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Preseason Friendlies 2006


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1-1, Romero had a beauty all though it was clear he meant to cross...

not great overall. Biscan needs to leave, Bidis needs to start.

but im sure after playing Atromitos and Anderlecht PAO will be ready for the season....... :whistle:

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How bad do we need Linderoth now that both Tzoiliz and Biscan are struggling???

i heard that Biscan is way to slow as a DMC and breaks down any rythem we have in attack with his slow reactions and shitty passes??

Also ever since pap signed his nice fat contract his not playing like his usual self (just like Konstantinou did after his first year with us) but rather thinking about his money...

Kotsios is really crap as a defender along with Vyntra who even though trys his heart out; isnt cut for it..

and who can forget EBEDE!!! a foreigh player who isnt even good enough for a team like Aigleo yet takes up a spot where a nice young greek keeper could have been playing as our number 2!!

Also Gonzalez has completly lost the plot!!!

This is very worrying as a pao fan!!! i hope Tzigger realises that we need another Defender as a minimum and possibly a DMC and a winger...

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From the little I've seen and from what I've read about the friendlies so far.... PAO has the same problems as last year(s)!

We lack quality players. I don't care if it's a friendly or what, if our guys can't pass the ball more than 5 yards, when they can't exchange the ball for more than 2 times.... when now there isn't hard marking so they could be more creative but they are not... when our supposed big stars (Eki, Pap, etc) seem out of place.... when we keep playing guys that are NOT for PAO but for a lesser team, then what the freakin going on????!!!! :angry:

Sorry, guys, but there's something fundamentally wrong with our team in the last several years....

NO, I'm not getting ahead of myself.... I know we've just played friendlies so far but I worry that we still don't have a "team".... Guys that've been together for a while can't seem to be able to play together! :(

Hollywood is right, we have too many who don't belong there!

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i cant wait for us to get smashed by AEk and Oly this year.

Our friendlies have all been draws where Oly's have mostly been wins we are sooo struggling its not funny.

We need at least 3 more decent transfers for us to compete for first place.

Doesnt look good guys :(

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JUDGE THE COUCH AND PLAYERS... AND "TEAM" when they have the STARTING 11 playing constantly.......

THESE ARE FRIENDLY GAMES!!!!! we have 2 different 11's in each half.... i dont think most of you understand what these games are for.... they are to TEST PLAYERS... CORRECT FAULTS.... even if we had lost to southampton.... BIG ###### DEAL.....


alot of will just write a negative post for the hell of it... without thought....

if we where playing this badly with a stable 11... then i would agree....

but we arnt.... so meriki edomesa prepi na kopsoune tis m*****es pou grafoune!!!



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kai o olympiakos file olokliri 11 alazei alla rixnei pentares

kai parolo pou dn mou aresei katholou paradexomai oti fetos exei omadara :LOL: :LOL:

Auta tha ta doume stin mporia, ama nomizeis oti exoun toso simasia auta ta filika eisai gelasmenos. Mia proti eikona einai gia tis omades kai tipota parapano. Ama nomizeis oti o Olympiakos tha rixnei pentares se teties omades se kanonika paixnidia, exeis trelathi mou fainete. Aplos edikse oti mia kali omada paei na dimiourgithi. Ama tha ginei i oxi tha ta doume. Exei akoma para poli dromo o Olympiakos.
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PAO does not have one single player that can take the team on his "shoulders".

Not one impact player that can make the difference.

We have several players that are of very similar ability and can all start on any given day.

This may be good for our depth... but not for improving an already dreadful team. :(

If we do not get the top players that they are promising, I see a repeat of last year, both internationally and domestically.

Even if Mr. Backe is the coaching genius that we all hope he is...


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i cant wait for us to get smashed by AEk and Oly this year.

Our friendlies have all been draws where Oly's have mostly been wins we are sooo struggling its not funny.

We need at least 3 more decent transfers for us to compete for first place.

Doesnt look good guys :(

come on things arent that bad... id much rather be with PAO's squad/situation than that of AEK.....they have just been.....lame. They werent that great last year either mind you and i doubt we will get smashed or even lose to them. they get by, but PAO has the better players and potential....its true though we dont have impact players.....we have a combination of good capable players but you need the "cherry on the top"...
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Guys, most of you are making good points, and I think we need a combination of workhorses and leaders that can carry the day.... But, it's my impression that we lack quality. WHat else can you say about a team that has so many players that've played togther for a long time, but they can't pass the ball for more than 5 yards and can't communicate with eachother??????!!!!

I don't care about the results during the friendlies, but at least we should see some progress from last year's bad performance... Sure the pre-season is to try different schemes and players, but not be able to pass the freakin ball....

PS>Please don't refer to the crappiness of the other teams... (that's more a reason to dominate.... there's no excuse for a club like PAO)

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PS>Please don't refer to the crappiness of the other teams... (that's more a reason to dominate.... there's no excuse for a club like PAO)

spot on!!

reffering to other teams weakness to make our selves feel better shows our True weakness :tdown:

Unfortunately it’s the Greek mentality!!

Ill give u an example to why were idiots; bear with me as I try to explain what the problems with us Greeks in general are and why will never be successful!!

A lot of people dislike the Jewish people because of there wealth and power over others however you must ask your self how did they becomes so powerful and successful?? Well its simple, all the Jewish people look out for each other; what I mean is that if your Jewish then either family; family friends will take you in to there business and show you the ropes until you can become successful and rich!! The only obligation you have is to help other Jews by doing what was done to you…

Now us Greeks instead of having that mentality of trying to help each other and become strong, we fight and bicker against each other until one is more crippled then the other or isn’t as good as the other… Us Greek would rather focus on destroying each other then growing stronger by focusing on our internal problems

This is applied to the Greek football and its fans!! I mean Drakos is a perfect example of this; instead of focusing on our internal problems and being honest about them and trying to resolve them he makes comments such as these:

“come on things arent that bad... id much rather be with PAO's squad/situation than that of AEK.....they have just been.....lame. They weren’t that great last year either mind you and i doubt we will get smashed or even lose to them. They get by, but PAO has the better players and potential”

He would rather focus on our opponents Aek and there weaknesses rather then our own… It makes him feel better knowing that Aek is in a worse position then us internally (which by the way there not coz there in CL and were not)… Ignoring the fact that we have no chemistry and for a team that finished 3rd were behind our two main rivals in transfer!! we have done the least to improve our squad which shows no ambition however drakos would make an excuse by making fun of another teams problems and say “ohh well atleast were not as bad as them” and that will make him feel better…

Now I only used Drakos as an example because of his post; however a lot of us are similar to him in thinking these backward thoughts (e.g instead of cheering for our rivals in Europe we pray they get raped by there opposition even if it’s a Turkish team for example…) :tdown:

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He would rather focus on our opponents Aek and there weaknesses rather then our own… It makes him feel better knowing that Aek is in a worse position then us internally (which by the way there not coz there in CL and were not)… Ignoring the fact that we have no chemistry and for a team that finished 3rd were behind our two main rivals in transfer!! we have done the least to improve our squad which shows no ambition however drakos would make an excuse by making fun of another teams problems and say “ohh well atleast were not as bad as them” and that will make him feel better…

come on this isnt psychoanalysis of me.

Youd have to read the quoted section in my post to understand it. Kostas said we were going to get pounded by AEK.

Im disagreeing and saying PAO are a better team that AEK so Im not worried or deceived by their 2nd place finish last year. Its not me trying to reinforce insecurities of my or any psychoanalytical bs.... Its an empirical statement-----Ive seen PAO, I see AEK, I judge PAO to be better than the Xanoumisses, we werent as consistent but we definitly have more talent and potential.

As for the Jews---- why are they rich?

How about my question--------how is that relevant?

What are you talking about Greeks dont prgress or arent succesfuL? dont help each other out? Greeks look out for Greeks too you know.

You make it sounds as if like we are like the blacks in America ...... Trust me . We arent.

You said:

"Now us Greeks instead of having that mentality of trying to help each other and become strong, we fight and bicker against each other until one is more crippled then the other or isn

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I don’t even know where to begin to respond to this?? You have taken a lot of what I said out of context (e.g Jews; that was just an example)

All Im saying is that some people have a mentality of being mediocre (weather it’s the fans of a club; the president of the clubs or even the governing body of football in Greece or even you); I mean as long as we suppress our arch rivals then we are all happy!! We don’t really care weather the League is improving or whether there is corruption in it (its really evident when the oly supporters celebrate like mad on there masterful titles year in year out even though they know deep down they won it on many dodgy/obvious calls in there favor however as long as they can rub it in pao or Aeks face’s then that’s all that counts) same thing could be said about Pao I mean when we get raped in Europe and oly fans laugh at us; instead of being ashamed of our performances we just kindly remind them on there’s and then we feel better and then they remind us on there 7 straight titles which makes them feel better; whilst doing this both set of fans and clubs ignore the real problems… Now u can sit there and say well same thing can be said about Man United and Arsenal fans and that’s the whole point of competing however they dnt go to the extremes us Greeks do in rubbing and brining down our fellow compatriots … A lot of people will know what im talking about because its not only football that this s%$#! happens but its in life and like they say

“A Greeks worst enemy is them selves”

So stop focusing on Aek’s problems and focus on Pao and our problems because believe me we have a lot of work to do before we can start making fun of others…

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what out of context, you are talking about Greece failing because of what people talk about in forums...Its has no effect. Of course PAO rubs europe in OSFP face and they shove titles...

What do you mean we dont care if the league is improving? Who said that? I DO care. I bet everybody here DOES care. And you are going to let the last 2 1/2 years or something without big sucess in a rapidly increasing standard in europe, a total failure for greek football........Greek teams are better on average then they were 10 years ago. The football industry in Greece has grown immensly since then and is still growing. And with its growth the standard will follow.

Greek league is improving just not at the rate people want it to. Of course some years are bad years and theres bad patches. Wait it out, theres no guarantees in this game even for the worlds elite.

You cant seriously think that PAO/OSFP rubbing in defeats and boasting has changed anything for Greek Football. It has nothing to do with it. To what extreme are you talking about? More importantly HOW does this change anything at all!?

and what do you mean instead of being ashamed we remind them of their european suckiness after we lose instead of being "ashamed" as you say we should be... Is it not possible to do both because im 99% sure we all do! And most of this bickering/reminding goes in response to posts from OSFP fans/ vice versa, you know that if somebody acts like a m#$%!s somebody will get ticked and write this back.....its normal, and has nothing to do with the level of growth in Greek football...

and lastly nobody is focusing on AEKs problems.

i just told kosta they wouldnt rape PANATHINAIKOS if they played...we are discussing the team, Kosta thinks AEK is looking better, I strongly disagree...thats no focus.

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You know. they say the grass is always greener on the other side. But it really isnt.

The truth of the matter is, throughout all of last year, pao had no chemistry. They had no cohesion. They lost 3 derby's and lost an away game to Atromhtos.we tied xanthi by gettin scored on in the 81st and Hraklis tied us in the 90th minute before the Malesani outburst.

And with all this, with all the struggling, lack of chemistry and most importantly, a lack of a CB, not to mention Flavio being totally wrong for this team and again i stress we lost 3 derbys.. somehow throughout all this, a lackluster coach who decided to play the wrong system in a league where the two top teams should play 4 3 3 he decided to play a 4 5 1, pao managed to end up 3 points behind the championship.

Now what has been done to correct this problem. lets see. First off, they hired a coach with a defined system. Bakke said he will play a 4 3 3. and it has shown throughout the first 3 preseason games that he will. as for our other problems.

A CB was needed. Now just because Antosson does not have the NAME, doesnt mean he doesnt have the game. he has shown me in the first 3 friendlies that he is DEFINATELY capable of being a defender in the greek league. How good he will look in europe will be seen in a month. But compared to goumas and kotsios, he is definately better. another thing we needed is help on the attacking sides. and by that i meant left and right. or as they say EXTREME. now... with Romero showing he is ok on the right but lethal on the left, i think that with him playing left and pap not being able to play right, that we will see Romero playing LF and Pap playing in the middle. which means.. we have to solve the right hand side. now of course Saviola would have been great but obviously was a dream. Jorgensen would have been perfect but Fiorentina is stayin in Serie A. now there is talk about Romendhal and Govou. In MY opinion, Rommendhal is PERFECT for this position and this team.

He adds pace, centering ability and a great shot. But what the transfer window holds for pao in the offensive side of the field will no doubt be resolved in the next 14 days so i will have to wait til then to give u my opinion on whom they chose. Now, as for a DMF, some people are worried about Biscan. i on the other hand am not. Last year, he had an incredible second half and was definately one of pao's best player. Tziolis is an improving player and will no doubt be the CM for this team in the next years. Eki, needs to step up his game. he needs to be the eki that first came to pao.

goaltending is somethign we need not worry about.galinovic is our guy and he has proven what he could do. the team has 19 days to get ready for Aigaleo.

by then, and by the end of the first few games, we will see how serious this team to contend for the championship.

As for Aek, losing katsouranis and gaining Lagos.. to me.. is not an improvement.

and with sorrentino looking to leave, does not seem to me that they improved all that much. time will tell.

and as for OSFP, well, for them, its all about tryin to wint heir first away game in the CL.

later skaters

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What worries me is that we can't play! It's that simple!

I doubt that a team whch hasn't shown ease in developing a game, passing the ball and scoring (after a good combination exchange of the ball not by other means) will suddenly come on the pitch and play awesome football against Aegaleo.... (and later in Europe)....

I AM concerned. That's all. Honestly, if you disregard all the hot air about ...all the great things that WILL (whenever) come to us, who can be confident today judging from the things we KNOW and have SEEN so far?....

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we beat Apollon Smyrnis today...........

1-0 off a corner Biscan header...

thats pretty sad, we cant put more than one past a team that for most of the year was fighting to get relegated--------from the G ethniki.

Eki got injured...ts ok well just put in another central-creative attacking mid in his place. Oh wait, we dont have one.

We did look good vs Celta but the rest is nothing so far. Well wait for the season to begin, but lately im not convinced theres anything to look forward to... We need some players who can make a differnce...and Eki Gonzalez was one of those players but hes really average the last couple years.....time for him to go and get somebody better

I hope Apollon played well at least, and get promoted back where they belong...

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