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PAO's average attendances


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Not so long ago, even in the late 80s , early 90's where we played at Leoforos for a while I can remember that Leoforos had NO seats at all!!!! :o

That is why the capacity was 25.000... Actually now that I remember a bit more I think that seats were first placed in the centre of the stadium....

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can i ask why we cant get that crowd back?

i wouldnt know because i live in australia.. but is it the ticket prices? or teams performance in the past few years?

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Not so long ago, even in the late 80s , early 90's where we played at Leoforos for a while I can remember that Leoforos had NO seats at all!!!! :o

That is why the capacity was 25.000... Actually now that I remember a bit more I think that seats were first placed in the centre of the stadium....

Does anyone remember the square styrofoam pads?

Does anyone know what I am talking about??

As for getting these crowds back, it could take years, but everyone involved with Greek football would need to reform and re-package the league at every level. People in Greece like football, but they don't see a trip to the stadium as a fun thing to do.

Also, Greek teams never adjusted to the television broadcasting just about every game now. Back in 85-86 the only way you could see the games was via Athlitiki Kyriaki highlights. Very few games were televised live ...

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  • 11 months later...
Guest TheLegend

internet killed everything.

No way. People that want to see the games and are able too wont say no because of the internet? What are you thinking??

Have you ever been in that situation.... Id definly go to see any game at a stadium

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  • 2 months later...

Attendance was down this year for PAO. The usual problems with the organized fans and a stupid ticket system.

Now, we're moving to OAKA for the last time before our new home is built (someday this century.. hopefully).

I don't think it's the internet that killed attendance, but people today have many more opportunities for entertainment. Football is losing ground in Greece. The attendances of the 1960s, 70s, won't happen again.

Keep screwing up and empty stands will be there to stay.....

The violence is a huge part of why many people don't bother. I know the fanatics make good atmosphere, but they don't have the numbers to fill stadia. If this sport is to survive as the king of sports, it has to attract more than the fanatics. And, offer entertainment.

Oh, and, be run by professionals... not, incompetent corrupt asses :tdown:

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