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Olympiakos - Panathinaikos


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Its not a dumb comment.

We didnt have Bjarsmyr or Karagkounis.

But theyre a B side for missing Torosidis and Galletti? (oh and diogo who sucks this season anyways)

Stoltididis theyre 4th DM was out, wow....

Derbyshire didnt play (who cares they had Mitroglou whose better)

Saying they're a B-Side OSFP was a dumb comment.

I don't think we were great, but we were better in the 1st half. Had that half been 0-0-, it would have been a different game.

and spare me the hypothetical manager garbage DUDE.

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Olympiakos had these issues before and during the game:

1)Galletti last year SL top spot scorer plus the right side clone of Djole

2)Torosidis multi-talented and plays in many positions

3)Diogo our primary forward/attacking player

4)Derbyshire our second forward/attacking player

5)Stoltidis a key DM that can help and give breathers to our primary DM

6)Ledesma One of our top players at the start of the season and the same as Stoltidis comments

7)Zevlakow played a few minutes and then got replaced by

8)A.Papadopoulos that was not 100% coming back from injury

9)Leonardo second game after a long absence because of injury and got injured

10)Bravo had to be replaced because of injury during the game

Pao had these issues before and during:

1)Karagounis out

2)Bjarsmyr out

3)Leto not 100% ready to play.

Olympiakos did not had his best on paper posible line-up for the game but had more passion and there was no other result for us.It was either win or f..k it.You might call it luck,i say it determination but the only bad thing was Pao giving up on the game after the 56 minute....that is something that Ten Kate needs to adress.Giannena a week ago managed to score 2 against us in 10 minutes,here Pao had over a half an hour but Olympiakos looked more alive+Olympiakos had a CL game during the week while Pao had off.

Nothing is over yet,the champioship has still a LONG way to go but bragging rights do belong to us today.

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Its a bad result but we gave up after the 2-0

In the 1st half we dominated and were unlucky not to score. Oly did nothign and scored.

And I dont want to hear about depleted teams..

Oly were missing who exactly? Toro? Galetti? Both were on the bench if u ask me...

Diogo? he would have to replace the cross dresser up front.... the player that scored both goals...

Truth is... we should of beaten this team.... but the season is far from over.

We have drawn against them in the past two season and won both games the year before... and we didnt win a champion ship...

maybe this way we will win.

Euro, stop sounding like Dude....

Oly did nothign until the goal... Thats it... They were lucky we werent.. game over..

Thats how football is.

I sound like DUDE because i thought we were poor today? <_< Get some new material mate.

They were pressing us for the first 15-20 mins, we barely came out of our own half. We defended well though and kept them at bay. We then had a decent spell where we created 2-3 chances (shots from distance and a free kick). Then we conceded a stupid goal where there were 2 lofted balls that we couldn't deal with. After that we were never in the game!

Cisse had a huge chance after they went 2-0 up and that was it, they should have scored again through Oscar. That's not a lucky win, that's being well organised and being clinical when it matters. Lucky is winning a phantom penalty or winning by an own goal. It's not lucky when you take advantage of your opponent's weaknesses.

As for their team, regardless of who scored for them, they had no Diogo, Derbyshire, Ledesma, Stoltidis, Torosidis and Galletti. Then during the game they suffered injuries to Bravo, Zewlakow and Leonardo. Now if you don't consider that a depleted team and don't think we should be dominating and beating an Olympiakos team with that many injuries then I don't know what to tell you.

It was a disgraceful performance against Olympiakos' B Team!

Good post Euro, right on the money.
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Kostas Mitroglou should not be allowed on the WC squad looking like Transexual version of Umit Davala.


but he rifles the fans after he scores, so it may make amends there! :LOL:

kidding aside, i think he will become a phenomenon in Greek football when he retires in 2025~something...

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you're childish and retarded mate. until you grow up and can have a civilised conversation i'd rather you didn't comment on my posts. knob

Using puns is childish? Yep, you remind us all of DUDE face it. As for the rest I just said enough with the Please dont ever be my manager bit, thats just a really lame way of saying simply "i disagree with you".

And what the hell is a knob supposed to mean?


I agree Diogo is your "primary" attacker. Thats only really becuase of his gross over valuation though. You're not any better with him on the field in place of Mitroglou.

And Mitroglou is better than Derbyshire of what I've seen Derbyshire is your #3 to be honest.

Stoltidis is a key DM? Hes old and you have Dudu and Enzo Maresca in that midfield. He wouldnt have played on any team with those players on it even if he was only 27, face it.

Also you have a ton of defensive depth. We have next to none. For you Zewlakov injury is just as much a blessing if anything, hes one of your worst backs.

You were really only "missing" Galletti/Diogo/Torosidis. We were missing our top AM, our top player in our weakest position (CB) and our 'star' LM oursleves. This OSFP "B" team is a load of bull to be quite honest.

And second half OSFP had momentum and PAO broke, thats really what it happened. That first half had been 0-0 and we'd have had a much much different game, but OSFP somehow pulled out a goal at the perfect minute first half and that was really enough to sink PAO.

It's true Giannena came back from 2-0, but thats also a totally different story for OSFP, and a totally different story for PAO/PAS.

OSFP are not as weary of PAS as they are of PAO.

Giannena at home is not Karaiskaki where fans are melting your retinas and bursting your ears with bombs. Giannena just didn't have the stress of the task to get back in it.

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Just because mitroglou wears makeup doesnt mean he is gay, That is a stereotype that shouldnt be said, and how were oly lucky, they had more chances than pao and it probably shoulda been 3 0 or 4 0 if dudu and oscar werent such hasogoalides, but im happy with the result

MITROGLOU looks like Daron m*****an of System of a Down..maybe he wears eyeliner to look like him??.....as for the "gay" are there many openly gay football players in Greece??

Derbies are Derbies people OSFP hasnt won a league derby in a while so thats the laws of averages. I think the last I saw was the 3-2 loss about 3 years ago followed by 1-0, 0-1, 0-0, 1-1 - not entirly sure but think thats how it went.

they were lucky but I was appauled at how badly PAO Played at times.

btw the whole machine gun show boating after the goals was excessive....NOT PROFESSIONAL AT ALL!!!!!

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These kind of celebrations are fit for twelve-year olds as far as I am concerned. Makeup just adds to the immaturity level.

On a similar note, did you see the photos of Tzorvas. He claimed he has hit with an air gun and I didn't even thought it was serious, but the marks on his back might be proof that he is telling the truth. http://www.gazzetta.gr/football/super-leag...%81%CE%B2%CE%B1

If fans really shot bb guns at him they should open a criminal investigation. It can put someone's eye out for sure.

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When is greece going to shape up. This is a disgrace letting fans bring bbguns and flares, how weak is tghe police force. I f anyone brought these two objects in an american or canadian sports arena, they would be facing criminal charges and jail time. Xupniste re paidia, if theres jail time for bringing lasers, flares or bb guns in soccer and basketball games, and cops at the game this bs will be over with. Btw PAO fans arent that innocent if they played in a stadium that is closer to the players theyd be doing the same s%$#!

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No matter who does stupid and dangerous things must be stopped.

I think it's a culture thing that it's considered appropriate by a large number of people, even those who see this happening and don't do nothing... except laugh and find it amuzing.

It's a sport, but too many treat it as their source of identity and a cause to harm the "others". I couldn't understand why other fans (all Greeks) deserve to be treated badly or, worse, beaten up (even killed) by their fellow citizens.

I know the following is going to bother many, but... Violence is a cultural phenomenon. The hooligans may be relatively few but I think they have the support and the acceptance of the multitude who go to watch a game live.

If it was unacceptable and offensive the hooligans would have been thrown out of the sport.

Modern Greeks claim to be descendants of the ancient Helenes and proud children of a great civilization... But, does this mean in practice, in today's reality? I wonder.

PS>I'm saying this as a native-born Athenian, so don't give me grief about being an anti-helene! It pains me to see all the bad things that take place in the sports and in society in general.

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As you all know, I never had problems to admit that the team was terrible in a game or that they deserved their defeat. The reason I refuse to comment on this game (and man I want it so bad!) is that I don't want to be part of a system that feels that we should talk about football when one of the two sides has been brutally terrorised before and during the game. I read this disgraceful piece by a self-proclaimed pundit who claims that 'the OSFP players were the only terrorists' and I felt I was about to throw up. OK, let's suppose that Tzorvas is lying about the shooting (the man has answered to a judge already and we 'll soon find out). Not that the truth matters anyway - they 'll say whatever the hell they want no matter what. But there's no doubt that Tzorvas was targeted with those flares and that they threw a knife (!) at him. These are not acts of terror presumably in 21st century Greece. I don't care who does or backs these things up - all I know is that they all should be punished. And as for the backing up bit that applies to the Giannakopouloi bros too. - just to make sure it's clear to everybody. In view of all that, there's no football match to talk about as far as I 'm concerned. End of story.

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