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Panathinaikos - Olympiakos


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What a soup game.....boring 90 minutes and really a game that will be forgoten in the next 15 seconds.Olympiakos did not lose,Panathinaikos did not win and the game was with no flare whatsoever.It had a fire but that does not count since it was started by the fans and not the players.Galanis statistics were off,he predicted a 2-1,1-1 or 1-2 end result.m*****a game and a waste of untecipation of all past week.

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Another boring game. Olympiakos looked like a "little" team. They were happy with the draw and they began delaying the game from the first minute.

Panathinaikos shares the blame for not pushing enough. In retrospect, the 3 CMs seemed like an overkill against this Olympiakos team. It looked like we were playing Panseraikos to be honest. 8 players always behind midfield and two players up front chasing the long balls from defense. Galleti played more as a second RB, and when Tzortzevic got in the game he may have crossed midfield a couple of times. He was so busy marking Nilsson!

Ten Cate only made two subs bringing in Salpi for Karagounis and in the last few minutes Roukavina for Gabriel. We had a couple of moments when we moved the ball well, and one fantastic chance that hit Nikopolidis foot as he was falling.

We didn't win, but it was evident that there is the changing of the guard going on. Olympiakos with old, slow, and unimaginative players. Pao with some freshness and confidence. We have to finish the job. Olympiakos will drop a lot of points between now and the end the way they play. They have been dominated in every game I have seen, and that includes some "smaller" teams in their home.

Other than that, I am getting tired of these pathetic "derby" performances.

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tough match both ways

Kara's balls were off today -- could have resulted in something early on when PAO pressured

Too bad Mantzios didnt bury that one chance he had -- but overall Olympiakos played a tough tough match agaist us -- Aavram was all over the place

One last thought

I always thought he was a normal man prone to lapses but now I believe that Nikopolidis is a very high functioning mental deficient -- he runs out in the middle of nowhere in the 94th minute, lands on the ball with his hand (no foul given) and then after the ball goes out of bounds he chases it onto the track and kicks at it for no reason, earning a yellow, wtf?

I think if the ref hadn't given him a yellow he would have kept doing m*****es until he got one, maybe pulled down his pants, maybe lighting a flare, who knows, but that dude is missing something

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match had tie written all over it i guess......PAO had the better performance at least i thought that was fairly obvious. OSFP was going for the tie though.

PAO hooligans, for breaking our rythm and our pressure, allowed OSFP to seal this tie without a doubt. OSFP got a much needed breather , and we were sitting there waiting for the smoke to clear.....

I like that we showed ability to keep posession, our chances werent converted, but I like this 4-3-3 thing right now....We need to keep getting results, and unfortunatley, because of stupidities in preseason, we are waiting for OSFP to give us gifts rather than controlling our own fate in the title race. Oh well...

I think all the PAO players did well and did there jobs I thought. We did what we could to win, i cant complain too much about how we played, we just didnt find the net, the players all i can ask for is to keep up this effort on the pitch throughout the rest of the season...

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I just saw its only 5 pts behind......if the team keeps giving dominant performances and this kind of effort..... "YES WE CAN" :P

The result the guys should not get down about. keep the focus, and beat everyone who comes in our way. Weve got all the derbies done for this half of the season. OSFP still has to play PAOK and Panionios, I beleive.

I dont know......it could have been worse. Its 1 point only, but - we played better and thats some consolation. Diogo and Galetti were not threatening tongiht. Sebastion Leto, more like fi-Leto (kreas) :P and I thought really only Papadopoulos and Adonakis were the best for OSFP.

Im not thrilled, but we did have some positives to be happy about. Were in the same positiong as before the match. If OSFP won, it would be over. 5 pts is a lot considering our rate of dropping them ourselves, but if the team can keep up this effort and rate of improving it can happen. I feel like the team that was a walking catastrophe vs Ira/Ergo is starting to fade away and a newer face of the team is emerging... So I hope :)

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Well we certainly had some good plays in this game but the problem was Mantzios alone up front; he should try starting Rukavina w/ Mantzios for more creative play. We had 3 DM's in there; DM's are not creative players so there wasn't enough happening up front. When he put Salp in he took out Kara which left us w/ no one in the center, no #10. So I would have started 2 DMs instead of 3, and Ruka in there. And Ninis before Gabriel ANY day. Is Ninis injured? Speaking of which Ivan was missed today as well. Overall good effort.

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Gabriel is our most dangerous player... He got one of only two chances today and our only chance in Toumba. But thats besides the point.

We are all missing the big picture here.

Two weeks ago, we were all complaining about our defence etc.

In the past 3 games against panionio who is a very very offensive team, we allowed one goal with 10 men......

Against Werder, who are horrible in the back but are a great offensive team, we allowed ONE SCORING CHANCE.

And agaisnt the big bad reds, we allowed one chance and no goals..

In time, we will become better and better...It takes time to build a good team. Besides, playing ur season in Panionio with 10 men for 40 minutes, flying to germany and playing your cl season in Werder 3 days later, then flying back to athens and playing in the leagues biggest Derby, and getting 2 wins and a draw... let me say.... If someone told me that after the ergotelis match, Id be delighted.

8 days 3 BIG games, and great results.

At least we dont have to go to Toumba, Panionio and AEK.

we have 21 games to get 6 points more then oly.....

Everything is possible

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this Vice President of Olympiakos is a major jackass...

whining, complaining about the derby, while OSFP attacks ANORTHOSIS team bus and hotel, and does the same thing to us every season for years OK....m***** he was playing the victim even before the match, when the players were coming in...

And taking the refereeing comments of HTC out of context....of course.

Makes Sarah Palin look like a decent vice president :LOL:

I agree with Nikos Vazelas....

Gabriel is becoming better than I thought and is getting used to this role that we didnt expect him in. It is a bit strange that we bought this guy as a right back is all.... creativity, we just needed a bit more spark to take the win today. Effort was appreciated. I just hope morale stays high, this game was not the end of the world, but we gave it a shot, went for the win, and it didnt happen. OSFP didnt get their +3 gain on us, and we didnt catch up. I think we have no excuse to be dropping points for the rest of this half of the season though, I do expect all wins till december, because our schedule is way easier.

Good points made, OSFP has a tougher schedule now. We already played in Toumba, N. Smyrni, AEK's OAKA.....

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Theodoridis is the mastermind behind Olympiakos' dominance of the "paraskinio". He has been much more vocal and agitated lately which tells me that Antoniadis (who was hired to work that field) is getting to him. He said he is not complaining about the referees and that everyone should leave them alone.

He said his team was wronged in the game against OFI and that he did not complain. That's because the referees of that game were evaporated. He has the inside track and can eliminate refs at will. He doesn't have to complain. The rest of the league have to complain because they have no recourse. See, the ref of Panionios-Pao who ejected Moon for no good reason enjoyed good a review from the observer and no harm came to him. In the Ofi-Olympiakos game there were two harsh tacklins, and the referees were axed.

It's indicative of the changing of the guard. Theodoridis sees it and he knows he does not play alone behind the scenes any longer. It's fun to watch. It was also fun to watch him celebrate like crazy, hugging the players when the game was over.

Today, we didn't win but I find all the talk about the referees and "intimidation" a bit distracting. The referee was not bad today.

We didn't lose anything today. We can be upset that we didn't win, and that we squandered the chance to put Olympiakos out of their misery and come three points closer. Olympiakos came for the 0-0 and they took what they wanted. But all the signs were there: it's the end of the guard. We just need to start dominating and winning these kinds of games.

We all agree that it will take time. I am happy the fans seem to understand.

By the way, seeing the highlights of Paok-Panionios, it's hard not to think there is no "paranga". There is no way the referee made an honest mistake in the two penalties (the one he didn't call, and the one he called) when he was right on top of the play.

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HTC has every right to speak about the referees. He for one is used to coaching and working in La Liga, EPL, and Holland. I think, his opinion on the subject as a newcomer with major experience would be taken a bit more seriously. Besides, PAO's coaches generally dont man up and say anything so about time. Ten Cate isnt at fault. The press asks him these questions, and he gives his opinion back and nothing more.

After all like I said.....Moon's red card was a joke, and HTC says "f*** off" to the ref and gets ejected. Leto says it, and gets cautioned. Come on....I know they both said this or extremley similar phrases. It was pretty easy to see what their lips were saying.....

And complaining about the atmosphere and fans was ridiculous. I dont seem to remember OSFP's corner kicks being delayed because of "rain on the corner flag" and the fire behind the goal did nothing but give OSFP a needed break. That was probably 5 idiots of G13 that thought they were doing something cool, but there losers. So they got cursed etc etc.....OSFP has no record of doing this??? OSFP attacked ANORTHOSIS of all F**** teams......And he is acting up.

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ok if we can and should take 15-18 points before the january transfer window is open i think we can still take the title, our tough matches are xanthi and larissa away however I think PAO can take at least 4 points from those games, if we trip up against a small team again i think the fans will do a bit more than light a fire.......

good to see some lunatics in the crowd today.....we need them...who ever said it "disrupted the flow" is being a bit fair to both teams, you could tell it was going to be a draw from about the 47' minute....

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First of all, Drakos, for the last time: HTC said, as we all saw on TV, "it's f...g unbelievable". Which makes the ejection even more ridiculous. All I 'll say about the Panionios game is that Zagor and Gagatsis junior are doing a great job. This was the absolute "pistolia" if I 've ever seen one. So, I will be a smartass for once : it would be very interesting to watch the Gagatsis vs Gagatsis Junior game next week. After Pamporidis' display, I suspect that PAOK took what they won't be allowed to expect next week. Mark my words...

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Look, nothing has been decided yet. 5 points while 2/3 of the season is yet to be played is not a big of a difference. We waisted 3 times that many last year in the last FEW weeks!!

My concern is not the derbies any more--we seem to get enough points compared to our main challengers. Where we screw up is with the lesser teams, the ones we should beat.

Also, I don't think this game was a downer psychologically. It would have been had we lost. We're totally capable of going to Karaiskaki and not losing.

Gavroi didn't show anything special, and probably we could have had a few more chances to score if it wasn't for the stupid incident.

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Since there were no plays to talk about, here are my highlights from the game:

1 - Packed stadium and a fantastic atmosphere for the fourth time this season. We went from not even filling Leoforos to packing OAKA in one season. Something is right and the fans are responding. I think the fire was probably an accident. Fans throw the flares on the track, and the stewards throw them in the ditch so the synthetic track doesn't burn. Probably there was something in there that caught fire. Just my feeling. I have a hard time believing the G13 kids did it on purpose.

2 - Theodoridis jumping with joy and hugging all the olympiakos players as if they won something in the end.

3 - Ronald Coeman said in the half-time interview that someone told him there was a good player named "kousavasits" or something like that :LOL:

BTW, what does Koeman doing in Greece? Is he after Valverde's job, or is he a players' agent?

4 - Vintra pulled a beautiful fake on the edge of our box sending an Olympiakos player the other direction and the whole stadium cheered.

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It was the 100th derby between the 2 teams and they dispayed the following:

100 bad passes :tdown:

50 fouls :tdown:

6 whinging yellow cards :box:

2 chances for pao and 1 from oly :whistle:

both teams played with 1 striker :whistle:

For the amount of build up that was shown a few days b4 the derby it was CRAP

Both teams should be deducted 3 points each for putting millions of fans thru this Z grade display :la:

On a good note we are still 5 pts ahead of our best PELATH :LOL: :LOL:

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