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Should the Oly fans be tolerated?


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We have been discussing this quite a long time. I thought that it was a repectable decision to give the points back and play the championship inside the fields. I still think so.

But with the first lost points Oly fans attempt to destroy a new stadium and chase the players and the coach. These players that are first in the championship and got 10 points in a champions leaque difficult group. :tup:

So I ask you: are you proud of this behavior? Are you proud for a president who is using the poor coach and he will boot him as soon as he can? Vatraxos is a bad person but a respectable coach that does not deserve this.

I don't like the Vardi family very much but at least they have shown they have the @@ to stop aliteiees. But not Kokkalis....He is dangerous for Greek footbal! And the problem is he is not going anywhere!! :tdown: :tdown:

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We have been discussing this quite a long time. I thought that it was a repectable decision to give the points back and play the championship inside the fields. I still think so.

But with the first lost points Oly fans attempt to destroy a new stadium and chase the players and the coach. These players that are first in the championship and got 10 points in a champions leaque difficult group. :tup:

So I ask you: are you proud of this behavior? Are you proud for a president who is using the poor coach and he will boot him as soon as he can? Vatraxos is a bad person but a respectable coach that does not deserve this.

I don't like the Vardi family very much but at least they have shown they have the @@ to stop aliteiees. But not Kokkalis....He is dangerous for Greek footbal! And the problem is he is not going anywhere!! :tdown: :tdown:

finally a gav seeing the light :nw:

Maybe the Oly fans dont think the punishment given was enough :LOL:

Thats why if Oly had the points deducted they would of thought twice :whistle:

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Hmmm, I too observe that for some strange reason Olympiakos fans seem to be creating more trouble than usual away from home.

But I must remind you that (much smaller in scale of course - 5-10 people) AEK fans also broke up a canteen in Pagriteion

Of course AEK management condemned the behaviour and tried to locate the AEK fans who performed it. Somethin that the Demis Administration seems dedicated in doing.

I think Olympiakos must try (not always possible) to contain the bad elements.

And Clubs DO feed the roots of these plants you know. ALL clubs. A general Change of policy must be adopted and put to work fast!

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there should be NO tolerance for such actions, these arnt'f 'fans' by any means. especially considering how great the atmosphere at pagkritio was before the match and during the match.

thankfully arrests were made as i've read, and more will be coming. if we have a problem with how OUR club is performing, we shouldnt take it out on ERGOTELIS and their services considering they are celebrating a big upset as well.

shame on us !

although i was delighted to hear of the yogurt party and threats towards vatraxe at the aerodromio............get your ASSES STRAIGHT !

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yea i definately agree with that, not only would the gauroi been scared off by that but it would have been a good precedent set on the other teams as well, if you ask me we should team up with the FA or ask them for some help and do as they do, try to model ourselves after them, we must go to a complete no toleration mode to stop these m*****es...yes it has been the gauroi as of late but it generally is not just them, its everyone and the EPO has to make a greater effort in stopping acts of hooliganism

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finally a gav seeing the light :nw:

Maybe the Oly fans dont think the punishment given was enough :LOL:

Thats why if Oly had the points deducted they would of thought twice :whistle:

I am no gav.

I am a PAO rather that Oly fan.

But I don't need no "tabelles". I try to be Greek filathlos rather than opathos.

If you like tabelles keep them for yourself.

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I think the points should have been taken away and they should not have been able to get them back. For the reason that we have to start some where in trying to stop these idiots. Now if Pao fans do the same this year they can't realy take points away can they. The points should never have been given back I hope that the next time that this will happen no body gets killed. It's only a game thats all.

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I agree it's shameful. Was it so difficult for Kokkalis to adopt the Pao policy wrt to away matches? It's obvious that he can't control the entirety of our fan base, whichever small gang remains uncontrolled, it can greate big troubles for us. It doesn't matter that it's obvious he didn't order them to riot (or so it seems for me to conclude). The club must take actions asap. Or they deserve a harsh penalty for relapsing.

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finally a gav seeing the light :nw:

Maybe the Oly fans dont think the punishment given was enough :LOL:

Thats why if Oly had the points deducted they would of thought twice :whistle:

I am no gav.

I am a PAO rather that Oly fan.

But I don't need no "tabelles". I try to be Greek filathlos rather than opathos.

If you like tabelles keep them for yourself.

np mate my mistake ;)

ps its labels :)

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Shessh....is it possible for OSFP fans to ever learn from their mistakes. I don't care how broke any Greek team is (or claim they are)...but Kokallis (and everyone else for that matter) must make efforts (like using $$ and upgrading security) from/within the organization to clean this up. What am I thinking?... the only money Kokallis will speand is on buying his way into a lesser or non-existent punishment. This is what's been keeping Greek League soccer in the toilet in comparison to England, Spain, and Germany. Though in general I'm against taking away additional points (they should just not replay/cancel the match that's 3 points right there) for the 2nd such thing this year, I think it could be warrented. That, some fines, and another 2 or so games in an empty stadium.

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Why do you call them "fans"? They do not love their club, they damage their club, they are criminals. Criminal are to be dealt with he police!!!

They must be punished invidually, anyone of them, sit in prison many years if it is necessary, and pay from their pocket the damage suffered.

As long as the club is being punished with public ban or fine, they are not punished and continue with their criminal act/

Kokkali must distance himself from them, as i wrote already

And all the decent fans which are the majority must send faxes and e mail and snail mail to Kokkali and ask him to help the police to seperate and stop these violent minority.

He must understand that it is impossible to let a small group destroy a big and respected club like Olympiakos.

What a pity that we are talking again about such things...

THose persons must be banned forever from the fans comunity, their names given to the police and their membership card taken away!!!!

Untill they do not sit in jail and pay from their pocket the damage, all will be the same

Our players do not deserve it, even if they lose,neither the decent fans all over the world

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Wallofsoccer, I agree with you. Regardless of the fact that he is the most efficient club president in Greece, he doesn't seem decided to do something with hooligans.

The situation is disgusting. One more incident and I will HOPE they put us on B Ethniki. Because president doesn't want to take any measure.

PS: It would be interesting for me to know how many hooligans participated in the incident.

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Im not sure on the exact number of maggots dipapa but they where definatly more than 10, id say more in the 20-30 range judging from the video i saw at least.

kokkalis must give a stern warning to these "fans" aka: the sick maggots, and if nothing is to come of it, ban all our away fans, it's the only way, sadly.

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Thanks for the info. I will say again that a fan ban for away matches should be applied immediately. There are chances for worse incidents, so the possible points lost because of the absence of fans in away games is nothing compared to one more (and even harsher) penalty.

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No violence should be tolerated. Period. No matter which team we support.

I was watching Athlytiki Kyriaki and had a prematch report before the game. The reporter was talking to families with young kids going to enjoy an afternooon football game on a sunny sunday afternoon.

Then at the end of the match, some a**holes think they're so cool. NOT :tdown:

Well I guess these young kids might have been warned by their dads that you might see some brainless bums acting like idiots so don't get scared.

I wonder if these bums think about if they ever grow up and be dads (i would not bet on it) and would want to bring their kids to a match, how they would feel if they saw the crap they were once doing.

..ya know it's always something really bad that has to happen before we learn to do something about it.

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Guest Protathlitis

just how big were these episodia? havent the gays ripped up there own seats at leoforo this year?

is that all it was? a bit of seat throwing?

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just how big were these episodia? havent the gays ripped up there own seats at leoforo this year?

is that all it was? a bit of seat throwing?

did you see the video posted in the other topic?

if not take look:


no offence against you mate, but sometimes some of our fans in here act like mr. president bush. always pointing out the problems of others so that you can destract from your own. :tdown: we might have the greatest fans in some occasions, but a lot of times we also have the worst ones. a few time ago i saw an article on eleftheritipia where they pointed out the biggest riots in the past in greece. and guess what, in about two thirds of it osfp fans were involved.

why should kokkalis do something about them? they pay their annual membership and bring money to the club. ;) <_< it would be a move against his own politics if he would use the money to stop these idiots. and why should he take vardinogiannis acts as an example to stop the violence? are you insane?! :o :blink: kokkalis will always do exactly the opposite of what vardinogiannis does. if they wouldnt do anything agains violence kokkalis would have banned it from osfp games a long time ago. ;)

the deduction of points is stated in the greek fa's law, but it is not in the fifa and uefa as far as i know. very soon this will be adjusted in greece.

these bloody vazeles, terrorists, alvanoi or whatever you want to call them, (no offence against anybody who really belongs to this kind of group, because all of them would have acted better than the ones involved in the incidents, i just dont want to call them "fans" in connection with osfp) who caused the incidents in crete are harming osfp's and greece's football. like some of you already wrote, from now on osfp fans shouldnt be tolerated in away matches.

i mean it was a match against ergotelis!!! and the people in the stadium came to see US playing. do you think such a lot of people would have been in there if ergotelis would have played ionikos or kerkyra? the fathers brought their children to see one of the "big" clubs play, to see rivaldo, to see nikopolidis, to see some of the stars in greek football. (this is not meant to be a base for some people in here to start a discussion about the star status of osfp players ;) ) these poeple came to see the players, of whom they have posters hanging around in their childrens rooms.

this is how it should be. it should be possible for a family father to go to the stadium and watch a match with his son. who knows, maybe the child will even be one of our future stars! but actions like these let the gap between the real fans and football grow larger and larger untill the point where we will see empty stadiums again.

maybe we should start a campaign by email, letting the people sign the mail. it doesnt matter which team they support. and as soon as we have enough people signed we should send it to osfp and let them know our oppinions (especially osfp members should sign it). if that wouldnt cause a reaction by osfp it would show that even though they are promoting all this melos stuff, the meloi dont have any right to speak.

anybody in in helping me to create a text for an email?

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why should kokkalis do something about them? they pay their annual membership and bring money to the club.  ;)

I have the feeling that they aren't so many to affect club's income.

anybody in in helping me to create a text for an email?[/quote}

I am in. Please drop me a PM. I have no problem in writing the text (alternatively, we could start posting ideas here), but I have no idea on how to publicize it.

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