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Road To Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup

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2 hours ago, Dikefale11 said:

How much are tickets going for games do you or anybody know?

They should charge 5/10 per person max and let children in for free.

I paid 5 € when we played Iceland for a friendly in April (or March?), and kids had free entrance. I don't know how big the crowd was but it seriously felt like we were 350 at the stadium.


3 hours ago, Dikefale11 said:

I dont understand why we cant play our big games at OAKA and sell 50,000+

Simply because OAKA is an outdated stadium with a huge running track, that in no way will make a warm atmosphere for our team, nor look good for international broadcast. Games needs to be moved out of Attica, thats the main issue as the situation stands now.

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1 hour ago, Megas said:

8000 at the Cyprus game shows the kind of ppl greeks are these day divided and anti there own ethinicity. I say bring the qualifiers to Melbourne we will fill the aami rectangle stadium.


No chance you would fill a 30,000 capacity stadium in Melbourne to watch Greece play the likes of Estonia and Gibraltar, he'll even Bosnia, the game against Australia a few months ago barely reached just over 30k and they we're giving away thousands of freebies just to reach that figure, and of that crowd maybe 15k were Greek.

the idea of taking qualifiers to the diaspora would have been appealing once upon a time, but that ship has sailed.

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When the Pirates get back to top 15 in fifa rankings, then the grounds will start to swell. If the Epo keep failing to play Pirate's matches at different grounds, like the economy, they will continue to learn the hard way. Their choice, the easy way or the hard way.

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23 minutes ago, ThrylosG7 said:

Most of the diaspora who are 25 and under - are Greek in name only...

Most of them are 3rd generation now, they would rather watch an exhibition tour featuring Real Madrid and Liverpool.

the Greek nt playing games in Australia, USA or Canada in the 70s, 80s and even 90s would have been something else.

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there were many poor crowds watching the NT in the good old days...

I can go back to WC qualifier in kalamata v Bosnia in 1996..

or the whole serious of friendlies played v Slovakia, Estonia, Cyprus, El Salvador, Nigeria..at some really bizarre in the late 1990s at some bizarre venues like Rhodes, Trikala, I think one of the matches was at Ethnikos ASTERAS GROUND??


A recall a 4-0 win over Austria ?? in kalamata no one showed up...

or how about the recent matches v Denmark and Italy at Karaiskaki...when non one showed..




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So, who would we barrack for if Australia played Cyprus then? Consider the Kiwis born in Australia who are the Aussie's ANZAC cousins, and they don't touch Australia in sporting events, they strictly support their heritage national teams, always; eg. All Blacks in rugby.

Yet we fall over ourselves to barrack for Australia. Is this because it's expected? For me, I don't know of any Cypriot players so I'd go for Australia, and the fact I grew up here. Against Greece, I 'd go for Greece.



Edited by ausgreek
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I dont believe we reached more than 15k on good weather playing teams like Latvia, Lithuania Liechtenstein in the past. So why would we fill more than that (considering that with better weather ~double the people would go to watch the match Live) against another pot 4,5,6 team like Cyprus?

Most people have also stopped following the E8niki due o disappointment reasons. I expect more people in the BiH (which might prove to be the group winner/2nd place match) and Belgium matches.

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I actually searched for it:
WC qualifiers 2014:
Greece-Latvia   Attendance: 18k

Greece-Liechtenstein Attendance:   18k

Greece Lithuania attendance 21k 

While the good matches:
Greece-Slovakia attendance: 21k
Greece-Bosnia attendance: 26k


Considering that with such a rain and the previous qualification campaign ~10k wouldnt seem bad. Lets see what happens on the bosnia match.

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the Greek football NT is my favourite team for all sports.

A lot of people in Greece are huge fans too but there's a weird meme going on where people also shun patriotism.

Shits gotta stop. Greece has fantastic history, people, culture. We should be reverent for it and support each other!

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On 12 October 2016 at 5:28 PM, Amorgos said:

105k vs Aust in 2006

96k I think, I was there, when Australia scored without exaggeration I'd say 60k+ celebrated...would have been roughly 35k Greeks there, and this was post euro 2004 euphoria against the home country of Australia who had also qualified for the World Cup for the first time since 74,  put Greece in a match here against Bosnia or Estonia and I'll eat my hat if more than 10-15k turn up.

fast forward 10 years and only 33k turned up to watch the same 2 teams, you would be surprised how things can change in a decade. Especially in this country where the younger generation Greeks have been seduced by the A league and been coached into hating Sydney Olympic and sm Hellas.

as far as Greece itself is concerned, It will always be a club before country place, the only time this was remotely challenged was just after the euro triumph, normal service resumed pretty quickly.

Edited by Greekoz
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On 12/10/2016 at 9:56 PM, Amorgos said:

Bringing back some memories Sheriff, we won most of those games quite convincingly too, Bosnia we smashed 3-0 from memory

We did lose 1-0 or 2-1  to Cyprus at Ethnikos Asteras.....what a bizarre place to play Intl.Football..


nonetheless..the crowds in that era were poor.....too many people like to blame OTTO/Santos/EPO/ Kats/Kara/Tziolis/Vyntra.  or economic crisis.etc...for fans not showing up..  but it is not true

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For me personally I never support Australia (Socceroos). Maybe the only exception is against FYROM but I recall when Turkey came here to play a series a decade or so ago I was so indifferent I didn't care who won.

Even as a little kid watching Katholos, Raskopoulos, Kalantzis I just never felt the pull of supporting Australia. From a really early age (like 4 years old) I was just very aware of my Hellenic identity as opposed to my brother who does support Australia (except against Greece) and takes it personally when they lose etc.

I don't even care about being called a traitor or disloyal to Australia as I'm intelligent enough to know that if I really do live in a free state then I can follow any football nation I like. It's not like I'm selling state secrets to Kim Jong Il or to the Ayatollah's of Iran. If anyone has a problem with my position then it's their issue and not mine so just deal with it.

Amen and Forza Hellas!!!

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21 hours ago, Akritis_1944 said:

For me personally I never support Australia (Socceroos). Maybe the only exception is against FYROM but I recall when Turkey came here to play a series a decade or so ago I was so indifferent I didn't care who won.

Even as a little kid watching Katholos, Raskopoulos, Kalantzis I just never felt the pull of supporting Australia. From a really early age (like 4 years old) I was just very aware of my Hellenic identity as opposed to my brother who does support Australia (except against Greece) and takes it personally when they lose etc.

I don't even care about being called a traitor or disloyal to Australia as I'm intelligent enough to know that if I really do live in a free state then I can follow any football nation I like. It's not like I'm selling state secrets to Kim Jong Il or to the Ayatollah's of Iran. If anyone has a problem with my position then it's their issue and not mine so just deal with it.

Amen and Forza Hellas!!!

You've been reported.  Expect a visit from Pauline Hanson shortly.

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What I meant was I was aware that Kalantzis (his Theia lived next door to my mum's sister in Earlwood) and Patikas weren't Anglo and neither was Alan Davidson nor the many Slavs who've come through the Australian team over the last 30 years, but that was never enough for me to feel a connection to the Socceroos.

Iraklis toured Australia in 1984 and I didn't know much about them or Hatzipanagis but I supported them against Australia B or the full team.

I probably supported the individual Greek players from memory. I recall Kalantzis scored a bicycle against Taiwan or Chinese Taipei as they were known then and I was happy for him but as I felt no real connection to the Socceroos it definitely hasn't changed any now with the disgraceful apartheid of the FFA and how they run the sport. 

As for the other sports, I am neither interested nor would I support the Wallabies or the cricket team and at the Olympics I know Anglo-Australians who think the hype and jingoism is beyond ridiculous.

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12 minutes ago, Bananas said:

You've been reported.  Expect a visit from Pauline Hanson shortly.

We had one total clown post here when Greece toured in June and pretty much said that anyone not supporting Australia was like supporting ISIS so I'm sure the various security agencies (AFP, ASIO, DOD) are already on to me.

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13 hours ago, Akritis_1944 said:

What I meant was I was aware that Kalantzis (his Theia lived next door to my mum's sister in Earlwood) and Patikas weren't Anglo and neither was Alan Davidson nor the many Slavs who've come through the Australian team over the last 30 years, but that was never enough for me to feel a connection to the Socceroos.

Iraklis toured Australia in 1984 and I didn't know much about them or Hatzipanagis but I supported them against Australia B or the full team.

I probably supported the individual Greek players from memory. I recall Kalantzis scored a bicycle against Taiwan or Chinese Taipei as they were known then and I was happy for him but as I felt no real connection to the Socceroos it definitely hasn't changed any now with the disgraceful apartheid of the FFA and how they run the sport. 

As for the other sports, I am neither interested nor would I support the Wallabies or the cricket team and at the Olympics I know Anglo-Australians who think the hype and jingoism is beyond ridiculous.

I went to the game at the MCG although I was a kid at the time and don't remember too much.  As for the rest of what you're saying, I get it.  Those players you mention like Katholos, Patikas, Kalantzis, that was the golden age for us "wogs".  Good times, great players.

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for me Greece was number 1 always..but I was also a very passionate socceroo fan until around 2000..


I was devastated when Iran beat us in 1997..I was there..however by 2001 when Uruguay played at the MCG..I was secretly supporting an aussie defeat..have been ever since...

I think when I hit around 30..I realised how arrogant/ignorant the masses were here..and the whole jingoism really turned me off them..

the 'ugly australian' sledging on the field....really got me angry..

For me the straw that broke the camels back was post 2000, when the Aussie media was gunning for Athens to lose the Olympics....the total misinformation and constant lies at the time was very offensive and down right racist...

After a successful Athens 2004, and no apology from the aussie media..I felt 'stuff you'......combine this with the euphoria of euro 2004..amd the exclusion of south Melbourne fc  from A League based on ethnic grounds..

I turned my back totally on aussie sport.. and the sporting culture..

It was difficult to care about AFL..Socceroos etc ..after winning Euro 2004...it was 'like winning sporting powerball'..

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