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Munch to Anorthosis!


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apparently Munch is asking for 500,000 a year with a 1+1 deal but Pao is not willing to go higher than 350,000..

and then yu have a small club like Anorthosis,which Munch went to see,and they are not going higher than 300,000 a year

WTF im losing patience with this club the give Konstan a big contract to sit on his ass

I think Pao's new slogan should be

" Why buy good players when u can buy cheap ones "

I think pao fans should storm Pao HQ and demand answers cos Pao's turning into a bordello :tdown:

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Why should u give 500,000 to a 34 yr old?????????

You all think that the diokisi are tight asses etc and you are right in some instances but remember it is bc of this tight ass stuff we are the only team in greece that isnt in financial trouble!

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he is 33 yrs old..

and believe me,Pana wont go in depth for giving 150,000 more to a player yearly..

i mean,what are we doing with all this money we get?buying superstar players right?that must be the answer.. :ph34r:

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Why should u give 500,000 to a 34 yr old?????????

You all think that the diokisi are tight asses etc and you are right in some instances but remember it is bc of this tight ass stuff we are the only team in greece that isnt in financial trouble!

they are
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apparently Munch is asking for 500,000 a year with a 1+1 deal but Pao is not willing to go higher than 350,000..

and then yu have a small club like Anorthosis,which Munch went to see,and they are not going higher than 300,000 a year

WTF im losing patience with this club the give Konstan a big contract to sit on his ass

I think Pao's new slogan should be

" Why buy good players when u can buy cheap ones "

I think pao fans should storm Pao HQ and demand answers cos Pao's turning into a bordello :tdown:

Are you really surprised by their actions though? Given how tight they've been with the money over the last few years, I'm somewhat indifferent to their approach at this time as they've proven that they like to do things on the cheap.

At the same time however, I think Munch is pushing it a bit asking for that much. He wouldn't get anything near that in the Bundesliga. At least at PAO, they're offering him a solid wage, and more importantly, a chance to play in the Champions League. A guy at his age won't get those sorts of $$$ or chances often.

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You have not been watching the games... :o

Remember PAO-PSV 4-1?

How many Munch assists have been converted to goals?

Corners, free kicks, penalty shots!

If he and Aggelos go, who will kick the corners...Konstantinidis, who cannot make a decent cross if his life depended on it.

When he is absent, the left side is vacant!

Give the guy 400k for goodness ...and give him incentive bonuses!


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Munch to Anorthosis would be a terrible move for him as a player. Unless he's looking for a good vaction venue and weaker competiton (and paycheck) he shouldn't head to Cyprus. I figure give him a base (guranteed) salary of around 250-300 thousand Euro, and offer some preformance incentives (goals, assists, team goals conceded etc. minutes played etc.). I'd cap out the amount of $$ he could make at around 600-800 thousand Euro, as I think he'd bite on an oppertunity to make more than he's asking for and PAO wouldn't go to terribly broke (at least by their standards :LOL: ). I'd also give him a 2-year deal with an option for a 3rd year.

Though we should be focusing more on getting rid of the worthless/overpayed players (Skatchel, Zutataus, Konstantinidis, any others?) and get 2-3 quality players for just as much, if not more. We're gonna need some real talent to get a good European campaign and a domestic run in order to get the cup and league trophy back.

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If he and Aggelos go, who will kick the corners...Konstantinidis, who cannot make a decent cross if his life depended on it.

Wat u talking about if Aggelos goes who will take corners? :o ANYONE in that team can take a better corner or set piece than Basinas - esp after the ones his taken this season!!!!!!!!!


This guy doesnt KNOW how to kick a corner and he STRUGGLES - Im fed up with seeing Basinas ONLY RUN to take corners and set pieces and they end up been s%$#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:angry: :angry:

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