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Anorthosis v. Panathinaikos


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LOL this team is a wreck and ANO is just a average team at best and that says allot about our team. We are worse then last year on def! Somethings never change. I can't wait for our star def to come in the winter transfer :LOL:

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we are going to get molested in italy and germany

Italy and Germany? Man we will get molested in Greece F*** Europe at this point we will come in last place in arguably the easiest possible group in the CL. Well at least the management got some $$ out of this team going into CL :LOL:
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just before that corner was given sarriegi headed the ball out of box when galinovic was running 1m behind to come claim ball

if galinovic took the ball from sarriegi than no corner no 3-1

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Its hard to understand, but as soon as you sign a contract with PAE, you become a total moron of a coach. How else could Peseiro, Bakke, Henk Ten Cate and Malesani come to PAO only to seem like they thave never watched a game of football before?

We lost, to Anorthosis, who barley played ball. No offense if there is one team I want to gain from PAO's utter catastrophe of a BULLSHIT football organization, its anorthosis.

Gilberto 9 million :LOL:






SALPIGGIDIS marked by 3 players and supposed to be receiving crossses.....Am I THAT brilliant to know that doesnt work? Becuase honestly, I am going to have to start thinking myself a genius, because apparently I REALLY DO know better. I dont understand why the hell thats so.


This is 9/11 for us....We are OUT of the Champions League, and the winner of AEK-OSFP this weekend will be taking the league. With that defense, there is next to ZERO chance of us getting through all the Superleague teams home and away and getting more points than any other team- thanks to doctor DIPSHIT Pateras and Velic, Rocha and the other moron scouts and technical directors, we are going to drop WAY TOO MANY POINTS in this first half of the season, that well be our of reach even if we succeed and improve in the 2nd half. Its not a theory its basically a fact, this WILL HAPPEN.

Im going to sleep, this is pathetic. I feel cheated as a PAO fan, I am embarassed, and I want Vardinogiannis to take his share back. We were somewhat respectable then. What good is 30 million if you have not a clue how to spend it?

Givet, Krygiakos all they needed was the cash and wed have a fortress in the back - instead its a godamn turnstile. They prefer to spend money on Gilberto's pension fund, show off the "big name" and then bullshit the fans about Ferrari's and Hummers while puffing a cigar on a yacht. I hope some one does torch Pateras' yacht. We were screwed, filled with huge promises, huge talk only to get something with a bigger price tag and absolutley no more value than anything Tzigger had.

I want to throw up.




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I blame the Management on the other hand for everything because if they had their heads outta their ass's we would have some competent CB's this year

its one thing to have your head up your ass, its another to have your head up your ass, and talk s%$#!, and act like your big and awesome.

PAE is the latter.


Is it early


Is anything really going to change?

NOOOOOOOOOOO. You cant erase that sort of stupidity. Not in this club. It will linger until we go back to Alexandras and break up the Poly metoxiko..

Thank God Tzigger is still the main share holder!!!!!!!

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I 'm not into war cries and illusions of grandeur so I 'll briefly say what I saw tonight:

1) Anorthosi play horrible football (hoofball as I labeled it earlier) and never deserved 3 goals for the second time in a row - same happened against OSFP. BUT:

2) Anorthosi played like a typical mediocre SL side - with the exception of a brilliant Savio. HTC should know by now how to handle this kind of game. I 'm not a manager and just like I feel that people who are not qualified cannot tell how to do my job, I also feel that HTC knows what to do better than I do. But, on the other hand, just like every time I do a poor job I accept criticism he should too. This was unacceptable. I hope he's trying to build a squad and has predicted all this. Otherwise, this is an unnecessary embarassment.

3) When Cleyton looks like your top quality player you know something is wrong.

4) Sarriegi's howler had nothing to do with him being a bad CB (which is true of course). It was a combination of poor defending and bad luck. But this is what happens when someone who should be a backup is charged with a crucial role in a CL game. We should have bought better CBs - this much is obvious.

5) This is a badly designed squad. Too many decent players that just can't make a difference.

6) When you don't have the player(s) that will make a difference you go for solidarity. But, nope, HTC doesn't like that apparently.

7) This could have been 1-3 if we had scored first but the bottom line would remain the same.

8) PAO's name in Europe is not what it used to be and this is obvious on the players' faces - PAO and opposition. Good players but not CL calibre, at least not yet. Even the refs treat us differently.

9) Lazaros has no business starting a CL game - he just isn't good enough at this stage and imho opinion he 'll never be.

10) Too much talking on the pitch. This is always a bad sign. Mark my words: the dressing room is not as friendly a place as they present it.

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it has nothign to do with who the other team is......we destroyed oursleves by not doing anything. Dont hate on Anorthosis....We should be glad at least it was them that got the 3 points from our failure, SOME good came of it instead of it going to a Turkish/Romanian/Ukranian/ Rival league.....

By ignoring the defensive issue, we have LITERALLY made every single game other than the bottom half of the Superleague a DERBY for us.

We dont control our fate and results, because we come even close cant control the stupidest and careless of mistakes in the back - they are basically inevitable. Our defense will crumble with pressure, and slip on the counterattack, and then if the ball still is rarely visiting our area, were bound to find some way to F*** it up.

If we dont accept that as a given, or improve it ASAP, were not going absolutley anywhere.

In all truth, I knew things would be tough but I didnt think it was possible to blow 3 goals on Anorthosis and not even have a shot on goal 2nd half.....I am not kidding....ME TO ZORI 8A PAROUME TH 3h 8ESH. AEK and OSFP are going to top us. PAOK, Panionios have much better back lines, and are better at finding the net so far. They will be very tough games for us. We can only take the better hand of so many Derby games.......with nearly every game being as open ended derby statistically/odds are, I can fully count us out of the Protathlima race

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This really is a joke! Our team have a tradition in Europe; we normally don't lose like this catastrophe and to a team from CYPRUS?? Its clear and obvious this dopey Ten Cate has to leave; the sooner the better. He doesn't know what the hell he's doing; He screwed up on the starting line up vs. Inter and he really didn't make any changes in this game. Why wasn't Ivan started? Ninis, our most creative mid, was nowhere to be found, so, if you don't start your first team what do you expect? He played one striker up front: WRONG MOVE BONEHEAD. Where's Rukavina? And will someone please tell me what exactly is so special about Souza?

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And of course, I agree this is also the managements fault. ANY coach that gets signed to a team like ours w/ our kind of history MUST have a proven track record. This guy doesn't. Simple. So why take a chance? We played better w/ Munoz and Pesiero; I wanted to give Peseiro a little more time; he made mistakes but he was certainly better than this clown we have now. What would the team look like at this this point had we kept Munoz? The thing is, we have a lot of good talent but if you have someone coaching that is clueless look what happens. I'm not going to get stressed out over this because its a waste of energy; its negative and its unhealthy. Either they get they're act together or they don't.

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Even if Pao lost to a team from Cyprus its just like they lost to another greek team!!! Anyhow its a great day for Greek Cypriot football!! Anorthosis did what was needed to be done great defensive playing and capitilizing on there chances!!! I was looking for a better panathnaikos team today they were flat so bad coaching mistakes i think!! I dont know what happend to them two of the goals were crap the first one by anorthosis and the penelty but othere then that panathnaikos didnt have a shot on net!!! Anyhow it was a great day today good luck to the prasino laos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1) Anorthosi play horrible football (hoofball as I labeled it earlier) and never deserved 3 goals for the second time in a row - same happened against OSFP. BUT:

Ano don't play "hoof ball", they're a small team and they adapt their tactics according to the opposition. History has taught us that it is quite clear that Greek teams can't handle an aerial game, that's why our teams' records are so poor against English and Scandanavian teams. So Ano exploited that with a direct game against Olympiakos in Cyprus. Against PAO tonight all 3 goals game from aerial balls that the PAO defence couldn't deal with. So using "hoofball" as a derogatory analysis shows that you're just bitter. If it's such an inferior tactic why didn't "great" teams like PAO and Olympiakos deal with it easily? Furthermore, Ano showed away to Oly and Weder and against Rapid and in previous years against Rangers and Trabzon that this team is also perfectly capable of getting the ball on the floor and playing good possession football. The team did what they had to do.

2) Anorthosi played like a typical mediocre SL side - with the exception of a brilliant Savio.

Anorthosis didn't play well at all tonight, the team was way off it's best but they are not the equivalent of a typical mediocre SL side. Although Ano couldn't get their passing game going tonight they defended well. PAO put alot of crosses into the box, particularly from the right hand side and all of them were dealt with easily. If that was ANY Greek team, including Olympiakos, they would have conceded at least one of those. So, no, Ano's attacking game was non-existent in what was a very sloppy game from both teams, but Ano's are arguably better well-drilled-defensive unit than any other SL team.

3) When Cleyton looks like your top quality player you know something is wrong.

This is a good point. Although Cleyton's a good player if PAO want to acheive anything in Europe or the league CREATIVE players are needed. Despite his nightmarish performance tonight Gilberto is a good player, but in terms of what PAO portrayed him to be (a superstar), that is just ridiculous. I told you guys Postiga was crap and would flop, I told you Manucho wouldn't do much, I said that this wasn't an easy CL group for PAO, and that Ano were favs tonight, and every time various posters here say "you're anti-PAO". Drakos you're one of those posters and since then you've criticised Gilberto, Postiga, Manucho, and now HTC too. When will you guys realise that PAO's players simply aren't good enough!!! Stop blaming the managers, they can't all be bad! You don't have a good squad. One top class centre-back won't solve your problems. You need top creative players as well as solid centre-backs. Go and buy D'Alessandro, Sosin, Tavlaridis, Seitaridis, and Aloneftis and then we can start talking about PAO building a team worthy of European competition. D'Alessandro would provide the magic that this team lacks, Tavlaridis and Seitaridis would reinforce the defence, Sosin would be the goal scoring target man that PAO need and Aloneftis would be a cheap but proven player to fill the void that PAO have on the left side of the team... This is the biggest problem, the fact that PAO fans THINK they have a good squad. The quicker you realise this squad is poor the quicker you can start demanding more from Pateras & co.

4) Sarriegi's howler had nothing to do with him being a bad CB (which is true of course). It was a combination of poor defending and bad luck. But this is what happens when someone who should be a backup is charged with a crucial role in a CL game. We should have bought better CBs - this much is obvious.

It had nothing to do with bad luck. There was no pressure on him and headed the ball down towards his keeper. That's plain dumb. Although Ano are a great side considering their size, the fact remains they are minnows in this competition. If, as you say, Ano are like a mediocre SL team you shouldn't worry about him being in this game, right?

5) This is a  badly designed squad. Too many decent players that just can't make a difference.

Ivan and Karagounis are good players. Salpi, Goumas, Cleyton, Gilberto, and Mattos are decent. While Simao and Ninis are good prospects. Everyone else is below average and not worthy of wearing a PAO shirt.

6)  When you don't have the player(s) that will make a difference you go for solidarity. But, nope, HTC doesn't like that apparently.

He's trying to go for solidarity, but a manager needs time and support to instil that. You guys have already turned on him for goodness sake.

7) This could have been 1-3 if we had scored first but the bottom line would remain the same.

This is the sort of blinkered view that I'm talking about when I say the fans are to blame for not demanding more... apart from the penalty that was gifted to PAO what other moment should have been a goal? Before the game I said that PAO had shown nothing to suggest that they could win in Cyprus, and this game has further reinforced that. Ano had a terrible game by their standards and still won comfortably. What did PAO do in this game, or in any game this season, to suggest that they could have won this game 1-3?

8) PAO's name in Europe is not what it used to be

No, and you know why? Because PAO fans put up with the horrendous displays. It's not the managers' fault, or the players, its the boards fault. The quicker you (as fans collectively) stop making silly statements like "if we didnt score an o.g. we would have won 1-3" and realise that this squad is poor the quicker you'll get more.

10) Too much talking on the pitch. This is always a bad sign. Mark my words: the dressing room is not as friendly a place as they present it.

GOOD! The players need a kick up the arse. I just hope HTC remains at the helm long enough to drive out the vendettes that moan and cause rifts.

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