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EL-GS-R1: Qabala FK - PAOK FC (17-Sep-15, 20:00 GR)


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To write us off now is ridiculous, with 5 games to play. Yes we did expect 3 points from this game and we didnt get them, is it the end of the world? No. Qualification will come down to the back to back games against the Russians. In all likelihood we will need 6 points from those games, 3 from the home game vs Qabala and anything taken off Dortmund is a bonus. It is going to be tough, but I think we'll go close to qualifying.

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Kace's absence was felt.  I agree with Tziolis, but Tzabella did his job.  I think Pelkas needs to be brought back down to Earth.  He's been hearing too much praise, and thinks he can just put the team on his shoulders and run with it.  He can't.  The kid is talented, no doubt about it, but he's not an elite player.


We left 2 valuable points on the table....a shame.   I'm not expecting a single point from Dortmund....I'm hoping for a tie and a win with the Russians and a win vs. Qabala.

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I watched the game. For me PAOK were two players away from winning that game convincingly. Tziolis and Tzavellas for me hindered PAOK. Poor passing, fouling, greed etc. PAOK should beat them easily at home however Tudor needs to find a way to speed up the midfield. 60% of everything coming to Tziolis turned into a scramble. He simply doesn't have the speed or skill for this level. 


Tzavellas was poor, but I don't think he contributed to that problem - unlike Tziolis, when Tzavellas got forward he at least was able to kick the ball. Tziolis gave the worst performance I've seen from him in ages. How can someone pass backwards so often?


I honestly cringed the two or three times he found himself in the attacking third. He can't dribble, he was in completely over his head. It seems that Kace just makes him look good; without Kace we were weak.


This was a great chance to put in Charisis to see what he could do. I'd take the ability to run over Tziolis's experience in a game like this.

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Pash, hopefully two things happen this season.

1) We extend Kace's contract. Do it already!

2) One of Chimirot, Sabo, Charisis, Antonis manages to take Tziolis spot in the 11. Sabo is playing fairly average at the moment, but he might just be trying to find his feet. Too early to judge him just yet.

On a side note, is that now 2 games in a row that Olsen hasn't had a clanger ? Oh damn, I just jinxed him.

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Olsen was pretty decent. That last double-save he did was nearly a disaster, but that would have been a Costa own goal. Showed some good reflexes there.


I think Cimirot will take his place, although we are allergic to pace, then I guess Antonis has a chance. I think what will be most important, is to see who complements Kace best.


As disappointing as I find Tzavellas though, Tziolis has just been so much more of a liability.

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Antonis is no Kace. He's technical and quite composed. Good vision. I actually don't think he'll suit PAOK for games where you expect to be on the back foot against better opposition. If you want a player to run all day and "hack" the opposition, it's not him.

We'll find out soon enough how he copes with the step up. Australia does not exist lol.

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He doesn't have to be a Kace - from what I've heard, he seems like he's more of a Tziolis type. Slow and dim-witted. But if he can pass positively, he would be a marked improvement.


-edit- meaning, him as a partner to Kace, not a replacement.

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Kace's absence was felt. I agree with Tziolis, but Tzabella did his job. I think Pelkas needs to be brought back down to Earth. He's been hearing too much praise, and thinks he can just put the team on his shoulders and run with it. He can't. The kid is talented, no doubt about it, but he's not an elite player.

We left 2 valuable points on the table....a shame. I'm not expecting a single point from Dortmund....I'm hoping for a tie and a win with the Russians and a win vs. Qabala.

100% agree with your take on Pelkas. The ability is there, he will mature and make better decisions with the more games he gets.

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Good question. Hopefully pulling him off did some good.


Speaking of which - for those that saw it, what did you think about Golasa? He came out like he had something to prove (which he does). Talk about staying on the team by the skin of his teeth.

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I'm pleased about Golasa. I thought it was odd that Tudor didn't want him in the team. He fit for the most part the Arnesen criteria of young and relatively cheap. I concluded he wasn't "hungry" enough.

He was so so last year but I thought he should be given a second season to see how it played out. At least this way we'll know. Then again, maybe once Cimirot and Antonis get fit, that could be it for him. Might explain his attitude.

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I think Pelkas NEEDS a player like Kace next to him.  They complement each other.  I think Mak needs to get back in a supportive roll at the wing.  He's fast but he can't score for $HIT when he's in a classic scoring position.  If he doesn't dribble past the goalie and walk the ball into the goal, or get a goal served to him hot on a platter, he can't score. 

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I still think the 2 points we dropped might come back and haunt us in the end. I only hope that Qabala cuts points from Krasnodar as well, and then the 2nd place will be decided in our two games against the Russians.

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