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Moscow alleged to have enough material to blackmail Trump. Moscow alleged to have enough material to blackmail Trump

The full document (as published from BuzzFeed) so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about Trump that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government.

Holy smokes... This is the guy that will lead America?

How long before impeachment? 

Edited by JimAdams
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Don't listen to hardcore cons, like the poster above, who are hung up on one issue, immigration. The majority of Americans (plurality of Repubs too) want imm reform that includes legalization.

But, the rhetoric is appealing to those cons...such rhetoric has been used by many ultra-nationalists and agitators.....that it's your fault you've fallen behind...it's the foreigners, the traitors within, the corrupt media, minorities, (insert names here), etc... If you elect me, I'll restore your greatness, keep you safe (yeah, the fear factor is yuge), so let's all chant U-S-A....  And, guess what? people fall for this..

Energize enough voters, suppress the opposition by accusing the other candidate of the worst violations, add a fortuitous opportunity of that candidate not being very much liked, and that's your recipe for winning an election.

@JimAdams The Russians blackmailing Trump? with sex tapes? That would explain why he's so pro-Russian.

Impeachment? By all means! After all, the Repubs would be starting the procedure for Hillary already!

Edited by Hudson
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That's interesting you mention that term, gaslighting....

From CNN: "Mental health professionals have made much of the practice, said to be a favorite of narcissists and abusive spouses. But more recently the tactical tampering with the truth has become a preferred method of strongmen around the world. Gaslighting by other means was always a common feature of dictatorships, but it has found new vogue as a more subtle form of domestic political control even in countries with varying degrees of democracy.
Now Trump has brought it to the United States. The techniques include saying and doing things and then denying it, blaming others for misunderstanding, disparaging their concerns as oversensitivity, claiming outrageous statements were jokes or misunderstandings, and other forms of twilighting the truth."
Fortunately or unfortunately we'll have plenty of time to assess president Trump. I watched his press conference this morning and he's still not presidential. Personal attacks, picking fights with reporters, derogatory comments against anyone who doesn't think he's the greatest, and he spoke like an uneducated bar room brawler.
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5 hours ago, ELLAS75 said:

Buzzfeed is not a real news organization, a re Jimmy!

You're correct. But, when did the news sources matter? Anything is true if you believe it! Trump and his supporters did this all along. Payback in same currency is a bitch sometimes.  You do know that if this were about Hillary, we would never hear the end of it....  like how the Russians are blackmailing her because they have sex tapes of her and Bill, and like the underage gay sex trafficking business they're running....  Wait, we did hear that during the campaign...

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Anyone who runs for president or is elected and don't release their tax returns are hiding something serious.

I'm not even sure that he's being audited by the IRS. I'd ask him to at least produce the IRS audit letter. And, btw, once you're being audited, your tax returns are being examined; it's not like you release your records and then the IRS says, hmmm let's look into this again...

Some of the reasons Trump is not releasing this tax records may be: he's not as rich as he claims; he has paid little or no taxes through some schemes; has business with enemies or adversaries of the US; he's not charitable; and that he's tied to the mob...

I don't know of a more corrupt, unethical, insincere president in the last 150 years of the republic... Amazing.

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13 hours ago, ELLAS75 said:

Oh the butt hurt liberals, Trump not only beat HRC but he also crushed her "super" surrogates Bill Clinton, Obama, Michelle Obama (lol) Biden etc.. Get over it your new president will be on the job in a week!

Taunting and provoking is the equivalent of trolling. Unless you can contribute ideas or thoughts to a conversation, it's best to stay out of it. Be warned.

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In an alternative universe, the FBI director came out 10 days before the election and said he's investigating the fraudulent Trump "university" and that Hillary had asked Russia to hack into Trump's tax returns.... and then HRC won the election but lost the popular vote by 3 million votes...

I reckon all the Republicans would be stepping over each other to go to her inauguration and support her as the 45th president of the US. Just like they did with the 44th president.


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9 hours ago, aek66 said:



8 hours ago, Pana97 said:

where were you a few days ago with that? ^^^

How mature you two are....

I'd ask the Russians to release the video of you two using this "Butt-hurt Salve" on each other, but, the liberal I'm, I respect your private time, for now, to masturbate to your idol...




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On 1/14/2017 at 6:54 AM, Lazarus said:

Taunting and provoking is the equivalent of trolling. Unless you can contribute ideas or thoughts to a conversation, it's best to stay out of it. Be warned.

Guys, we let this thread go out of bounds, trying to be as accommodating as possible during this rough election season, so from now on all posts and posters that use inappropriate language and/or taunting will result in warnings and suspensions. We can't continue like this. It's not what this forum is about. I just warned 4 members who posted above. You know who you are, so STOP it!

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4 hours ago, Tzatziki said:

@Pana97  and @Hudson  I know from experience it can be infuriating to be on the receiving end of a warning when you feel like you were either justified in your action or slighted by a member who was not himself warned for having a go at you. 

The best way to deal in my case, once I realized I will be banned eventually, was to simply swallow my e-pride and if I really felt a strong need to react report the post or issue to the mods. 

If you can resist the initial urge to snapback, you will see that you might enjoy posting much more, and even the content might go up a notch (not always, but sometimes).


@Hudson I enjoy reading your posts too, but even if it is on the low, or discreet, or vague, indirect, we cannot allow posters to take shots at others.

Again, just report the issue, and we will deal with every case as fairly and as reasonably as possible.


I appreciate your explanation of the situation. I don't know who gets warned and why/when, but yeah we should all be more civil.

So, OK, I got a yellow card...  It was a ..professional foul :hockey-and-ice-hockey-053496:

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1 hour ago, Hudson said:

I appreciate your explanation of the situation. I don't know who gets warned and why/when, but yeah we should all be more civil.

So, OK, I got a yellow card...  It was a ..professional foul :hockey-and-ice-hockey-053496:

We sit around a bar drinking ale like swine and throw darts at a dartboard.  Aha, I hit Hudson!  Warning for him!

But seriously, there is no formula, no hard and fast rule per se.  The moderators don't sit here scanning each and every post.  If they come across something by chance, or if it's reported, then action may be taken.  And that action doesn't necessarily have to be the end of it.  If I issue you a warning you can always take it further if you feel aggrieved.  If you're given a warning by a SuperMod or Lazarus then you're probably out of luck.

To be fair the trolling in this thread has been going on for months now so it's probably for the best that some warnings were dished out.  Pana97's charging to a red rag is a different matter.

As to the specific of if a warning was suitable for a specific post, if a particular poster feels aggrieved, that is in my opinion besides the point right now.

What is important is that posters pull their heads in and stop with the "if you believe x then you must be a y" sort of posts.  It's gotten way out of hand.

Maybe you all need a lesson in how to post your political beliefs from @1789.

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Even Greeks are threatened in the dawn of the Trump era:

Being Told To “Speak F*$&ing English”

So I was standing in line at the grocery store, speaking to my wife…in Greek. Out of nowhere I hear some grumbling behind me that seemed like someone was trying to tell me something. I turn around, say “Excuse me?” And I get a loud “Speak English, this is America!” thrown at me.





Maybe Trump supporters in this forum are a bit happier with how things are going?

Edited by JimAdams
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Thank you Bananas and Tzatziki for your cool, and levelheadedness. I'd also like to point out that not all fouls are the same, "professional" or not. Some are more egregious than others. For example, if someone bumps into you or trips you, accidentally or on purpose, they get a yellow card, but if you turn around and shoot them, you will be ejected into Hades.


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