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17 hours ago, CincinnatiAek said:

Why appeal at this point? The 7 point deduction keeps PAOK in second place going into the ridiculously long playoffs, while the 12 point deduction keeps Xanthi above the 2 other relegation candidates.

Because with 8 point lead over AEX going into the playoffs it would be hard to lose the second place. Now with one point difference and the team's psychology down the toilet because of fake charges by Olympiakos the second place is AEK's. That was the plan all along by the POKemon deal under the table. 

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  • 1 month later...

In Greece you can't win a case in court even if you have the best lawyers where things are fixed. The case went through 3 stages of legal proceedings and was never tried. CAS is now our only option, but I think they will not even take on the case.

Mark my words. Olympiakos will now demand that we are stripped of the double titles from last season. 

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Is there any possible way that could actually happen? There is no precedent to do this and it is Greece after all. 

Meanwhile here we wait for all those trails to finish involving Olympiacos. (Pre Covid-19) 

This thing was decided in no time, by Greek standards. 

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They are so predictable. This whole thing was planned for at least couple of years. All they needed first was to have Mitsotakis elected as the prime minister. The rest was easy.

They already asked EPO to strip our titles and have Savvidis banned from running PAOK. 

Not only that they also said that they will also pursue the matter in civil courts as well as CAS in order to apply the original EEA decision which was relegation for PAOK and Xanthi.

Unless the government in Greece changes in the very near future, I expect that we are going to be stripped of the titles and also relegated. And I am not joking. Their (Marinakis, Mitsotakis, Geoffrey R. Pyatt) goal is to run Savvidis out of Greece and they will use any means possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

Olympiakos has officially asked CAS to rule on relegating PAOK and Xanthi from Superleague. 

This sounds ridiculous even for Olympiacos.  They will argue what exactly ?  The club we dislike was found guilty but the penalty was not to our satisfaction and instead we would like a penalty that is outside the current rules governing the game ?  Is there an angle here I’m not seeing ?

Any update on the EPO investigation into the Olympiacos matching fixing ?  Ok, yep, I am joking.

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Seems like big old Vangeli was beating his chest via video link today calling for our "Russian" owner to be chased out of Greek football. 
But seriously though how many monitors did they have to set up to get him on screen? 

It's honestly a disgrace, how both clubs act towards each other. It's embarrassing and try explaining to anyone who comes from a civilized country that people behaving like this actually hold positions of power in Greek football.

Olympiacos is very transparent  and child like in what they are trying to do here,  I would be legit curious how many of their fans are on board with them kicking and screaming their way to CAS to get us relegated. 

Edited by paokarag4
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  • 1 month later...

Looks like we're getting our day in court at CAS???

Dutch Eagle, I expect you to put in a good word with the guy who is being noted on the sites. I assume all you legal scholars play golf together.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any idea how CAS works ?  What I mean is, will the issue be resolved quickly and once their decision is made, it's done ?  Reason I ask is, I've never heard of CAS actually overturning anything

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1 hour ago, Bananas said:

Any idea how CAS works ?  What I mean is, will the issue be resolved quickly and once their decision is made, it's done ?  Reason I ask is, I've never heard of CAS actually overturning anything

Sun Yang says hi

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  • 3 weeks later...

The CAS hearing that took place yesterday lasted 11 hours. Olympiakos asked to be allowed to present additional documentation at the end of the hearing but CAS refused.

I don't see CAS overturning any decisions made in Greece. They will probably just wash their hands of the whole issue by returning the case back to Greek Athletic justice.

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CAS has ruled that the athletic court in Greece has to take on the case and that they have to try the case instead of just relying on a government agency. 

For now PAOK gets back the 7 point that were deducted from the standings.Same thing applies to Xanthi. They will get back their 12 points.

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I’m confused. What to expect and what to hope? Has someone the verdict as a link? Can’t see it yet on the site of CAS.



Edited by Dutch Eagle
It is now. I added the link in this post as well
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It sounds like they're saying the Greek courts need to actually rule on this; since they never did then the points deductions can't be applied.

Interesting that Xanthi has no points returned. But perhaps they figured they could save some money by letting PAOK argue on their side and then take their chances that the entire case would be thrown out? Since presumably the court will still have to rule on both sides now.

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Xanthi made the decision not to be part of the CAS proceedings and it appears as a result of this they will not get the points back for now.

Basically CAS said the case needs to be tried in the EPO's court of appeals, which was never done. It also said that the EEA decision which came out with the PAOK/Xanthi relegation is not binding.

PAOK (and Xanthi) can still be punished by EPO, when the case is tried. However it appears this will not be done before this season is over, so PAOK gets to keep it's points. Any punishment/point deductions will most likely be applied from next season.

This also means that the case can also come back to CAS after EPO Court of Appeals rules on the case. I am pretty sure the case will be back in CAS.

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