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Sevilla vs Pao


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ti ginete edo?? party exoune ta gaurakia??

perimenate poly kairo na to kanete auto e?


ate pekste ki eseis ligaki........... axou ta paidakia!!!

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wE'RE here :) some of us have lives mate...den krivomaste


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

sweet so u read the ripping i gave to the Oly fags

Evergreen modded them out which is cool

Dont close the topic we can take it

cant wait till Shearer rips Oly apart :whistle:

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we had monaco finalists of C.l,, Liverpool (who have actuaslly won it) and they still beat us deportivo

u guys were with arsenal. PSV and Rosenborg

they have never won the C.l (not sure about going to it)

remember we were picked last and u first and had a better campaign then you. otherwise how do u explain 10 points and finishing 3rd?  this shows u how competitive the group was between the top 3!

and lets not forget u guys failed to beat arsenal  twice on their worst form of the season

anyways enough of the past.. Moving forward

dont ever bring up having Monaco in your group is tough because they were the finalists the season before... they are a completly different team. 24/out of 26 of the goals scored in the champions league run last year were from players that arent on that team anymore. 24/26........dont try and argue there remotly the same team.

as for ur signature: Gonzalez scored 3 goals in the champions league......OSFP entire team scored 4.

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we had monaco finalists of C.l,, Liverpool (who have actuaslly won it) and they still beat us deportivo

u guys were with arsenal. PSV and Rosenborg

they have never won the C.l (not sure about going to it)

remember we were picked last and u first and had a better campaign then you. otherwise how do u explain 10 points and finishing 3rd?  this shows u how competitive the group was between the top 3!

and lets not forget u guys failed to beat arsenal  twice on their worst form of the season

anyways enough of the past.. Moving forward

dont ever bring up having Monaco in your group is tough because they were the finalists the season before... they are a completly different team. 24/out of 26 of the goals scored in the champions league run last year were from players that arent on that team anymore. 24/26........dont try and argue there remotly the same team.
same thing with arsenal

the arsenal u guys played was not the same as 2003-2004 and u can tell by their play in england and theior 3-1 loss to Bayern

no not the same. Arsenal is very much the same team. Monaco has completly different players, plus i dont really consider arsenal that great to begin with. English league is inflated.
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wE'RE  here :) some of us have lives mate...den krivomaste


  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

sweet so u read the ripping i gave to the Oly fags

Evergreen modded them out which is cool

Dont close the topic we can take it

cant wait till Shearer rips Oly apart :whistle:

why doesn't pao try to shut up Olympiakos

remember we do play u in leforos

for the title that will be for

but your protecting yourselves

u see if Pao wins then its right but if they don't this b/c of corruption and etc and that the Greek league is meaningless b/c of that

that is the mind of Pao ignorance

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as for ur signature: Gonzalez scored 3 goals in the champions league......OSFP entire team scored 4.

that means nothing after today

for all ic are if he had scored 10 goals and got ejected today It would not impress me

I really hope u guys still dont think kes rivaldos's calibre

youre only fooling yourself !

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as for ur signature: Gonzalez scored 3 goals in the champions league......OSFP entire team scored 4.

that means nothing after today

for all ic are if he had scored 10 goals and got ejected today It would not impress me

I really hope u guys still dont think kes rivaldos's calibre

youre only fooling yourself !

let them complain all they want

they only have themselves to blame

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The end of the day don't expect miracles from a team that has had problems in its coaching department.

Pao should have cleaned up seville in the first round. They paid the price for that in spain. Lets not forget, whens the last time a greek team has actually won in spain?

No one is to blame today, the coach hasn't had enough time to get this team together. He has to be given time.

As to gauvrakia, you guys beaten some unknown french team and now you are ready for finals????????

Beat a quality team and them make a lot of noise about it. You got your chance with Newcastle. So don't make a big deal about it yet.


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Firstly congratulations gaurakia...i thought i was in the gauros forum til i double checked lol

Unfortunately our run is over, and at least we went down fighting. Lets not get carried away as paocyberfans has and blame refs and look for excuses.

I just hate it when people make excuses to protect Gonzalez. He was already on a yellow so he should know better and be alot more careful. I dun care if he was playing well and defensively etc etc he let the team down at the of the day. It was 0-0 before hes sending off and theres only so much defending you can do with 10 men in these sort of games under this cirecumstances.

Anyways enough is enough...let the gaurakia party...mate back in the days when PAO were doing there European Poreias Olympiakos were still applying for there passports to travel out of Greece to play lol

And lucky enough for the gays....THERES ONLY ONE ALAN SHEARER!!!!!!! ONLY ONE ALAN SHEARER!!

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As to gauvrakia, you guys beaten some unknown french team and now you are ready for finals????????

Beat a quality team and them make a lot of noise about it. You got your chance with Newcastle. So don't make a big deal about it yet.


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i agree again they are talking

i wonder if they get burnt like they did against Liverpool

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i know all of the pao fans are expecting us to lose like we did to liverpool

very painful and hasn't healed yet

but Pao felt that beating today

and again i here somebody remarking about beating some small french team and again u are right but we did win away

and oh yeah let me once again remind u that thats how the draw went

just like in c.l. we had the harder group and that is a fact

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Guest Protathlitis

2-0, sorry vazeloi, I want to meet you in the semis but what can you do

Is it that Im a good predictor or has pao become that predicatable?

:nw: Protathlitis :nw: - come on now; give me some credit you vazeloi

Im dissapointed that we have no chance of meeting you in the semis but in the other hand Im wrapped because you gays got what your club deserves

This is the truth: pao is no longer anything close to being a good european team that they were 5 years ago. This has been clear for the last couple of years though results like this (and performances like this) highlight that. Although these two results dont really prove anything yet because its uefa's 16 it pretty obvious

The thing is I cant see it the tide turning either.....your management has fuked you and at least for the foreseable future pao will not do anything at all in europe (or Greece)

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Guest Protathlitis

Another thing is that I see so many pao fans congratulating us for our win and saying that they were with us before hand......its these same fans who were so happy after the Liverpool game. this goes for OSFP fans too:


I myself will not support pao in europe unless they play a turkish/ albanian/ israeli/ skopian etc etc because that is different. However against teams not from those countries I will not take credit for a win and I will thoroughly enjoy when pao get humiliated

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bravo paidia sixaritiria gia to evro apotelesma me tin megathiria tis evropis ,,

congratulations :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

me afton ton proedro sas ktipate uefa cup

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pata gera kolonel kotali

odigise tin omadara sas sto thavma


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on the other hand Im wrapped because you gays got what your club deserves

I agree 100% with that statement, this all goes back to pao managment and there greedy ways!!

I jst think all the pao fans should take it on the chin coz today we were kotes...

even though gonzalez got send off we should have defended it like lions not pussy cats :tdown:

all greek teams are like this and today we got exposed badly!!

P.S tml how about u make fun of me coz i am a pao fan to :ph34r:

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Let the gavroi here have their moment. This is their happiest day in so many ways because for the firs time in their history they have outlasted PAO in Europe!!!

Apistefto alla alithino.

This is their biggest achievement although they have only made it to the last 16 of UEFA. We have done the last 8 of CL many times when they went home early.

So don;t ruin their biggest achievement of their clubs history, let them enjoy it, they are our Grek brothers afterall.

As for us, if we played a weak team from France we too would have been through but we had a very strong opposition. We now have only the Greek league whereas Oly and AEK have Kypello too. We should put all efforts into the protathlima now.

Thryfilara s'agapw

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Guest Protathlitis


Let the gavroi here have their moment. This is their happiest day in so many ways because for the firs time in their history they have outlasted PAO in Europe!!!

Apistefto alla alithino.

This is their biggest achievement although they have only made it to the last 16 of UEFA. We have done the last 8 of CL many times when they went home early.

what the fuk are you talking about?

we made the CL quaters in 99' and were 10 minutes away from the semis against juve......its certainly not as much as pao has done but dont just lie to make yourslf feel better

OSFP has never outlasted pao in europe? thats just a an utter lie

Im not getting that exited because I realise its only the last 16 of Uefa but how about you think about you own shitty team and not think about OSFP for once?

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guys, better not make comments on something you didnt see. gonzo got a yellow challenging for the ball and not being cynical or dirty. he was with Gali our best player til the sending off.

the players gave it all but we had no luck with our chances. i dont have compaints from some one that gives 100% and goes out in injury time to a superior team.

your coach has exactly the same oppinion. i wouldnt blame him either. if you play a strong team like sevilla away and you want to keep the 0 in the defense you have to play hard and take risks.

untill the point where he got his second card i believed you could do it. pitty. but i believe sevilla was your hardest opponent this year, since arsenal underestimated you in both matches you played against them. :tup:

the biggest surprise though comes from the german teams i guess. three teams in the 32 and none of them progressed. :blink:

i really fell sorry for your team. i thought you would make it. as far as i read you had a few chances and were fighting the game till the end. if just gkekas would have had more luck...

about our best european campaign. i think we did better in 98/99 when we played juve in the quarter finals. that was our best team we had in the past years. i would have no problem to get another 50 year old unknown guy from cyprus who would be our best scorer in the cl. (not for picking up a fight, but in that year we went on furhter that you too ;) )

i think if we loose against newcastle i wont be visiting this forum for two weeks... ;)

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