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Croatia - Greece ( Round 2, 1st Leg, 9 Nov. 2017, Stadion Maksimir, Zagreb )


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2 minutes ago, Argy said:

He practice fully with his teammates today I was just watching footage. I cannot see him sitting this one out either.

btw Argy im ChinChanChon. Don't be so sensitive in xtra time. Our players are not as world famous as we want to believe here. And we re not considered as good as we believe either. Keep it for here.

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5 minutes ago, bbaw said:

the manolas decision is without a shadow of a doubt motivated by every dark, negative, underhanded, corrupt and anti-greece sentiment that exists in this governing body called FIFA. 

the guy got the yellow  AND sat out the next game - like everyone else who does the same thing he did - even it was motivated by the need to kill the clock. E V E R Y B O D Y does it, gets banned one game and thats that....

I cant believe FIFA chose NOW to make this decision, and make an example -  especially with the other injuries. They take the game out of the hands of the players, and into the hands of kleptokrtats. 

Can there be ANY other message than "WE DONT WANY GREECE TO ADVANCE"......

I hope the boys take this as more motivation, and stick theor collective middle fingers at FIFA and everyone else...

We play good in tight games, no matter who we play..lets hope they dig down deep and pull this off. 

The only weird thing about it is the timing which I agree with u seems a bit corrupt. They were waiting all the time he was injured without even announcing they re looking into the subject and the week he played for Roma and got called (aka was healthy) this happened.

Don't care dude. Taking a result without him is gonna be a better + for the team chemistry. Others need to justify their call ups too.

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3 minutes ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

btw Argy im ChinChanChon. Don't be so sensitive in xtra time. Our players are not as world famous as we want to believe here. And we re not considered as good as we believe either. Keep it for here.

I realize that but I think every Greek on there was respectful and just sharing their opinion. I don't have to gear my opinion based on their knowledge or sentiment. 

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exactly RS......he was singled out, targeted and it was orchestrated based on his ability to play , which as u point out, was announced the moment he played for ROMA....SSSSSSSSSSSS oooooooo many others have done this without any additional penalty other than missing the next game....it stinks to high heaven....

isnt there an appeals process whereby Greece can demand a rational explanation for this decision? I cant imagine such an arbitrary decision not being challengable...

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One of the Croatian wingers, Ante Rebic, was interviewed on what he thought of the national team.  He said that Greece's soccer team are full of dirty players.  All they do is sit back and provoke.  He said that Sokratis and Kyriakos play differently for their club teams then they do for Greece, they play much dirtier when they wear the Greek jersey.

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5 minutes ago, Brklyngrk said:

One of the Croatian wingers, Ante Rebic, was interviewed on what he thought of the national team.  He said that Greece's soccer team are full of dirty players.  All they do is sit back and provoke.  He said that Sokratis and Kyriakos play differently for their club teams then they do for Greece, they play much dirtier when they wear the Greek jersey.

I just read that.. F*** him... 

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13 minutes ago, bbaw said:

exactly RS......he was singled out, targeted and it was orchestrated based on his ability to play , which as u point out, was announced the moment he played for ROMA....SSSSSSSSSSSS oooooooo many others have done this without any additional penalty other than missing the next game....it stinks to high heaven....

isnt there an appeals process whereby Greece can demand a rational explanation for this decision? I cant imagine such an arbitrary decision not being challengable...

Fifa said no appeal is allowed for this ruling... This wasn't a soccer ruling this was a ruling to give one team a little more of an advantage as Fifa would much rather see Croatia and there star players in the World cup then Greece. As I said before the most corrupt organization around.. lets just hope the refs are not involved in any of this and actually let our boys have a chance..

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j, i am not a conspiracy theorist or anything remotely related to it - but this timing and the fact that I have NEVER heard of this being enforced this way (other than missing the next game) SCREAMS premeditated attempt to cut one of greece's legs off (pardon the pun). The lack of an appeal gives SO MUCH unfettered, unchecked  power in the hands of those able to influence outcomes of games/matches/tournaments. 

I am LIVID ---- and Im not even the coach/EPO etc. If I was I would eb SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOoooooooooooooooooooooo fu******* pissed. It's not even like they tried to hide it, you know? 

Man, I hope we undress Croatia and rub FIFA's face in the s*** they created.....

like u say, i hope there is no "trickle down" to the refs.....

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The motive behind fifas decision to ban manolas could be to give Croatia an advantage. However, there could another reason(s).

For instance, maybe fifa wants to disuade players from intentionally getting yellows for time-wasting and, consequently, getting suspended against minnows like Gibraltar. Unfortunately, manolas was used as an  example. 

There are many other possible reasons.

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I understand what you are saying but how about the fact they they let almost a month pass and only until Manolas was cleared to play and chosen on the squad was the suspension then brought down 6 days before? Also a suspension like this has never been given out before. Do you honestly think If Ronaldo did the same thing that Fifa would suspend him from a playoff game? Not a chance in hell does this happen to another top end player on a big team.. This is absolutely bullshit... The fact that Fifa didn't even reach out to the Epo to let them know they will review what happened within a few days after Monalos received the yellow stinks even more. 

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^This. No Review and no accusation from the moment the "fair play incident" happened until Manolas was cleared injuryfree for the games.

Had the incident happened a week or 10 days after the Cyprus-Greece match I would ve said it's to make an example out of players. They need good players worldknown, to put examples out of.


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Just now, Boxou said:

ffs this will be a nail bitter..and if we don't lose, the sunday game will be an even bigger one...trying to calm myself down.., but would hurt a lot to see us going that close but missing it..

I have prepared myself for the worse. Im already happy knowing that a team like us made it back from the dead has only the future to look at.

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"don't talk too much, go to the pitch and try to do your best"............well said / no nonsense


love this guy, Skibbe

one word answers -------- not too much blah, blah, blah....

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Just now, Rockafeller Skank said:

I have prepared myself for the worse. Im already happy knowing that a team like us made it back from the dead has only the future to look at.

it's not so easy..looking back we have missed plenty of tournaments in the last moment like the 2006 one where we lost to ukraine in a game that had we won, we'd be in germany..or at 1998, again in the final game against denmark where we needed a win to go through but we didn't get it..

it would hurt to see us missing a second tournament in a row and not be in russia..

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Well we cleary don't have the team right now to hunt for being permanent tournament contender.

So if you settle and hope that at some point like other Nations who pop out of nowhere after 20+ years of being invisible, we ll make a generation of players capable of holding a trophy,  u ll be fine.

The fact that Superleague is becomming sort of competitive is a hint we re right on track. 

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losing out is never acceptable, but if u miss the tournament playing your best  then, and your opponent beats you , so be it....u tip your hat to the opponent, and u move on to the next challenge....even with injuries they are part of the game so your call ups and talent evaluation is also part of being a good team....but at least the result was in your hands...u can live with that.

but to have one leg tied behind your back, as an obvious flagrant attempt to tilt the odds, well that is unacceptable on every level....

these games are sssssssssssooooo close, and one mistake can be the difference....thats why this guy, manolas, in this playoff is very important and the decision by FIFA so clearly premeditated for reasons other than fair play, blah blah. blah....this example could have been made a million times prior to this incident....it was NEVER made before...to make it NOW, the way it was takes  the game away from the players. 

i dont like 0-0 tomorrow.  I dont like the idea of parking 10 guys back and absorbing pressure for 90 minutes b/c eventually one goes in....i would love to see the team set up an offensive formation and attack immediately. it will be unexpected and will keep their offense in their end of the pitch and prevent them from getting into any offensive rhythm....we need to test their defense early and often....

smurfs like stafylidis and tzavellas are very key in this game - active pests that keep things tight and give no room that can also chase the ball for 90 minutes......also fortounis needs to play his A game.


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from the formation that is around so far it looks like skibbe will use a not really defensive line up with a 4 man midfield. croatia is vulnerable defensively so we'll have our chances and with badelj missing fortounis' life will be easier as there would not someone particular marking him. it will also be crucial for mpakasetas and tziolis to perform something that i really doubt is going to happen..also hoping for retsos not to crack under pressure on the left..

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4 hours ago, Brklyngrk said:

One of the Croatian wingers, Ante Rebic, was interviewed on what he thought of the national team.  He said that Greece's soccer team are full of dirty players.  All they do is sit back and provoke.  He said that Sokratis and Kyriakos play differently for their club teams then they do for Greece, they play much dirtier when they wear the Greek jersey.

Sokratis should respond to this by saying...."he's absolutely right and we'll see him at game time"

Make the guy think a bit.

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I don't know how vulnerable Croatias defence is as they have only allowed 4 goals against the entire qualifications. On the other hand I'm nervous as F***....I don't think I can handle another tournament going by with out us in it.... I know we have to sit back and defend but I'm worried we will concede witch may lead to us opening up to get an equalizer and then they hit us again.  I still think Laz and maybe even Pelkas should start so when we do counter we have guys capable of making something happen. 

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they will expect us to sit back and defend, thats why we must come out an attack.....early and often....they cant score if the ball is on their side of the field....the element of surprise will disrupt whatever plan they may have and may even get us an early goal....

they have not conceded b/c they are always on attack.....if u go back and look at time of possession in their games, its always higher than the other squads they play.....

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^I get what you are saying and it does make sense but honestly I think we need to look at the Belgium game we played when we defended to the death and then Mitro scored early in the second half. I completely agree that if we attacked at the beginning we definitely would take them by surprise and maybe that's our chance to get an early away goal and then we can park the bus... 

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