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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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If he does get called up (and this is the Greece NT with it's bizarre loyalties and selections so not out of the reasons of possibility) then I'd like to see how he performs given that he's 36 with no club and no pre-season.

If he gets called up I am shaving my nuts and going Mykonos.

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@tantra129, Teamwork is not merely doing your job. That is what makes no sense. Was Holebas "doing his job" when he joined the rush in the first half against Ivory Coast and effectively transitioning to a CF when he hit the crossbar? Was Samaris "doing his job" when he decided to pinch in on a potentially unlikely interception when it would have been safer and more positionally sound to stay put? We know how that play ended. Was Sokratis "doing his job" when he, a CB (a CB!) made his way in Costa Rica's box in the dying minutes of the game? We know how that play ended as well.


The fact remains that if Ninis simply stood in front of Lahm and didn't over-commit and let Lahm literally walk right up to a shooting chance, it would nullify the scenario altogether. That is my point. Santos started Ninis twice, and subbed him out at halftime twice. We were instantly better to start the second half. I have the game taped, and at halftime, they singled out Ninis for the goal as well. They must not know soccer either.


The Katsouranis Jesus nod was a little tasteless, re.


As for you teaching this stuff in real life, to real people; among other things, I don't have time right now.


Let me add if the two players on that picture would have been stayed where the arrows point to, I dont exactly know how would have been they able to prevent the goal of Lahm? It was fairly clear that Ninis made the great mistake.


Teaching this to real people: first I wanted to write Im Trond Sollied.


1789, Gekas and Fotakis was brought in at half-time, Lyberopoulos was subbed in in the 73th minute or so.

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GrkCdn22 and 1789, to the problem you debate:


I think, 1789, it wasnt only because of this (no 3 DMs, balanced midfield) that we looked better. After the half-time break the team always was for 15-20 minutes better than before at Euro 2012. Santos was great at this, he could correct the things before the second half (Poland - were better with ten man, an equalizer by Salpingidis after 10 minutes; Czech Rep - goal of Gekas after about ten minutes, Russia - our best quarter of a hour in that match, no great chances for the Russians, Germany - Samaras equalized in the 55 min). If I remember correctly he has said that he said to the players vs Germany: "If we score a goal the game could change" - it isnt the exact wording. He could manage that the team suddenly was galvanized into life after the break.

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Arguing about who won the argument on a forum? Never thought I'd see that again. I too have coached in the past, and I too am a hockey guy. I agree that Ninis was not the root cause of the goal, but I also agree that we looked better once he was subbed out. We need creativity for the ethniki. The games we've lost this campaign haven't necessarily been a result of us being outplayed. We just try the same thing over and over again, to the point that we don't even threaten the opposing keeper. It's like hockey, a predictable team will get stopped. We're predictable.

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I'm starting an argument now. Which James Bond is the best? Daniel Craig shits all over Sean Connery and the rest. If anyone disagrees, I'll smack 'em with my handbag and kick with my heels. I've never lost one either. :box:

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I rate Platellas' raw ability. He has heaps of it but he's never going to be the finished product. Doesn't preclude him from selection though. We need a radical shake up. Him and Aravidis are deserving.

Guys like Kats, Tziolis, Maniatis, Kone to name a few just don't cut it internationally.

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Soiledis was awesome today but he needs like 4 or 5 more performances like this before he's included, Platanias is a very bad team. I'm not gonna comment on Platellas lol.


Good comment, we shouldnt cap guys after ONE good performance versus a shitty team. And people bashing Katsouranis, Maniatis, Tziolis again. They did much more for the NT so far than playing just one good match.

"Radical shake up" with Aravidis, Platellas, Soiledis, Kolovos, Mantalos, Dinas and the likes? It would be perhaps a greater disaster than that against Faroe Islands.

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In my opinion Ninis and Forotunis must get called up. I dont know if Kone can do it in that creative role i wish he can well just see. Also Kyriakos must start he is a bulldog very aggressive and good tackling. Manolas also should start.




       Manolas Kyriakos Sokratis


Ninis    Samaris   Tachtsidis     Holebas


             Fortounis       Karelis




I know Ninis is not that good defensively but weve got Holebas there to cover defensively and offensively.


Also Tachtsidis should start. Torosidis should not start because Ninis can do the job. 

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If Toro can't play wingback, then there are plenty of other domestic players that can. I get what you're saying with the 3-CB defense, but Ninis in that position would look pretty bad I think.

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I'd prefer if 80% of our players on the pitch are defense oriented and 20% attack oriented. At 60th minute use subs for attacking fresh legs.

Clean sheets will return to be the norm for us and that'll give our attackers the confidence to be more creative.



Holebas Manolas Sokratis Toro




            Samaris  Tachtsidis


Karelis                                  Ninis








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In my opinion Ninis and Forotunis must get called up. I dont know if Kone can do it in that creative role i wish he can well just see. Also Kyriakos must start he is a bulldog very aggressive and good tackling. Manolas also should start.




       Manolas Kyriakos Sokratis


Ninis    Samaris   Tachtsidis     Holebas


             Fortounis       Karelis




I know Ninis is not that good defensively but weve got Holebas there to cover defensively and offensively.


Also Tachtsidis should start. Torosidis should not start because Ninis can do the job.


I put Ninis there because he can have a more free role such as cutting in and creating and doing more of the attacking work. We can get our strong 3 Cbs to do the defensive job aswell as Holebas to track back. Also you have 2 defensive minded midefielders that can also help. I dont expect both of Samaris and Tachtsidis to help out most of the time defensively there should be 1 at least helping the defense most of the time. This 3-4-3 formation is a good way to include your best players and also the best balance of attack and defence. I would have Samaris and Tachtsids more deeper or at least one of them. Ninis is not the right wing back. This is what i think we should do in the next match. We have nothing to lose.

Edited by Dean97
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