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Corruption In The Greek Sl


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Koriopolis... Noor 1....  they are all paramythia tis xalimas


Forget about the Greek justice system and EPO and just assess what is happening with Noor 1 for a moment. A s%$#! load of heroin lost to the authorities, serious money being burnt, supply lines being exposed, people linked to the drugs are showing up dead. Some heavy hitters in the underworld have been burnt and they are not relying on the Greek legal system for justice. 


No one walks away from this scenario problem free.

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Would be great if Beos grew some balls and actually dropped a name of who we all know is the main man in all this.


I remember few months ago he did actually say "how can my name be there and not Marinakis"


If he has any dignity (highly doubt) about himself he will tell the truth so he doesn't rot away in a cell like he did last time.

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So basically he is going back to jail as the evidence against him is very strong. Oh well no one said he doesn't deserve to be there also, just thought he would have abit more balls and speak up because when you hear him talk "at times" you know he wants to speak up but is holding back. But then other times he talks you know he's telling lies!!

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Research until now has shown that everyone involved in the Noor 1 case, those in custody by the Greek Justice, cannot afford to buy a anything of any value, let alone a tanker with two tons of heroin ! To be precise, they are persons who were financially ruined by the economic crisis and obviously some Big Financier with the economic power and ability, used them in their distress, by funding the expensive business of buying tanker market load of heroin and transport in Greece. A process that has cost an estimated total of about 50 million dollars.

Such Big Financier, which has relations with major political Families, is known to the authorities that came and went in the Shipowner's house, where part of the consignment of Heroin transported by NOOR One was locked up, during the days that this house was under monitoring by the prosecuting authorities, a fact which in itself does not constitute evidence of his involvement in the case.

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Mystery surrounds the death of alleged ?Noor-1? heroin cartel chief His death in the Korydallos prison occurred a few days before the conclusion of the major investigation

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A Turkish man who was believed to be the leader of the ?Noor-1? heroin cartel, which was busted about a  year ago, has died under mysterious circumstances in Korydallos prison, a few days before the conclusion of the investigation.

The man, who suffered from mobility problems from birth, had been arrested during the first phase of investigations in Athens and is believed to have had a leading role in the transportation of heroin from the Persian Gulf and money laundering in Greece. He also appears to have been in contact with other Turkish nationals residing in Belgium.

According to reports the Turkish man had recently been transferred from the fifth wing in Korydallos to the prison infirmary, citing a serious health problem. Sources suggest that he may not have actually suffered from any serious medical problem and intended to get in contact with another Turkish prisoner in the infirmary. Authorities are currently trying to discover what the purpose of their meeting was.

Two tons of heroin were found to have been transferred via the ?Noor-1, which traveled from Dubai and to Elefsina. About 40 people are facing serious charges, with a number of suspects claiming that they have been threatened and the victims of extortion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here it is in English:

Platini's Greek problem

Those so keen to install Michel Platini as the next president of FIFA may wish to consider standards of governance at UEFA before celebrating his impending succession. It would appear Angela Merkel is not the only leader with a Greek problem.

UEFA?s deputy general secretary is Theodore Theodoridis, a long-standing board member of the Hellenic Football Federation and a UEFA employee since 2008. His father, Savvas Theodoridis, is vice-president of Olympiacos, who have won all bar two editions of the Greek championship since 1996.

There may be a reason for this, however, as the club?s chairman, Vangelis Marinakis, is under investigation over allegations that he bribed and influenced match officials, league officials and disciplinary panel judges. One of the accusations concerns the bombing of a bakery owned by a high-profile referee. Marinakis has already been acquitted by one investigation, but another is ongoing, and he is on strict bail terms, reporting to police every 15 days. He was banned from football activities in June, although club ownership is somehow permitted. Despite this scandal, there is no sign of Olympiacos?s participation in the Champions League coming under threat.

When allegations of corruption dogged Fenerbahce, UEFA similarly did not act until domestic inquiries had been completed ? but they did warn the Turkish federation that there could be severe consequences if they did not voluntarily withdraw the club from competition. Fenerbahce served a one-year suspension from Europe, while investigations continued, before UEFA added their own punishment. That order came from Gianni Infantino, UEFA general secretary and, as such, Theodoridis?s boss.

Strangely, Infantino has made no similar demands of the Hellenic Football Federation over Olympiacos. Still, the Football Association are among those who have already happily pledged their support for Platini as football?s honest broker, so no doubt they are satisfied with the impeccable and consistent conduct of his UEFA regime.

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Our govt cant even get running a nation right their last concern is Greek football.

But in saying that if our govt wanted to make a stand and show they want to do well for the Greek people they would do what is needed and clean up the league from all this vromia as a start.


EPO are puppets they wont go against those who have put them there.

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Doxa has a patch on his profile of that koproskillo

that keeps getting his head kicked in when he walks around Athens . Too many braindeaded pea brains watch him and listen and believe him and aki. They both need a serious pounding and reality check. They both incite hate and violence and push the propaganda that we are the ones who are the dirty corrupt ones not them


My ass we are

Edited by Spirtto13
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You say keep dreaming but at the same time lets win the prwtathlima


Aren't you the one that was championing the idea that things will be different this year in regards to officiating and how the game will be played?


I'm willing to believe things will be different on that end... so yes.. thats why I'm focusing on the prwtathlima...


In regards to Europe...  I still see Astera and the gavro sitting pretty in there Euro spots....  NOTHING will happen to them... all this talk about taking champs league from gavro was all "fluff" from Alafouzo.   If there was any real concern for this to come to fruition, it would have happened already.

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I think it will be different too. In regards to both officiating and also the 5 charges he carries from his fat belly. Because IF something happens to the officiating and it does get better it means that something is happening overall in the big scope of things.


By saying  nothing will happen does not help your cause for championship inspirations


s%$#! will happen...believe.

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If Oly were to be banned from Europe it would've happened already, so don't hold hope of anything changing now. One thing I can say though is after his latest accusations found him guilty even though the punishment was a F***en joke as he is still involved in football is that he has put a shadow over ALL their titles won under him, only a one eyed gavro wouldn't admit to that.


As for the accusations against Marinakis now, we all know he isn't a saint but each time he goes to a Prosecutor he walks away hardly untouched, don't expect much to change if he attends another accusation against him.


Our people in courts have no balls, they cant even lock up those that ruined Greece as if they are going to make Marinakis an example, hope I am wrong and they throw the book at him, but don't hold much hope of it.

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Not even in Greece the Panathinaiki complain as much as JVC and his friends on this forum. Really, you guys are something else. Like small childeren. Please grow up or go watch the MLS instead of our Greek league.

What's wrong with the MLS?
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