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Kotsolis - 6 - third goal was absolutely clearly his fault.

what?! that was a great freekick. i dont see how thats his fault...


as for Vyntra- i didnt see but the descriptions i hear about him sound EXACTLY like what i said about him in the summer. Yeah he has shown some great games from October November, i admit he was a completly different player but hes sinking back to his original crap. He will do to finish out the season, but theres no way we can have inconsistency for a spot like this... i see us buying a new rightback this summer. but he can still reestablish himself with the new coach. Im not sure on him hes too hit miss with his performances it seems.

Vyntra will be the new Giourkas... Wait till the new season!!!


And as for the third goal, it was Kotsolis' error... The ball did not go over the wall and it was not a ball he couldn't reach either. His positioning was OK and all he needed to do was to stand upright and clutch that ball to his chest... But he took a step to his left hand post and dived: the result... AEK march into Last 8... :(

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Vyntra will be the new Giourkas... Wait till the new season!!!


And as for the third goal, it was Kotsolis' error... The ball did not go over the wall and it was not a ball he couldn't reach either. His positioning was OK and all he needed to do was to stand upright and clutch that ball to his chest... But he took a step to his left hand post and dived: the result... AEK march into Last 8... :(

How is Kotsolis going to grab the ball to his chest when the thing is booming in to the right side netting? Unless his arm was a few meters longer the only humanley thing possible is to dive. He is a good keeper, and Free kicks are never easy. Keepers cant really tell whos shooting all the time thats why he takes the side step, accident, but not his fault. That was an awesome shot.

As for Vyntra- i have no doubt the kid has some skill hes showed it. But when he plays bad, he plays absolute CRAP. Amateur. Hes not consistent, That has showed. Did you watch him in the Olympics? He was the worst player of the whole tournament! (and thats excluding his 30 yard lob of Abaris with Korea) He can play some good games but hes inconsistent at marking and getting back...He has improved this year a lot especially with crosses- months ago he couldnt cross at all, Now he does good with them.

He still needs some time to prove himself but saying hes the next Seitaridis is completly ridiculous. Well see how the next coach works out- that will decide his future, because we may bring in a right back this summer.

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vyntra is in a slump but OUR WHOLE TEAM IS!!!! he has played every game of this season after playing for paniliakos and look at what hes done..he has a bright future for us i believe...he still has ALOT to learn, but he will be great and has impressed me very mmuch this season...not once last season did i even see seitiridis put in a cross like vyntra did last weekend...granted he played like crap but hes been playing evey game and the teams morlae isnt so high either...

our team and especially defense is in a big slump;...give the kid a break..he been doing wonderfully so far..apart from the lat couple games where our entire team has fallen apart..hes been one of the most consistant performers on the squad...

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vyntra is in a slump but OUR WHOLE TEAM IS!!!! he has played every game of this season after playing for paniliakos and look at what hes done..he has a bright future for us i believe...he still has ALOT to learn, but he will be great and has impressed me very mmuch this season...not once last season did i even see seitiridis put in a cross like vyntra did last weekend...granted he played like crap but hes been playing evey game and the teams morlae isnt so high either...

our team and especially defense is in a big slump;...give the kid a break..he been doing wonderfully so far..apart from the lat couple games where our entire team has fallen apart..hes been one of the most consistant performers on the squad...

vintra is nothing compared to seitaridis, its a fact. Vyntra had a nice cross true, but even i make nice crosses and giourkas does too. What about vs Kanthi when Vyntras lazy ass wasnt back to mark Baykara? I have seen many instances like this in the past with him sucking like this- he took a break and got a lot better the last 2 months, and yes everyone is in bad form lately. I am worried he might go back to what he was before- which is exactly how hes playing now. And please He is no Seitaridis.
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vyntra is in a slump but OUR WHOLE TEAM IS!!!!  he has played every game of this season after playing for paniliakos and look at what hes done..he has a bright future for us i believe...he still has ALOT to learn, but he will be great and has impressed me very mmuch this season...not once last season did i even see seitiridis  put in a cross like vyntra did last weekend...granted he played like crap but hes been playing evey game and the teams morlae isnt so high either...

our team and especially defense is in a big slump;...give the kid a break..he been doing wonderfully so far..apart from the lat couple games where our entire team has fallen apart..hes been one of the most consistant performers on the squad...

vintra is nothing compared to seitaridis, its a fact. Vyntra had a nice cross true, but even i make nice crosses and giourkas does too. What about vs Kanthi when Vyntras lazy ass wasnt back to mark Baykara? I have seen many instances like this in the past with him sucking like this- he took a break and got a lot better the last 2 months, and yes everyone is in bad form lately. I am worried he might go back to what he was before- which is exactly how hes playing now. And please He is no Seitaridis.
no..i agree....he is no yiourkas in many aspects..but i do also see aspects of his game that coud be better then seitiridis'....he was out in a very tough task and he has been pretty much up to thats task so far..dont be too quick to rip on him.. i know uve always had a dislike towards him, but he has done a great job up to now..yes he makes mistakes, but he young and fairly inexpreienced...it takes a toll on e very young player, the only difference is that hes a defender, so when he makes mistakes, they get exploited...whther he will go back to his previous form or not we will see....only the future can tell....
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Guest Protathlitis

Vyntra will be the new Giourkas... Wait till the new season!!!

I've heard people say that; a huge stretch of the imagination
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vyntra is in a slump but OUR WHOLE TEAM IS!!!!  he has played every game of this season after playing for paniliakos and look at what hes done..he has a bright future for us i believe...he still has ALOT to learn, but he will be great and has impressed me very mmuch this season...not once last season did i even see seitiridis  put in a cross like vyntra did last weekend...granted he played like crap but hes been playing evey game and the teams morlae isnt so high either...

our team and especially defense is in a big slump;...give the kid a break..he been doing wonderfully so far..apart from the lat couple games where our entire team has fallen apart..hes been one of the most consistant performers on the squad...

vintra is nothing compared to seitaridis, its a fact. Vyntra had a nice cross true, but even i make nice crosses and giourkas does too. What about vs Kanthi when Vyntras lazy ass wasnt back to mark Baykara? I have seen many instances like this in the past with him sucking like this- he took a break and got a lot better the last 2 months, and yes everyone is in bad form lately. I am worried he might go back to what he was before- which is exactly how hes playing now. And please He is no Seitaridis.
no..i agree....he is no yiourkas in many aspects..but i do also see aspects of his game that coud be better then seitiridis'....he was out in a very tough task and he has been pretty much up to thats task so far..dont be too quick to rip on him.. i know uve always had a dislike towards him, but he has done a great job up to now..yes he makes mistakes, but he young and fairly inexpreienced...it takes a toll on e very young player, the only difference is that hes a defender, so when he makes mistakes, they get exploited...whther he will go back to his previous form or not we will see....only the future can tell....
his hes young excuse expires very soon you understand, in fact its expired for me. He is

24 ....(he is older than Seitaridis by months) and its not his first year in the A ethniki ....yes i hated him before because he played exactly like he has played in the last games before.... he is not better than seitaridis in any aspect at all. His crosses have been better but Giourkas is much better at them....Seitaridis is better in every area- lets not kid ourselves and say its close. If we see spurts of his crap game anymore he will be replaced for sure.

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I've been keeping a cloe on on Vyntra and ofcourse I know Seitaridis very well all these years.

The main differances in their game is:

Vyntra seriosuly lacks positioning. Especially in defence. Many a time I have seen opposition players shooting down his wing with him no where to be seen, maily because he's closed inwards or he has not read the opposition pass and has been caught unawares. I repeat. Vyntra has a serious positioning problem. On the other hand, Vyntra has a good technique, is confortable with the ball, has good pace, and decent passing. His crossing although not of a high level is good and I regard him better in this department than Seitaridis as well as passing. Now another problem he has has to do with concentration. I think this is the reason why he lacks positioning. It may alos have to do with the fact that only at PAO has he been playing there since at Paniliakos he played as a CB and DM. In time his positioning will improve. I can't comment on his heading since I haven't seen him doing much so far. He needs time to brew. Just time and a decent coach to guide him or two. Seitaridis was quite bad too at times to before in his 1st 2 seasons with us. It's why Saric was prefered. Although an average player, he was always solid and you knew that he would always play 6-7 and not Yurkas' 4-8.

It's difficult to compare the two because Seitaridis is a WORLD CLASS wing-back. He has amazing acceleration and blistering pace once he gets going. He also poccesses good dribbling skills. He is very balanced and is also not only very good and comfortable with the ball he is an excellent defender in being disclipined and holding his position and not letter players get behind him. He's seldom out of position, as opposed to Vyntra. On the hand he SERIOUSLY lacks in passing, crossing and shooting whilst whenever he found himself before goal at PAO he would panic blasting the shot either at the keeper or over the crossbar. I've seen 6-7 of his games at Porto and I can say that his crossing has improved ever since joining Porto. Another factor in which Giourkas lacks is heading. He is terrible in set pieces and I have seen him lose his player many a time.

Seitaridis is well into his career, whilst Vyntra has just bean his. Seitaridis has played in over 20 games in Europe and mens NT and has a lot more experience than Vyntra so it's not really fair on him being compared to Giourka. In time though he will improve a lot more and I believe he has a bright future ot only with PAO but for the NT too. he has all the credential and the talent. But, the fact that Giouka is as fast as he is and well as his dribbling will be difficult for Vyntra to reach that World class status.

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I've been keeping a cloe on on Vyntra and ofcourse I know Seitaridis very well all these years.

The main differances in their game is:

Vyntra seriosuly lacks positioning. Especially in defence. Many a time I have seen opposition players shooting down his wing with him no where to be seen, maily because he's closed inwards or he has not read the opposition pass and has been caught unawares. I repeat. Vyntra has a serious positioning problem. On the other hand, Vyntra has a good technique, is confortable with the ball, has good pace, and decent passing. His crossing although not of a high level is good and I regard him better in this department than Seitaridis as well as passing. Now another problem he has has to do with concentration. I think this is the reason why he lacks positioning. It may alos have to do with the fact that only at PAO has he been playing there since at Paniliakos he played as a CB and DM. In time his positioning will improve. I can't comment on his heading since I haven't seen him doing much so far. He needs time to brew. Just time and a decent coach to guide him or two. Seitaridis was quite bad too at times to before in his 1st 2 seasons with us. It's why Saric was prefered. Although an average player, he was always solid and you knew that he would always play 6-7 and not Yurkas' 4-8.

It's difficult to compare the two because Seitaridis is a WORLD CLASS wing-back. He has amazing acceleration and blistering pace once he gets going. He also poccesses good dribbling skills. He is very balanced and is also not only very good and comfortable with the ball he is an excellent defender in being disclipined and holding his position and not letter players get behind him. He's seldom out of position, as opposed to Vyntra. On the hand he SERIOUSLY lacks in passing, crossing and shooting whilst whenever he found himself before goal at PAO he would panic blasting the shot either at the keeper or over the crossbar. I've seen 6-7 of his games at Porto and I can say that his crossing has improved ever since joining Porto. Another factor in which Giourkas lacks is heading. He is terrible in set pieces and I have seen him lose his player many a time.

Seitaridis is well into his career, whilst Vyntra has just bean his. Seitaridis has played in over 20 games in Europe and mens NT and has a lot more experience than Vyntra so it's not really fair on him being compared to Giourka. In time though he will improve a lot more and I believe he has a bright future ot only with PAO but for the NT too. he has all the credential and the talent. But, the fact that Giouka is as fast as he is and well as his dribbling will be difficult for Vyntra to reach that World class status.

yeah..that pretty much sums it up..
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GONGRATULATION TOTI!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT GAME!!!!! (its my first time pou den ksero pio epekse kalitera ston pao kai auto ofeilete prota ston proponiti kai meta stous paixtes)

Galinovic 7: eixe some great saves... kai marese pou topothetouse to soma tou poly sosta sta sout pou ekanan!

Munch 8: Amazing... auto pou mas eleipe toso kairo apo aristera... :nw:

Goumas: 6: kaliteros apo alles fores... an ekove ton paixti pou evale goal tha tou edina parapano

Heinriksen 7: o papous einai kai g@mo!!

Vyntra 4: etsi kai etsi... den ksero an fteei i kourasi alla einai ligos apo deksia!

Bidis 8: damn... that guys is great!! the first half was awsome... second half kourastike!!

Basinas 7: 1000 times better apo alles fores... kai auto ofilite ston Filakouri pou ton afise mono tou na kanei paixnidi!

Svouras 3: crap like always!

Gonzalez 6: perimena pio polla se ena tetoio mats apo ton Eki... alla itan ok se genikes grames!

Gkekas 9: AMAZING!!!! :nw:

Mixalakis 9: AWSOME!!! with Gkeka tha einai fovero didimo!!


Andric 5: den itan opos alles fores!

Wooter 5: kaliteros apo alla paixnidia alla akoma den exei peksei tin mpala pou kserei

Manolis 4: 4 mono gia tin eukairia pou eixe... den ekane tpt

:( :(

TOTIS FILAKOURIS: 10!!!!! great systima... great stisimo... kai the other thing... anevase kata poly tin psixologia ton paixton!!!

:nw: :nw: :nw: :nw: :nw: :nw:

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Galinovic-7-did evertyhnig he could..played a solid game and saved a good freekick...a shame he didnt get the clean sheet

Goumas-7-played pretty well..nothing too special but nothing horrible...would have given him a 6 if he hadnt had scoered that opening goal which opened the floodgates!

Henriksen-7-Solid as always..the man may be old but he still has good ball in him...a real classy smart player..shouold give morris afew more lessons

Vyntra-5-at the beginning of the game looked good but them kind of died off..he looked pretty tired out there... i think they should give the kid a game off...he has been working hard the whole season..madee afew errrors but just looked kind of out of it..

Munch-9-no words can describe this man..comes back with an immediate bang..played alot of great balls and was spot on with everything..he is sorely missed when he is not on the pitch..simply amazing...

Basinas-7-played much better then he has been lately..sat back in the role that suits him best and did what was asked of him..nothing more and noting less...got forward once or twice with a strike but pretty much sat in the midfield stabalizing everything

Haralabidis-8-Played a wonderful game...u really cant rip on him this time pappou..was owonders in attack...ran all over the place, played great balls..him and gonzalez seemed to spark some good magic with each other..i think they will form a great attacking duo for us...the kid has alot of talent and is growing the right direction..

Svouras-5-didnt do much of anything...he tried to make some nice runs but didnt really work...we have no answer to that left side (cough PUT SAPANIS IN cough cough) i think svouras should move on from pao..gave him a 5 because there wrere times he had some good interplay with munch

Gonzalez-7-played a good game..it seems as though his form is slowly imprving..in the first half he was pretty good but in the second he played much better...he worked the ball around well..put himself in good positions..worked hard and took control of his portion of the pitch..he didnt directly create anything but he was always looking for the ball and finding the spaces to work the ball around...wasnt strait up amazing but definilty worked alittle behind the scenes this game...

Michali and Gkekas-10-im sorr.. i hadda put them in the same category..i wouldnt call myself an avid 10 giver but they deserved it..did everything asked of them..scored 2 goals a piece and played some increidlbe football..really worked great together... i see great things for the future..they really compliment each others play..wonderful attacking football between the two if them

i wont do the subs by fylakouri gets a 9....great morale..great mindset..fielded a nearly perfect team and got their minds and hearts into the game...his passion make everyone play better...

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Here we go:

- Galinovic 8: Very solid, did not have much to do, but read the game well.

- Vyntra 6: Awesome goal which brings his rating up a notch, otherwise pretty weak with lots of mistakes.

- Munch 8: the german did his usual endless running up and down harassing the spanish defense

- Goumas 8: Took away Julio Batista and was a rock. Atrue captain. Hopefully the injury is not that bad.

- Morris 7: Seems he has gotten over the slump. Solid.

- Kotsios 7: Good work on Makululu (or something like that). Would like to see more of him going forward.

- Basinas 7: Worked hard as he usually does in Europe. Did not succeed with the free kicks and corners though (Munch did not succeed either for that matter)

- Skacel 6: Good first half (7) , dissapeared in the 2nd (5). 6 overall.

- Equi 7: was not the old Equi , however much improved from the past month. Could not get many through balls.

- Michalis 8: Another excellent partnership with Gekas, especially in the 1st half. It is amazing how well they read each other already.

- Gekas 8: would have given him a 9 if he could convert on one of his 3!!! great chances. Excellent first half, less visible in the 2nd.


Andric 6: Covered some space in the back. Good defensive work

Pantelos 6: was surprisingly good. Works better with Munch than Skacel does.

Maric -: played only 5 minutes

Tottis 8 :Managed to make these guys believe again. Moving and shouting constantly. Thank you Totti for this brief but successful session

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More or less I agree with Lalin apart from few things...

Galinovic 8 (Very good, solid, very confident)

Munch 9 (I think he was the best player in the park :nw: :nw: )

Goumas 8 (Very good held Baptista very well!!!)

Morris 7 (He improved a lot since his recent bad days)

Kotsos 7 (Quite good he has proved that he can perform in crucial European matches)

Skatchel 1 (I think he was a disgrace)

Basinas 5 (Very bad especially in the 2nd half, only did some descent mariking)

Gonzo 6 (I don't think he was particularly good but he has done match better in the midfield rather than when he was playing as a striker!!!!)

Gekas 6 (He was very dangerous overall but I think we expected too much of him and the Kid was very stressed. He missed some great chances and in those kind of games you can't afford to miss them)

Michalaki 7 (quite good, he has done a Katsikia in the second half but overall he was OK)...


LAMOIO 5 (actually for his standards I though he has done quite well)

Andric 7 (I think he played very well. He has done massive stuff in the midfield)

Maric 4 (dodn't do much ,didn't play a lot)

Totti 7 (he would have got more, but he started with tha aballo Skatchel!!! Although credit to him for turning around things at PAO)!!! :tup:

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vs Egaleo

1. Galinovic 8: Did not set a foot wrong. Was present whenever called upon.

2. Vyntra 6: Was solid, defended well, didn't get forward much.

3. Munch 7: Another solid performance . Good defending and was threatening on the flank. Made the cross for Gekas' goal.

4. Morris 7: Very good defending, didn't allow much of a threat from Egaleo.

5. Kotsios 6: Was steady.

6: Basinas 8: Played on despite a sickening blow to his head by Antric's knee. Continuedwith his head patched up. Made a few wrong passes but his courage more than covered this.

7. Bides 5: Couldn't really get into the game.

8. Antric 6: Many wrong passes but covered and broke down Egaleo's attacks.

9. Konstantinou 7: fought for every blade of grass on the pitch and even pitched in helping out the defence.

10. Sapanis 7: Many kms down that left wing. Hope he's back for good.

11. Gekas 8: A great finish scoring the winning goal with a high work rate.


12. Pantelis 5

13. Paps (didnt play long enough)

14 Maric (didn't play long enough)

Malesani 7: I think he left the subs too late (some players looked tires) but we were seldom really threatend by Egaleo apart from 2-3 times.

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Having seen the game I have to say that we did not play a good game... Especially our midfield was once again non existant.


Galinovic 8 (I think he was very good. Made some good saves, and he was calm throughout the match)

Munch 8 :nw: (Again probably the best player on the field)

Kotsos 7 (Not bad at all. Tried covered up space and marked Agritis quite good)

Morris 7 (Again he has done well. Much better than the beginning of the season)

Vyntra 6 (defensively he was OK. He didn't go much into the attack though)

Sabanis 5 (he done some good stuff in the first half but in the second he was nowhere)

Basinas 5 (nothing important)

Andric 5 (Again nothing special)

Bides 3 (first half he done something, but in the second he was by far the worst player in the field...)

Gekas 8 (done well. Thats what a striker needs. To touch the ball ONCE and to send it on the net!!!)

Michalaki 7 (fought hard, missed a great header!!!)


Lamoio 2 (disgusting!!!)

Maric - Did not play long

Pap - same

Malesani 5 -Although his tactics were good (Lamoio on the bench) he was very late on the subs, and yet his subs were not very understandable... Bides was the worse player and he took out Gekas for LAMOIO!!!!! :o

Anyway it is still the beginning, I think overall he is very good....

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