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GREECE - Nigeria


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Is this how low we have sunk? pw pw, we actually hope for a half-decent game and not more then two goals in our own net. If we get run over like we did against South Korea or worse, i would prefer a walk-over against Argentina :(

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2-0 again....

Then the players will have the nerve to say that their WC exit came down to 'mistakes' and lack of conentration......Right. You can't make 2 passes and play kickball the other team getting great chances, then claim you LOST because of mistakes on the one goal....

Did they not win, because of Vyntra's mistake? Is that why? 45 minutes of getting harassed by Korea, nothing to offer the game and a mistake 2nd half was what prevented us from winning :LOL:

This team needs to go home, and Otto Rehagel simply has got to be replaced this time. Its absurd that his unwillingness to rebuild teams and give chances to young players have been so obvious that places on the team, are set in stone - and thats the worst possible method of building a succeful long term national team - players play regardless of perfomrance, fitness, form, age, etc. Ottos trust is for life even when the player is past it, bested by other players or simply hopeless......

We've got so much young talent out there....Its a damn shame that Nioplias is still at PAO, because he really is the man to make an ethniki out there.

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the interesting, but subtle, thing is what otto said.....he said basically that they lost the game due to serious defensive error (the first goal)....

ok what is wrong with that? well there were 83 minutes left in the game !!!!!!!!!!!! in his estimation, eating that goal ended the game....

how about him saying "we lost becuase we could not score a fukcing goal if our life depended on it"

how many teams eat two goals and come back and win? too many but they have a plan B or even Plan C.....but with otto scheme and the wya he designed the team, one goal allowed and the game is over......read between the lines of his statements and you will see clearly how he has damaged the confidence and psyche of his players.....

this is in my book 100000% true....he had no answers when the y failed in 06, none when sweden made them look stupid and nothing against SK....


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Avraam is at lest semi reasonable choice.

The idea that Charisteas is a better Right Midfielder than Sotiris Ninis is without question the most ludicrous decision of the tournament.

Also with Vyntra over Kyrgiakos, and now Etoo as an RM with Cameroon although thats mild - at least he was on the pitch.

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I'm not buying it. I think players agents are paying off Otto and EPO. Corruption is typical in Greece; why is this such a crazy idea? The guy sat on his ass for the entire Korea match. Its obvious he doesn't care. Well Mr. Otto if you don't care, if you can't call up and play any of our available midfielders, if you treat the team like dog turd, if you disgrace our country, then F UCk OFF back to Germany! You're staying for the money only; this is incredibly selfish in the worst way.

IF the team stages a mutiny then we have a chance...IF you see a starting line up w/ Spyro, Kyriakos, Moras, Papas, Ninis, Toro, Kara, Gekas, Samaras and Kats then we might have a chance.

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I actually believe Otto was embarassed!!

Now everyone knows that a coach must put his players in a position to succeed.

This 3-4-3 formation reported is just a pseudo 5-4-1

But Otto can make it work

will his back 3 consist of Socrates,Moras,Soto (Capt)

will the 4 be Toro,Tziolis,Katsouranis,Spyropoulos

and will the 3 be Ninis,Samaras,Salpi

if we see Vyntra and Karagounis ,Charisteas Patsa then Otto has lost his rocker.

Time to start seeing some of the players who will qualify the ETHNIKI to EURO 2012.

I see a 1-3 defeat because these will not be the 10 in those spots!

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My thoughts on the upcoming lineup. Assuming Kyrgiakos and Papastatopoulos are ready to go.





-------NINIS--------------------------KARAGOUNIS (KATSOURANIS)


This is a 5-3-2 formation on defense and a 3-5-2 formation on offense. Salpiggidis is not as useful as a 2 striker formation. He is best utlized as a winger. In this ssytem there are two wing backs.

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its too late

how do u expect a cohesive, tight unit that can communicate without looking at each other when all the right players have not played together?

this is what i have been complaining about for the past 3 years....aftr 06 its was clear the wrold fgured out ottos tactics and 08 proved it....but he stuck to it.....its too late...

a good team beats you 1-0, and can also beat you 5-4....it ADJUSTS TO THE OTHER TEAMS OPENINGS....we may win 1-0 on a good day, but we will never win 5-4, or 3-2 for that matter....

but here is a thought.....Nigeria is even more corrupt than Greece.......dont be surprised if we win this game....or a tie at the worst...why?

1. if betting sports was this easy then we would all be milloinaires...

2. i cant imagine these guys have such little pride....

3. greece alway smakes things difficult.....and if anything they rise to the occassion every now and then..

can u imagine how much money is being bet on nigeria after what happened on the saturday? think abvout it.....

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I just wanted to make this comment before our next match. I know it is not related per-se on football, but it affects my mood before the next match.

Since the Sth Korea match has ended I have been reviewing a lot of the so-called "neutral" commentary on the match and about Greece (I will use the English name of the country we call Hellas here as these comments have been predominantly made by non-Greeks.) in general.

All I can say is that a vast majority (approximately 80% from my anectodal opinion) is not just negative, but down right racist and so Anti-Hellenic that it for the first time in my life hurt me personally. To the point where I actually teared up at some of the rubbish I have read on forums etc.

For starters, I can accept us Greeks disagreeing about what the Ethniki has gone through post Euro 2004, but when I read uninformed comments about "Greeks are basket ases like their economy so why would their football team be any different?" or "Greece isnt even Europe" it actually goes beyond commenting on that football match, but to a broader issue of hatred against us as a people and our culture.

Some of the forum sites have allowed racist rubbish to be printed and not even scrutinized by site owners (or maybe they don't care or even agree with the statements?).

Yes I know the bulk of these comments are from "our neighbours" like the wonderful Turks or the very "erudite and progressive" Serbianised-Bulgarians who call themselves "Makedonijans" and we should just ignore them, but I feel it's the acceptance of such comments by neutrals which shows that no one really cares about respecting us as people.

I live in Australia and the Greek population is a relatively sizable one (which means it comes with all the usual stereotypes about us being fruitshop/take away food store owners etc and about all our relatives and our yiayiades wearing black and about our large unruly weddings etc) but we are largely considered a tame and somewhat backward lot. Some may agree, but this is the feeling I get with people. They make no effort in pronouncing my surname properly and even worse, assume my name ends in -poulos when it clear doesn't but because I am Greek they're so lazy they just assume it is so, or maybe they don't care.

Anyway after the battering this year of the financial problems and the ineptitude of our NT football team I am sick of the opinions of all those that look down on us as a people. I follow the media and a small evil part of me revels when someone with a Greek name is accused of murder or violence etc. Now I know this awful to admit, but I just think that I hope all the racists who stereotype us are watching or reading this so they know I can personally f**k them up if I am pushed.

Anyway auta. Just something to let you all know how I have felt the last few days. I will always support the Ethniki, It doesn’t mean I should accept what Otto and these overpaid hacks are doing.

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Greece 0-2 South Korea: The Truth, The Fallout, The Pain

June 13th, 2010 | by: Chris Paraskevas

And so the post-mortem begins. Where to start? The decision to start our fourth and fifth-choice centre-backs? The decision to replace our captain and play-maker with a defensive midfielder? The conspicuous apathy of the 11 men tasked with re-writing the World Cup history of an entire nation? Kostas Katsouranis? Loukas Vyntra? Otto Rehhagel?

The truth

A well-informed source close to the Greek side has revealed the truth about what happened before the kick-off to the match. Unsurprisingly there was a dressing-room division after players heard the news that Sotiris Kyrgiakos wouldn

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... or "Greece isnt even Europe" it actually goes beyond commenting on that football match, but to a broader issue of hatred against us as a people and our culture.

Europe, a name derived from Greek mythology ...

Shows the intelligence of the original poster, no? :LOL: Some people will never learn Akritis, don't worry too much :D.

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My thoughts on the upcoming lineup. Assuming Kyrgiakos and Papastatopoulos are ready to go.





-------NINIS--------------------------KARAGOUNIS (KATSOURANIS)


This is a 5-3-2 formation on defense and a 3-5-2 formation on offense. Salpiggidis is not as useful as a 2 striker formation. He is best utlized as a winger. In this ssytem there are two wing backs.

With a line up like that then we have a really good chance...
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Why is everyone still talking about the S.Korea match on this forum? Honestly, just thinking about that match makes me sick to my stomach. I wish corruption was the case--that would at least make sense. Sadly, however, that's likely not the case. Otto is notorious for making bizarre tactical decisions following a spate of initial successes. He was very unpopular in the bundesliga for that very reason.

Otto is the only one to blame here. Even the players he selected during this world cup have proven themselves in the past, albeit inconsistently. For some reason it's the same pattern with Otto. We struggle in qualifications, he briefly plays players in their correct positions, we qualify, and during major tournaments he alters the formations to those that failed in the first place. Yes, Vyntra made shitty errors, but I can't blame him for playing out of position. Nor Torosidis, or Charisteas (who has no skill other than a CF).

Against Ukraine we had Toro as a right mid, spyropoulos(L), Vyntra ®, Kyrgiakos and Papastathopoulos CB, and we played two solid games, completely shutting the Ukranians down. We should be playing MUCH better, even with the players on this roster. The PROBLEM IS OTTO. I wish he would have taken that job in Germany in 2006, but then he wouldn't be absolute monarch like he his now. The guy was infamous in the bundesliga for being a control freak who doesn't like to compromise on his "tactical" decisions.

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but here is a thought.....Nigeria is even more corrupt than Greece.......dont be surprised if we win this game....or a tie at the worst...why?

LOL LOL LOL Wishful thinking LOL LOL :LOL:

Here is my prediction: Greece 0- 2 Nigeria. Aiyegbeni 25', Papadopoulos 56'

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papadopoulos 56'.....................................................................................

NOW T H A T IS SOME FUNNY AS* SHI*...........................................



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I saw Brazil - North Korea today.

I saw a North Korean crying as his national anthem was being played, because he was that moved to be able to represent his country ...

I saw a North Korea that played a defensive style but none the less played their asses off, and was able to score a goal vs. Brazil (!).

I saw New Zealand getting robbed of their three points after they got scored upon from an offside position, only to then come back against a stronger team and score, if I'm correct, for the first time in their WC history.

A couple of days ago I saw Greece ... and then I held my head in shame.

Just a few thoughts.

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Messi and Maradona gave the Nigerian goalie the highest praise after the Argentina-Nigeria match. He was voted Man of the Match. He is in form right now and it will be very difficult to score on him.

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Genome +1!!

BTW, why do some of you insist on talking hypothetical lineups and schemas? All you do is speculate with what ifs, buts, or maybes. Complete waste of time. This team lack more important aspects beyond lineups and that's heart, pride, skill, and most of all filotimo! No lineup in the world can make up for the lack there of....

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Akritis_1944, back in the mid 60s I lived in Melbourne for 3.5 years/junior high+ so I experienced 1st hand the anlglo's nasty, racists behavior. As a consequence I learned how to fight, and fight well. My problems came to a stop immediately after I put a couple of them in the hospital (got expelled for it, twice, but it was worth every minute). Never quite understood that packing order, top dog mentality the Australians sport but hey if you want pain I can sure become the man to dish it out. See, barbarians understand one thing and one thing only, and that's fear.

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