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Greece-Hungary (11 October 2015, Karaiskakis Stadium, Piraeus)


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There is a rumour going round saying a few Armenian players were paid to sell them match.....


But I agree with you Akritis not much to gloat about when you get their by default, still don't get how they were given the points when they instigated the incidents against Serbia, just shows how deep corruption goes....

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The reason I don't follow football anymore is because of absurd views like this. lol yes the Armenian national team lost the game intentionally to let the Albanians qualify. If you're going to spew this rubbish at least have hard facts. If not, then you're like the classic Greek uncle everyone on these boards have who spouts dumb s%$#! like this

Don't shoot the messenger. Contra.gr has the story from Serbian site (b92.net) who claim that sources in Albania claim that the Armenian GK and 3 defenders were paid off.

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Despite this win, it wasn't enough to avoid this. Final Group F Standings:



Northern Ireland-21






Faroe Islands-6




We still finished last, including behind the Faroes(I guess on head-to-head)

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As far as Albania goes, if I'm Albanian, I really don't care how they qualified. Albania has never qualified for a major tournament, I would be damn proud to see Albania in a Euro. Are they ACTUALLY better than Denmark? No. Did some shady things happen to get Albania in? Maybe, but to say the Albanians shouldn't be proud? I don't think they care, nor should they.

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I get what you are saying but how does that explain the 5 goals in total against NI, the 2 against FI and so on? Let's not forget guys we have always had trouble scoring this is NOT something new, the only thing that is new is our goals against and how horrible we've,played defensively. Let's say our offense does get better but the way we are playing defensively stays the same all that means is we will be losing 5-2 against teams like Bosnia and Belgium who can both score at will. FIX THE DEFENCE

the problem u are mentioning in the defence , actually lies in offence.

how many times did the defenders, even the cbs have to play high to help the mid/attack ?

in most of the games we saw the same 4 that were used in the WC. lloyd,sokratis,manolas,torosidis and we didnt concede so many from much better teams (exclude colombia). so what is there to fix since this defence proved itself in a much higher competition ? 


thedifference since wc and wc qualifiers were creative players like katagounis,katsouranis,samaras even salpi. also a very fast and good at marking 6ari was taken from us ,maniatis(his shot sucks but his absence proved crucial)


at such situations , where u re the favorite when a world class defender like sokratis sees his offence unable to score again shittyy teams he ll go press and try to be offensive, because they are expected to win.because they must win and they have to win. im pretty sure all the coaches told them to do so many times as well

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the dutch were without Robben for much of the campaign.

they're a completely different side with him on.

much much better.


Greece this past decade has always played best with a chip on the shoulder.

Being the favourites in this group is outside our comfort zone.



World Cup Qualifiers we're back in the under dog seat. Were we have almost always been. 

I think our players like to be underestimated.

Sucker punching Ivory Coast out of knockout rounds. Beating Portugal at their home in the final. Knocking out the dark horse Russia in 2012.

Edited by georgelaz
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Looking back on the matchcentre we were officially in a 4-2-3-1




Pelkas & Mantalos gave us pace on the wide side. You gotta have pace on the wings.


Klonaridis, Holebas, Fetftazidis are some of our faster players for the wing as well.


Fefta needs to get on a good team! he's one of our best players offensively. He only played a total of about 90 minutes this campaign. 

in the last hugary game 0-0 (our second best game he was our best player)

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I love the optimism but I need to see what a lot more before I start saying we are the favorites next to Belgium for the World Cup qualifications, is that how quick everyone switches just because we barely beat a pathetic Hungary team 4-3 all of a sudden we should have no problem qualifying for the World Cup? Based on what? I still strongly believe our team is in shambles. We had one good attacking game against a s%$#! team, does that mean Pelkas is the answer? The truth is we have no clue yet. We haven't seen anything to prove that this team is turning the corner. It was one game since the World Cup that we won a game. News flash if we played Bosnia tomorrow they would spank us, so would Belgium. Let's wait and see what happens with a new coach and some friendlies and then maybe we can get a bit optimistic but for now this team is still far away from correcting things.

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Cyprus vs. Greece to me is more like Crete vs. Greece.


I consider them as Greek as any other part of Greece. I have many cypriot friends and they cheer as hard for the ethiniki as anybody.


They were going to be party of Greece in 1974 till Turkey went ape s%$#! and started raiding people's houses.

Edited by georgelaz
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Before the friendlies start which is very important for us, we need a coach, I don't want to start another game with out a coach. Who ever the new coach is needs as many games as possible with this team before next September.

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