..... giati re Malezani vgazeis ton pap kai vazeis ton Andric???? giati den evales stin thesi tou pap ton Torquelle??? vgazeis epithetiko vazeis epithetiko agorina mou glykia...... Me tin udinese pezame to kerato mou...... pios o logos na gyrisoume piso???

paidia autes oi m@lakies mono ellada ginonte..... pantos oi paixtes den ftegane exthes katholou... den thelo na akouso tpt asxima sxolia gia ta palikaria mas pou ta edosan ola mesa stin vroxi... apla akolouthisan tis entoles tou coach pou itan lanthasmenes gia opisthoxorisi......

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