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Kalamaria - PAO


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wednesday 18.45 (local time) 10/1/07 at Kalamarias stadium... the game is on ERT world... dont know if it is live or delay..

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Thanks for the info FastGreek.

There are some good news for tomorrow's games. Darlas and Papadopoulos are back in good health. Darlas will probably start the game since Seric stayed in Athens along with Biscan, Nilsson, Anric, Ivanschitz.

It's too bad we have to play a cup game mid-week, but we have to win if we want to move to the next round.







Let's hope to see a good game, and may the best team (PAO) win :tup:

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Half-time 1-0, well deserved for Kalamaria. Not much to write about. A lukewarm effort by everyone. Darlas injured in the 21 and was replaced by Victor. Leontiou plays as a LB and he is pretty good at it. Some substitutes are in order and Tsigas, Romero, or Theodoridis are doing their best to be the first to be substituded.

Edit: Theodoridis, Tsigas out, Pap, Salpigidis in.

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based on performance and chances, the wrong team advanced!

playing like this against a stronger team, PAO would repeat the horrible results of the recent past.... I mean, how can we play in Europe, or even against gavroi and AEK?... (we can't convincingly beat any team in Greece right now.... ANY)

I'm very disappointed, because I don't see my team playing well.... not even a good effort. Today, Kalamaria was the better team... and, can anyone tell me their budget?!!......

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Too bad for Kalamaria. They played a good game and deserved something better, but they did not have someone to finish one of their many-many good chances.

Memorable was how we could not cross midfield and Munoz gave orders for long balls from the defense hoping that one of our forwards would luck out. Our defense was exposed way too easily with quick forward passes by Kalamaria.

We should thank our luck, erect an altar on the spot, and forget that this game ever took place.

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its sad to see that a team like this(pao) has absolutely no transition from defence to offence. we need a general at mdifield. we need a CB and i would then put morris @ rb. hes way better then vyntra who again today made 3 turnovers.. at last count, and is no way pao caliber.

i take that back. Vyntra is PAO caliber.

the PAO of today.

later skaters.

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I saw up until Pap scored for us and had to go to class and I had my dad stay on the phone so I could hear the Penalty shots on my phone during class I was very happy when we won but man oh man that is 2 games now this "new year" that it shows were our weakness lies and it lies with the def. We should be looking for def and this management needs to get on the ball and bring in some def and sop looking at forwards. Anyways we won that's all that counts and this game furthers my hate for ending a game in Pen for any sport. Anyways off to class lol

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