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Bagievic in PAO


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the thought of this makes my skin cringe.

vre oust apo dw!


I hope Malezani will stay.The players like him,Tzigger likes him and maybe a new coach isn't the right move for now.I just post it so you can express your opinion guys!! :) If Malesani leaves(knock on wood) Bagievic is an option...

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We have officially passed every limit. A pair of losses for the big two and we are talking about replacing them (Karageorgiou who already got the axe 3 games into the season !) How can these people work in such circumstances ? God only knows what Dusan went threw last season with our fanatics and not only, it must have seriously lowered his life expectancy by a few years.

This is one of the bigger factors as to why GR clubs perform the way they do. And the Greek media is a god damn circus, if only i was PM, the jail cells would be full.

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I've stated before that I think Bajevic would be a lousy idea since he's never done anything w/ any of the teams he's coached in European competition (quarter finals w/ the geys once in how many years)? He does what is pretty much expected domestically: AEK 1st or 2nd, Geys 1st or 2nd, PAOK 3rd or 4th, I mean, big deal. There were moments where he had his team playing very good soccer but a lot of coaches can do this and don't you think we deserve better? I'd love to see Markarian come back because we got results with him at home AND abroad but is that realistic? Wasn't he attacked by some fans? Best thing for us now is to stick w/ Malezani. We've played good games w/ him already and we were unlucky against the geys; I thought we out played them.

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I've stated before that I think Bajevic would be a lousy idea since he's never done anything w/ any of the teams he's coached in European competition (quarter finals w/ the geys once in how many years)? He does what is pretty much expected domestically: AEK 1st or 2nd, Geys 1st or 2nd, PAOK 3rd or 4th, I mean, big deal. There were moments where he had his team playing very good soccer but a lot of coaches can do this and don't you think we deserve better? I'd love to see Markarian come back because we got results with him at home AND abroad but is that realistic? Wasn't he attacked by some fans? Best thing for us now is to stick w/ Malezani. We've played good games w/ him already and we were unlucky against the geys; I thought we out played them.

I have to disagree with you.

Bajevic is underated. He is a good coach for Greece and this is the type of team that she should manage. The problem is everyone is that we're Greek and we want it our way or no-way. Sometimes we should all sit back and let things work themselves out.

In my opinion this is a good prospect for PAOK and it can't really get worse for this club... (Any change would be a good one for PAOK)

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no way.first off all is not fair to malezani,let the damn coaches finish what they start.second bajevic will never go to pao because of the fans and most of all because he doesn t want to coach in greece anymore.if you have been thru all this situations would you ever came back?no way

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I've stated before that I think Bajevic would be a lousy idea since he's never done anything w/ any of the teams he's coached in European competition (quarter finals w/ the geys once in how many years)? He does what is pretty much expected domestically: AEK 1st or 2nd, Geys 1st or 2nd, PAOK 3rd or 4th, I mean, big deal. There were moments where he had his team playing very good soccer but a lot of coaches can do this and don't you think we deserve better? I'd love to see Markarian come back because we got results with him at home AND abroad but is that realistic? Wasn't he attacked by some fans? Best thing for us now is to stick w/ Malezani. We've played good games w/ him already and we were unlucky against the geys; I thought we out played them.

Bajevic build up a couple of good teams in AEK who won 3 straight titles

and brougth Olympiakos back after 10 years of nuttin

he built a young and strong Olympiakos team in the late 90's unfortunately they didn't do enough in Europe

listen Bajevic is a good coach sometime his ego is a bit too big

but for the sake of Bajevic i wouldn't take the Pao job

i mean think about it he is already hated by AEK and alot of Olympiakos fans

Pao fans love to hate Bajevic

it will be so unhealthy for the team

they will expect tons of titles which the team won't win this year

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I heard at the ERASPORT radio a few days ago that Tzigger would have a meeting with Bajevic today (Saturday). I thought it was radio-arvyla. If 1:1000 we lose from Levadeiakos, then the rumours will increase. AND IF THAT HAPPENS - MALESANI IS FIRED AND BAJEVIC IS HIRED - THEN WE WILL COMPLETE OUR METAMORPHOSIS AND BECOME LIKE THE "FOOL OF EUROPE"

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