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Επιβεβαιώθηκε για άλλη μια φορά ότι όλα όσα είπα είναι αλήθεια. Το σύστημα θέλει να χτυπήσει εμένα, τον ΠΑΟΚ, το ίδιο σύστημα που προστατεύει τις ομάδες της Αθήνας. Όταν συνέβαιναν κάπως παρόμοια πράγματα, σε εντελώς διαφορετικές καταστάσεις, ο κόσμος έκανε τα στραβά μάτια και κανείς δεν το πρόσεξε.

Αυτό είναι το σύστημα, δεν έχουμε να κάνουμε κάτι άλλο παρά να ενωθούμε, να μην υποχωρήσουμε, να παλέψουμε για τη δόξα και το καμάρι της Θεσσαλονίκης, τον ΠΑΟΚ.

Και ας έρθει η απάντησή μας όπως το 2019, στο γήπεδο. Και ας είμαστε πάλι νικητές. Ξέρω όλα όσα συμβαίνουν από το 2018, όταν μας έκλεψαν το πρωτάθλημα. Και τότε, και τώρα, πρόκειται για ένα άδικο χτύπημα.

Δεδομένου του τι συνέβη, ακόμη και μια αποβολή ενός αγώνα θα ήταν άδικη τιμωρία. Έτσι λειτουργεί το σύστημα κατά του ΠΑΟΚ. Το σύστημα που ευνοεί την Αθήνα. Θέλουν να μας αποσταθεροποιήσουν με κάθε μέσο. Αλλά θα απαντήσουμε όπως το 2019 στο γήπεδο, με δύναμη.

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That is a wild ban, especially when you consider Iliopoulos essientally got a warning. Lucescu has clearly rubbed EPO and Athens the wrong way for years, and he isn't completely innocent in all of it. He does like to provoke and stir things, it is his style. I have previously compared him to Jose Mourinho in regards to his touchline antics and press conferences. 

The issue I have is that there appears to be a double standard when it comes to punishing teams and managers. An opposition president just should not be allowed to enter the other team's dressing room, unless invited. Clearly that didn't happen here. A reprimand is a joke. Plenty of other coaches (Almeyda amongst them) have made obscene gestures in Greece and have not received anywhere near the same amount of media scrutiny/punishment. 

Our whole squad F***ed up by getting off the bus, it was stupid and childish to respond to the bate being thrown out by 3 AEK fans. They weren't in physical danger, there is no excuse for a team full of professionals to pour off the bus to physically retaliate to verbal abuse. The footage makes for tough viewing. 

Now practically what it means for us on the pitch this season, it is hard to see us winning the league considering Lucescu will be in the stands until the end of April. We saw the poor run of form we had when he was banned for 20 or so days a couple of months back. 

Our record was as follows: 

Τα παιχνίδια που έδωσε ο ΠΑΟΚ χωρίς τον Λουτσέσκου στην προηγούμενη ποινή

ΠΑΟΚ - ΟΦΗ 1-2

Αιγάλεω - ΠΑΟΚ 0-3

Λαμία - ΠΑΟΚ 1-2

ΠΑΟΚ - Ολυμπιακός 2-3

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Our performance was bad before and after he was "suspended," though. I don't think him having to give instructions over the phone will be the death knell for the team's season. Fair chance that they'll be angry and just play better. Also wouldn't be surprised if the punishment gets reduced upon appeal.


14 hours ago, paokarag4 said:

 I have previously compared him to Jose Mourinho in regards to his touchline antics and press conferences. 

Funny, I was just telling this to your partner yesterday. Only thing he needs to do now is come out against female refs or something. Master of manipulation and distraction, whose players would die for him. It's exactly what you want in a coach!

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Ok so what the f**k just happened?  Can someone elaborate.  Were punches thrown?  Did someone drop their dacks and flash their dick?  I can't see how a 4 month suspension can be handed out in Greece of all places.

One other thing.  Isn't Gagatsis part of EPO or some such and he's meant to be "our man"?  I'm obviously missing a lot and don't really keep up with the political side of things.

The bad part about this is I can see Lucescu accepting an offer from another club and that'll be that.  AEX win again.

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You are the head coach of the Greek champions. You can not do what he did. I’m not excusing the AEK fans or security or whatever. But at some point you just have to drive away. As my kangaroo buddy said, you’re on the bus, there’s no danger. People are chanting and giving you the finger, just go. The moment he went after those fans, you knew a suspension is coming. If that happened in any sport civilized country the same thing would happen. Imagine an NBA coach going after fans the way Lucescu did. He’d be suspended the rest of the year (probably fired). You represent the organization.

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Oh crap.  I didn't realise the extent of what happened.  I haven't checked the footage or followed the story.  Based on what you're saying it sounds like Lucescu got baited and messed up big time.  I'll have to check the footage ... if I can be bothered.  This is tiresome.

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It is exhausting for sure mate. This is just a part of Greek football but it is easy to become disenchanted with the whole thing when incidents like this occur semi-regularly. 

Here is the video. If you can be bothered there are shorter clips on YouTube taken from the POV of the 3 AEK malakes and you can see and hear what is said in the first few seconds as the bus door opens. The three clearly s%$#! themselves, and hopefully they think twice about yapping away and taunting in future. Regardless of their stupidness it does not excuse our squads reaction, unfortunately. 



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So Savvidis hired the the famous ambulance chaser to defend Lucescu in the appeal. But only Lucescu. The appeal of the rest of the individuals will be by other lawyers.

Kougias said in an interview that the case has so many holes in it that he expects the original verdict will be overturned. We'll just have to see. The appeal is scheduled for January 8, one day before the game with AEK at Toumba.

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