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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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I know people don't agree with basing it off FIFA 17 when there are over 9000 members which include professional scouts, coaches and season ticket holders. There not all fans. EA sports then finalise the information from those people so it can be suitable for the game. The whole debate was who better between Pelkas and Mystakidis, as it turns out I was right about Pelkas being better. Do people disagree? Also states in the article that they are not 100%. As it shouldn't be, because it's unrealistic, but we can at least see the minor differences and take it from there.

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5 hours ago, Dean97 said:

The whole debate was who better between Pelkas and Mystakidis, as it turns out I was right about Pelkas being better. Do people disagree?

As it turns out? You literally just linked to a web site with stats that everyone else here has said are meaningless.

Either way, it's a moot point here. Pelkas is going to be out at least a month, possibly as long as two.

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8 hours ago, Dean97 said:

The whole debate was who better between Pelkas and Mystakidis, as it turns out I was right about Pelkas being better. Do people disagree?

They are just different.  It depends on the game.  If you're expecting to have more possession Pelkas is probably the better pick.  He's more technical and is more likely to play that through ball.  Mystakidis is more physically robust and is the type of player who will force or make a goal through sheer effort and running.  If you're playing a team who you expect to have more of the ball, Pelkas will disappear as he's not good at hustling to win the ball.  He doesn't throw his body into the battle.  Mystakidis does.  One is not better the other, they are different and a proper manager will use them appropriately.

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If this video doesnt prove that Pelkas is a quite smart offensive player then i dont know what does. 

I know its just Panaitolikos defence, but look how many assist he provited for the rest of the PAOK players to just fail the chances.

Im not expecting him to join the NT and make us look like Barcelona, but his movements, his contribution, especially at a point when paok key player Rodriguez just left them, seem quite crucial.

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What that video doesn't show you, are the two dozen or so passes he made to opposing team members. He has a long way to go. Mistakidis, meanwhile, was man of the match. Again, highlights don't tell you the whole story.

However, the fact that Ivic did not buy another AM as backup, shows that he will be getting his chances in his real position, up the middle.

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2 hours ago, pash said:

What that video doesn't show you, are the two dozen or so passes he made to opposing team members. He has a long way to go. Mistakidis, meanwhile, was man of the match. Again, highlights don't tell you the whole story.

However, the fact that Ivic did not buy another AM as backup, shows that he will be getting his chances in his real position, up the middle.

He is played LW right now, Biseswar is the main AM. Except if u re talking about Mystakidis. He is too young to not make mistakes pash, both of them are. Goal was all coz of Pelkas stealing, but no mention to that.

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You're saying this like I don't watch every game. He's playing LW only because we do not have a better option there right now. There are two new LWs incoming, so I wouldn't expect him to play there much after he returns.

Did he do well in getting ahead of their defenders there? Absolutely. But you're missing the point of my argument - he's not appreciably better than another player, who spends more of his time playing in a position that Greece needs filling.

Which is not to say I don't like Pelkas. I think he's the bee's knees. Hopefully in the next year or two, BOTH of those players will be no-brainer starters for PAOK. The Ethniki, meanwhile, is utterly dysfunctional and won't call either of them up until they're in their mid-30s.

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winger options = fetfa, gianniota, lazaros (popped 2 goals for aek this weekend), pelkas, holebas, staf, klonaridis, kaltas


most of you guys already know i feel about this. I like fetfa on right, fortouni on the left (fortouni plays there very often for olympiakos and plays just as well as when he's central.)

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Fortounis is heaps better centrally in my opinion. He has played many games on the wing for Olympiakos but he is more effective in the middle. He scores most of his goals in from the middle. Fetfatzidis needs to be in the team. He is quality. Klonaridis needs to be looked at. Shame Pelkas is injured now. He could have been useful as a sub. Kaltsas is very good and should be given a chance. Lazaros plays well one game and dissapears the next. That's his whole life. Kolovos is apparently being looked at as an option on the wing.

Edited by Dean97
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On 30/01/2017 at 8:40 AM, ThrylosG7 said:

People are not saying that the stats are absurd - what they are saying is that its absurd to select players based on their Game ratings

I kicked the habit almost ten years a go, but back then Championship Manager's scouting of some young players was so good it was scary. I remember scouting for youth players I had never heard of, signed them and watched them blow up in the simulations as well as later on in real life.

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Obviously. Having a packed stadium is also going to give them that extra push. Im worried about how we are going to do. As it's getting closer I'm having some doubts. But I'm not being negative. We can get a draw. A win would be miraculous. Anything is possible. We just need to work hard and not lose focus. They are very talented compared to us.

Hazard, Fellaini, Naingolan, De Bryune, Courtois, Lukaku, Witsel just to name a few. These are elite to world class players. Most of the team is world class. Most of Greece's players are at the elite level. Sokratis and Manolas can't do everything. Samaris needs to step it up and Karnezis needs to be alert. We have no Papadopoulos or Karelis in this match. Mitroglou is our only hope. 

Also to mention Skibbe played a vital role in getting Maniatis to Atromitos. Skibbe is also eyeing Manthatis and Mystakidis. Kolovos is most likely to be called up. 

I believe we can get a draw. But I'm hoping for a win. 

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I totally agree anything less then 3-0 would be a miracle.. unfortunately this will be the game that shows our flaws and truly what we are as we've been playing very poor soccer this entire campaign but no one has been able to take advantage of how poor we've played. I totally expect Belgium to lay a beating on us. And for all of you that think I'm just talking negative I'm not, I'm speaking the truth. Tell me one game this campaign where after the game we've said "wow they looked good today"? Not once.. An elite level team like Belgium will have there way with us. We need to focus on how we are going to get better to take points in Bosnia as that is our only path to the World Cup. 

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