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Ioannis Fetfatzidis ‒ (Now Playing for Aris)


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Fetfa is exactly the sort of player I would hate to play with.  You don't ever know what you're going to get from him.  He is the definition of unreliable.  Give him more chances ?  How about you take the ones you're given.  Sure, he's 3 times more skillful than say a Karagounis, but he's also 3 times less the player.  Don't be fooled by fancy tricks alone.  There is a lot more to the game than just flair.  This is not 1980.  The fact that he was even selected for the NT shows how desperate and demoralised the NT is.  The "kid" hasn't even played a full season of football and he'll be 25 years of age in December.  Give his spot to Pelkas.  There, I said it.

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It looks like Pelkas might be the real deal. If he was Croatian he would have left mamma and baba and signed for an Italian team already.

However that's too much pressure so let him develop properly but let's also not let him rot behind Tziolis, Kone, Lazaros and call him a talent at 23-25. By that point he either is the starting dekari for PAOK and the Ethniki or he will never be and we can have clowns like Katsouranis giving flippant interviews how the Ethniki is a select club and only players like him, Vyntra, Tziolis and Kara are worthy of being selected.

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I don't think Pelkas is ready yet.  Close yeah, but let's see how he does over the season.  Our "sample size" of 9 games isn't quite big enough.  The only thing I can see stopping him is ego.  I'm sure Tudor won't accept him slacking off though.

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This guy has to get away from that league.


I know we may have wishfully overhyped him a little throughout the years, but, nonetheless, talk about a wasted talent.

Edited by Argy
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some greek articles say that pao is interested in fetfa. its unlikely that this will happen anyway.







Pure BS, no way they can come close to what his wage demands would be. Savvidi I would believe, Afragkouzo? Doubtful to laughable IMO.

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