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Tzigger Interview


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Tzigger will be holding an interview/press conference Tuesday, Midday in Athens. He is apparently going to field answers and explanations about anything to do with PAE PAO, which includes Flavio, Mihalis, possible transfers, and ground issues etc etc!

should be interesting to see what he says about mihalis and about the possibility of future transfers

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I have a suggestion: This forum, or anyone who's connected in Greece should contact PAO management and set up a regular Q&A session. If Tzigger wants to tell all, he should have a dialogue with the PAO fans! He should answer our questions too! Either live, or through PAO's web site, or any other appropriate way. We should be able to ask him about the issues and tell him of our concerns about the team. If he's a leader who wants to know what the team's base says, he should listen..... not just listen to those "yes men" around him.

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A questions & Answer??? hahaha

He has kept his mouth shut for so long... u think he will do something like that???

Be happy that he is having this press confference... IF infact he answers any of the questions to the issues we really want answers on :S

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this is a good move by tzigger. i think he knows hes not that popular and hes trying to get PAO fans to understand his moves...lets hear him out...who knows he may even have a surprise for us?

also i know this is unrelated but i heard that before Tzigger took over PAO, he was a rally racecar driver...is this true?

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The_turk, until someone else comes along and does a proper translation:

Tzigger basically said that Mihalis expressed his desire to stop playing in Greece and find a contract elsewhere in Europe and he told management this and they granted his wish to do so so they didnt begin contract negotiations. However, it became apparent that Mihalis wasnt getting the offers he thought he was, but he never told Tzigger that, and instead he signed for OSFP behind his back, hence he should two faces! And mind u he told the press and Tzigger personally in April that he would never go to the Gays nor would he become the next antoni nikopolidis!!!!

Thats pretty much it - than he said he isnt worried that he went and he did a comparison with the amount of money it cost PAO to get mihalis and his wages with his return in goals and games played etc and admitted that it wasnt exactly worth it if u compare it to say Bazeha who was in fact PAO's best striker.

:gr: :box:

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The_turk, until someone else comes along and does a proper translation:

Tzigger basically said that Mihalis expressed his desire to stop playing in Greece and find a contract elsewhere in Europe and he told management this and they granted his wish to do so so they didnt begin contract negotiations. However, it became apparent that Mihalis wasnt getting the offers he thought he was, but he never told Tzigger that, and instead he signed for OSFP behind his back, hence he should two faces! And mind u he told the press and Tzigger personally in April that he would never go to the Gays nor would he become the next antoni nikopolidis!!!!

Thats pretty much it - than he said he isnt worried that he went and he did a comparison with the amount of money it cost PAO to get mihalis and his wages with his return in goals and games played etc and admitted that it wasnt exactly worth it if u compare it to say Bazeha who was in fact PAO's best striker.

:gr: :box:

thank you adoni.

what else he talked about? Biscan? Flav? a new Stadium to build in Goudi? and else?

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so trifilara, what did exctly Tzigger say? at least a rough but logical translation, plz!  ;)


In addition to what adonis said, here's a bit more translation which is important regarding Mikhali:

He said it doesn't interest him that Mikhali went to Olymoiakos, just like it doesn't interest him that Olympiakos sign PAO players who can't find a team anywhere else in Europe :P (I like that one :D )

and he said he never looks at signings emotionally. He will NEVER sign a player under pressure from threat of Olympiakos signing him :) He said rightly, that Konstantinou pretended all along that he was a big fanatic PAO fan but when it came to choosing his next team he forgot all that and became a profesional.

He said he has no time for players who behave professionally but expect PAO to act emotionally in return towards them.

He also said (and I agree) that Mikhali will not be missed in terms of his goals because comparing how much he cost and how many he actually scored, he wasn't worth it.

I like what he said.

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He said he has no time for players who behave professionally but expect PAO to act emotionally in return towards them.

Actually thats an important point - Panos explained it better than me!

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Well, I haven't been a fan of Tzigger, but I have to admit he talked freely and about everything--this is rare in Greece. Kudos. I never doubted that he's a true PAO fan and cares for the team, but he's made many mistakes.

I don't know the truth of his assessment (he may be spinning stuff), but I agree that, like any serious company, the internal culture is very important. I believe that if a player (no matter how good he is) if he's like a big primadonna/diva, he creates more problems than his contriubtions and he must go!

I also agree with Tzigger's move to renew the team, but that shouldn't be above all else. When you have players like Karagounis with proven contributions/qualities you don't let them go in the name of "renewal."

I'm not convinced that Greek teams know or are able to build up to a point to become european powerhouses. There are many cause for this (another discussion). You never hire a coach like Schum if you have high goals!

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Id love to see what bides and hollywood have to say about Mr Mixalaki now!!! <_<

and thrillosmtl....go learn how to read and put what he said into context... then open ur ******* mouth... but then again... the gauroi ********** so i guess they cant read greek properly!!!

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Id love to see what bides and hollywood have to say about Mr Mixalaki now!!! <_<

and thrillosmtl....go learn how to read and put what he said into context... then open ur stupid mouth... but then again... the gauroi are albanian so i guess they cant read greek properly!!!

i wont say anything besides this:

Why do u guys belive 100% that comes out of his mouth?? Like some of you have stated, that tzigger looks at pao as a business and its not in his best intrest to fu-ck up pao or he and management will suffer (low tickect sales, fired ect...)

However since we can use that context then how do u know that his not spinning s%$#!??? i mean it is in his best intrest to spin the truth?? Yes..... if u ask any good businessmen most of them will tell u that a good bussiness men lies 50% of the time to get things his/her own way??? ( i know im doing the course at uni) so why any different??

Last thing; everything he said about Kostantinou was "all his fault", he made it out as if Kostantinou was the devil him self... To me thats to damn obvouse and suss on his behalf... what was he gonna say "sorry guys were tight arses and we didnt fill like given him his money or anything close to it" <------ if he did that then that would be bad for business as alot of people (pao fans) would go spastic and be really angry at management which in the end they will lose out....

Now im not saying everything that came out of his mouth was a dirty lie, however im also saying not everything he said was the truth (not even close)... However everyone has chosen to belive him (proof is in all ur comments above)...

The proof is in his action (past, present, future)...

So will leave it at that because im really busy atm and i canot get into a good debate with u guys (which i love by the way) as i know alot of you dnt belive me or dis-agree :)

Peace out :nw:

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Id love to see what bides and hollywood have to say about Mr Mixalaki now!!! <_<

and thrillosmtl....go learn how to read and put what he said into context... then open ur stupid mouth... but then again... the gauroi are albanian so i guess they cant read greek properly!!!

***************** you better be carefull with what you write on your posts.it s ok to have fun with other teams fans but there is a limit.since you are a big ellinara can you tell me who got the championship this year you moron.then get a room with tziger and try to expain to yourselfs why your team sucks and that osfp is to blame because your president doesn t spent money to help your pathetic little team.
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