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guys this is my first post- i usually just read the opinions but one this occasion i have to add a reply.

The greek league is totally biased towards Olympiakos. Olympiakos did nothing all game yet won 2-0. Pao had the play. The referee was disgraceful and totally biased towards OLympiakos- Kotsios Red was nothing, absolutely nothing, no intent just putting the hand up to shiled the ball! Ridiculous!!! This happened at a time when Pao was once again getting on top of Olympiakos and and the red card totally killed the game!!

Even with one man less Pao was playing better and when the second goal went in and when i saw the Morris incident i was like OMG but on further inspection due to me having taped the game and many times of rewinding i dont beleive that Morris actually connected with Djorgevic- look at the ground, there is a hole created deep into the ground after morris kicked indicating he kicked into the ground and is shown on replays and Djorjevic is holding half way up his shin. Then Djorgevic falls way to late in conjuction with the force of the apparent challenge and djorgevic fell as if he was clipped from behind!! BTW a full blooding kick like what was apparently done would cause a lot more damage to someones leg if connected especially if the person was running and the kick hit the supporting foot.

Olympiakos has nothing to show and PAO had 4 players out. Disgraceful match by the referee who should be shot, killed the game and PAOs squad for upcoming matches.

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guys this is my first post- i usually just read the opinions but one this occasion i have to add a reply.

The greek league is totally biased towards Olympiakos. Olympiakos did nothing all game yet won 2-0. Pao had the play. The referee was disgraceful and totally biased towards OLympiakos- Kotsios Red was nothing, absolutely nothing, no intent just putting the hand up to shiled the ball! Ridiculous!!! This happened at a time when Pao was once again getting on top of Olympiakos and and the red card totally killed the game!!

Even with one man less Pao was playing better and when the second goal went in and when i saw the Morris incident i was like OMG but on further inspection due to me having taped the game and many times of rewinding i dont beleive that Morris actually connected with Djorgevic- look at the ground, there is a hole created deep into the ground after morris kicked indicating he kicked into the ground and is shown on replays and Djorjevic is holding half way up his shin. Then Djorgevic falls way to late in conjuction with the force of the apparent challenge and djorgevic fell as if he was clipped from behind!! BTW a full blooding kick like what was apparently done would cause a lot more damage to someones leg if connected especially if the person was running and the kick hit the supporting foot.

Olympiakos has nothing to show and PAO had 4 players out. Disgraceful match by the referee who should be shot, killed the game and PAOs squad for upcoming matches.



the referee should be shot



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Heads up people. We are stil in transition.

I think we lost the game for these reasons, but I don't care. I trust that Malezani will help us win the title in the end.

1) Olisadebe even with 1 leg should never be substituted.

2) Goncales was playeing next to Conseidao as a back half and we lost his offenssive help






3) Gekas should start and only consider Papadopoulos as a sub.

4)Biscan is a chiken if you ask me. He didn't start because he was afraid of facking up our game

5) THE MOST IMPORANT MISTAKE: Wotter. I just plainly simply totally ###### realised that we will loose the derby when he came in the game. We were loosing 0-1 and we palced Wooter in...The guy is nothing but purosely running.

6) Why not try Togerelle. The guy is ready to help and we were down 0-1. We just puted in Biscan as a 3rd sub just to show that he could play...

I know thought that Malezani will find a way to beat them in their home in 2nd leg.

As for Morris. 10 games punisment and he should be happy.

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this game shows we need another defender. Vyntra sux all he could do is foul and nearly got sent off for his m*****es

The game should of ended at least 1 - 1 or 2 - 1 us if we had 11 players on the field.

The ref clearly was oly's side. Kotsios sending off was a joke. All the handballs that osfp did was overlooked. 2 legged challenges werent punished

the game was a joke

anyway oly got away with it and they can have it we will laugh when they get beaten by Real 10 - 0

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anyway oly got away with it and they can have it we will laugh when they get beaten by Real 10 - 0

Honestly they need 2 improve 100000% more to even get 3rd place in the champions league..

It is only the 1st game though so who knows....but if thats the attacking style of sollied...id prefer markarians 6-3-1 attacking formation anyday.

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"Of course, you know that Oly's great advantage is Vyntra! I can't believe PAO doesn't have someone else (even from the Academy) to replace him.... So, watch for gavroi to take advantage of that side."

"PAO didn't play good enough to win. I don't know if Kotsios deserved to be red-carded, but we didn't break Oly's defense. "

You proved correct about Vyntra. What puzzles me is why Otto invited him in our national league.

Kotsios intended to push Okkas but I doubt that he intentionally targetted his face. If he didn't, a yellow card would be more reasonable.

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first of all, a really bad match. both teams seemed to be not really ready now. i wasnt pleased with our team at all. especially babangida, who i wanted to see if he really is that promising or not. pao played much better after kotsios was sent out than us, but we looked more like wanting to keep the score. and in the first half our only real chance was stoltidis goal. but it didnt look to me as if one team was better than the other. if kotsios wouldnt have been sent of i'd say the match could have gone either way. maybe some of you think i should post this in the osfp forum, but i think it fits better in here.

i'm sure, lots of pao fans wont share my oppinion, but i think briakos wasnt bad, except for not giving another one or two yellow cards to georgatos.

there are some scenes, where you guys would have made some other decisions. for example kostoulas falling on the ball with both hands. maybe i'm too "swiss", but to me it looked as if he couldnt do else, when he fell. and georgatos in the zone had both his hands close to his body, so no intention there imo.

kotsios red card can be given. and briakos gave it after he talked to the lines man. so he made his call according to what the lines man told him. to me it looked as if kotsios wanted to get a way from okkas. that he hit him in the face probably wasnt his intention, but it really looked as if he wanted to hit him. but i think, a yellow card would have done it too.

about morris. i dont know what to say. unfortunately i couldnt tape the match to watch it again, to see if he really hit djole or not. if not, i hope that the commission wont give him a big punishment, but for throwing his jersey at the ref he will be punished. so no discussion about that.

after the game i had a nice conversation with a vazelo and i have to agree completely with him, since i also dont like what one of our players is doing. georgatos. sure, he knows how to play, but i dont like it how he plays. he had so many scenes where he could have been sent of, but still does get away with it. i would really like to see it a happen a few times, that he will get two yellows or a red card for his actions. as good as he is offensively, as bad and dirty he plays in defense.

all in all i would say, the match will only be remembered because of the red cards and osfp winning away against pao after 7 years. the only thing to await now is what is going to happen with morris.

p.s. i think this is one of the coolest pictures taken for a long time in greek football:

Posted Image

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guys this is my first post- i usually just read the opinions but one this occasion i have to add a reply.

The greek league is totally biased towards Olympiakos. Olympiakos did nothing all game yet won 2-0. Pao had the play. The referee was disgraceful and totally biased towards OLympiakos- Kotsios Red was nothing, absolutely nothing, no intent just putting the hand up to shiled the ball! Ridiculous!!! This happened at a time when Pao was once again getting on top of Olympiakos and and the red card totally killed the game!!

Even with one man less Pao was playing better and when the second goal went in and when i saw the Morris incident i was like OMG but on further inspection due to me having taped the game and many times of rewinding i dont beleive that Morris actually connected with Djorgevic- look at the ground, there is a hole created deep into the ground after morris kicked indicating he kicked into the ground and is shown on replays and Djorjevic is holding half way up his shin. Then Djorgevic falls way to late in conjuction with the force of the apparent challenge and djorgevic fell as if he was clipped from behind!! BTW a full blooding kick like what was apparently done would cause a lot more damage to someones leg if connected especially if the person was running and the kick hit the supporting foot.

Olympiakos has nothing to show and PAO had 4 players out. Disgraceful match by the referee who should be shot, killed the game and PAOs squad for upcoming matches.

Pesta re megale!!

Wooter is useless in this kind of games,he should only be used against small teams as svouras,if he really has to be used that is :P

The ref totally ruined the game

And Mixalakhs proved what a great striker he is by constantly avoiding the ball :LOL:

Last but not least that goat-boy Okkas could teach Bimis and Seranidis a few tricks on diving,he could easily strip them of their gold metal :tdown:

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In watching the replays, it does not look like Morris made any contact with Djordjevic. Unfortunately for him, throwing his jersey at Briakos is not going to help him get a lesser suspension. I would expect 5 games, even if they revoke the red card, which is not likely.

However, if it is clear that Morris did NOT make contact, then I would like to see Djordjevic get a lengthy suspension as well. FIFA needs to crack down on players flopping and faking injuries in order to get another player suspended.

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ive lost all respect for Pedrag i thought he was oly's version of Vazexa but the sportsmanship he showed today was non exist. He was almost as bad as Georgatos. Handballing and diving like no tomorrow.

The thing that really pee'd me off watching the OSFP players laughing after they tricked the ref and getting pao punished like it was a inside joke that they have punished pao..

Georgatos deserves to be capped his such a cheat someone should complain to Fifa.

I think the best way to clean up Greek Soccer is to get FIFA to send refs in from other parts of Europe as the ones in Greece are not right!

either they are paid or incompetent its one of the 2

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gia to penalty pou den mas dothike den leei kanenas???? An proigoumastan tote pisteuo oti tha nikousame....... o Kotsios eprepe na parei kitrini karta dioti i fasi itan kathari.....

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O Kotsios elenxe th bala,den eixe logo na tou riksei batso sta moutra!! He's a pro athlete in a top team not some amateur playing at his backyard!! And Jole's dive was sheer pleasure :rolleyes: Kakomathimena gayrakia pou voutane na piasoune sfougaria :LOL:

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(almamatter @ Aug 28 2005, 03:45 PM)

4)Biscan is a chiken if you ask me. He didn't start because he was afraid of facking up our game

that's unfair. he's a half injure. and cos that it's better not to force him.

do you think he's forgot how to play? come on, cool yoursef!


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ive lost all respect for Pedrag i thought he was oly's version of Vazexa but the sportsmanship he showed today was non exist. He was almost as bad as Georgatos. Handballing and diving like no tomorrow.

The thing that really pee'd me off watching the OSFP players laughing after they tricked the ref and getting pao punished like it was a inside joke that they have punished pao..

Georgatos deserves to be capped his such a cheat someone should complain to Fifa.

I think the best way to clean up Greek Soccer is to get FIFA to send refs in from other parts of Europe as the ones in Greece are not right!

either they are paid or incompetent its one of the 2

Wow. Did you SEE the play? Morris KICKED him AFTER the goal for NO REASON. How many excuses can you people use?
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for starters i am Greek first

seconldy do u have any problems with Greek-Americans ???

third haha we beat your asses once again lol

how sweet it is to laugh last

bro if u read a few spaces down u would know its not me

anyways 1 - 0 to the cheats

we'll see what happens at ur stinky stadium :whistle:

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Told you so(2-0)! And no excuses PAO fans. Morris was out there to play rugby not soccer. Thrylos are simply the better team, and who ever said we will lose 10-0 to Real Madrid, well it just shows what kind of an idiot you are.

Thryle Thee Mou Olympiake Mou!!

i said u will lose 10 - 0 vs real

u mark my words and see

We overturned a 3 - 1 loss when has the Gays been able to do that?

Only with shonky reffing.

Lets see how Georgatos cheating tactics goes down at the CL :LOL:

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About Morris I have my doupts on kicking Jorgevich's left knee though.

He could as well fake it on being kicked because it would make sense to hold his right leg if anything. That could explain why Morris became so furius and threw his t-shirt at him...

As for Elendi. I am serius about Biskan. I start to have my doupts. The bottom line is through (except the past 2 seasons) the years as a Pao fan I wouldn't consider late Liverpool as a better team than Pao (Apart from Gerard, ex-Liverpool's Owen). You can laugh if you dessagree, but still I do strogly feel that way.

As for Conseisao. He might be 31, but he plays like he is 36.

It is to early for both our star players to be judged, but in the Chapions League we will ceratinly get a better picture of who thery realy are or what they can do.

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