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A' Div: PAOK - Olympiakos


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On Sunday PAOK plays Olympiakos at Toumba with a new coach (Dumitrescu). PAOK as a team is in shambles, and I don't think a coaching change can do anything for the team at this point. In any case it will be ineteresting tose if he will

make any changes on the roster.

Additionaly organized PAOK fans are calling for a boycott of all PAOK home games from now on. It will be interesting to see what the turnout will be for this game.

The game will be televised on Supersport in Greece, and on ERT-Sat in North America and Australia.

My prediction is 2-0 win for Olympiakos. They have a much better team than PAOK at this point.

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Ziaka, if we lose 2-0 buddy I would consider that a good result. Gays are on a high, after trouncing AEK 3-0 and will want to avenge our win last time. I would think a score of 3,4, or even 5 nil, would not be out of the question. Team is in disarray, I fear for this game. However, I would love to be proven wrong.

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I hope you and me are proven wrong, and we get a lucky break. perhaps we can salvage a tie out of this game. For us to get a positive result all the players will have to play very well. Something that they had not done all season long. If we play like we did in the games against PAO and AEK, then we might stand a chance. Otherwise I hope we don't get blown away.

Looks like Charalambous and Zagorakis might be doubtful for the game.

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Tochoroglou, Ekgomitis are injured and will miss the game. Also missing the game will be Konstantinidis who accumulated 4 yellow cards. Dumitrescu also left Mumin, Melissis and Malezas out of the squad for the game with Olympiakos.

Here are the players he picked for the game:

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Is megahed seriously injured what happened to him ? I know he is a hothead but he made an impression with his 35 meter goal from a foul shot , in the freindly against Iraklis . Did you guys see it , incredible!! If he could control his temper on the pitch I think he could be a valuable player . B)
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I remember that goal. It was in the friendly with Iraklis.

Megahed injured his knee in the game with Levadiakos and is out for the rest of the season. He had to have surgery, and is currently in rehab. He would have been of some help right now, but from what I hear he had some problems in the locker room with some the players. Most notably with Zagorakis.

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WOW! What a BOURDELO....

I can't believe what I just witnessed.

I tell you what everyone... The ref SUCKED BALLS and I know it and everyone else knows it.

But as far as the fans they totally screwed this mtach for their team.. It's amazing to see scenes like these at this age & time...

To be honest with you all PAOK was going to tie this match but since there are some MALAKES in the stands that think that it's better to throw crap than to shout and chant for their team they decided to ruin it for them...

EPO Really needs to step in and fix this sort of crap...

:tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

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WOW! What a BOURDELO....

I can't believe what I just witnessed.

I tell you what everyone... The ref SUCKED BALLS and I know it and everyone else knows it.

But as far as the fans they totally screwed this mtach for their team.. It's amazing to see scenes like these at this age & time...

To be honest with you all PAOK was going to tie this match but since there are some MALAKES in the stands that think that it's better to throw crap than to shout and chant for their team they decided to ruin it for them...

EPO Really needs to step in and fix this sort of crap...

:tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

like they did in rizoupoli?

and why was nikopolidis scared today?

was he not scared in rizoupoli?

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WOW!  What a BOURDELO....

I can't believe what I just witnessed.

I tell you what everyone... The ref SUCKED BALLS and I know it and everyone else knows it.

But as far as the fans they totally screwed this mtach for their team..  It's amazing to see scenes like these at this age & time... 

To be honest with you all PAOK was going to tie this match but since there are some MALAKES in the stands that think that it's better to throw crap than to shout and chant for their team they decided to ruin it for them...

EPO Really needs to step in and fix this sort of crap...

:tdown:  :tdown:  :tdown:  :tdown:  :tdown:  :tdown:

like they did in rizoupoli?

and why was nikopolidis scared today?

was he not scared in rizoupoli?


No matter what.. It's uncalled for.... You know it I know it... What pisses me off is that EPO doesn't want to deal with these idiots and doesn't want to make the sport better in Greece...

It's a damn shame...

We're getting to be the lowest of the low

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WOW!  What a BOURDELO....

I can't believe what I just witnessed.

I tell you what everyone... The ref SUCKED BALLS and I know it and everyone else knows it.

But as far as the fans they totally screwed this mtach for their team..  It's amazing to see scenes like these at this age & time... 

To be honest with you all PAOK was going to tie this match but since there are some MALAKES in the stands that think that it's better to throw crap than to shout and chant for their team they decided to ruin it for them...

EPO Really needs to step in and fix this sort of crap...

:tdown:  :tdown:  :tdown:  :tdown:  :tdown:  :tdown:

like they did in rizoupoli?

and why was nikopolidis scared today?

was he not scared in rizoupoli?

slick did you see what the cops had to do in order to get close to the fire???the damn stadium is on fire,the firemen try to take the fire out and some idiots are standing next to the fire throwing rocks at them.would you stay there????are we just waiting to see someone die first or just try to prove how much you hate osfp???soccer is a damn sport but in greece is more like an obsesion.the way we are going, it wont be long until we will have dead people in our games.something needs to change and not only in this case with paok.osfp-pao-aek and pretty much anywhere in greece you can find morons that go to the games to create problems instead of enjoying the game and NOBODY does nothing.not the teams,not the official fan clubs,not the cops and surely not the goverment.ksipnate re prin einai poli arga :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
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PAOK and Greek soccer have reached a new low. This is so dissapointing, unacceptable, and pathetic. Something needs to be done now. You are totally right crazy, it won't be long before we have dead people at our games... I really hope it doesn't come to that, but it will if we don't correct this behavior as soon as possible. PAOK, Greece, and Greek soccer need to take this very seriously, and take drastic measures to get rid of the cancerous hooligan filth that is destroying every team, and greek soccer as a whole.

This is not a PAOK problem, this a Greek problem that needs to be addressed head on, by all of us, immediately.

Fan bans do not work, they never have. We need to arrest these bastards, throw them in jail, and ban them (from attending soccer games) for life. We also need to spend the money and have really tight security at every stadium. Search everyone for weapons, or anything they might use to throw onto the field. Stadiums need to be on high security until peace is restored. If anybody gets out of hand, kick them out, and arrest them immediately. This is the only real solution, and the only thing that will correct this criminal behavior.

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I am not going to comment on the fires in this post. I'll open another one for that.

I want to spend time on the game itself. Olympaikos had 3 to 4 chances and they capitalized on them, and that's why they won the game. PAOK had couple good scoring chances (Salpi, Mieciel), which could changed the outcome. I was suprised at how good PAOK played. I did not expect them to play so good. The two defensive mistakes resulted in Olympiakos goals.

As for officiating, I usualy say the refs are people and they make mistakes, but Briakos either is so incompetent or he had an agenda to carry out. PAOK should have had 2 penalties while the score was 1-0. Clear hand ball by Toure right in front of Briakos. Also Mieciel fouled no less than by two Olympiakos players, which should have been a penalty kick. Add to that 3 to 4 offise calls, which never were. The ref definitively influenced the outcome of this game.

The biggest mistake Briakos did though was how he ended the game. He completely broke the rules. He whisled the end of the game exactly in the 90th minute, even though there was close to 15 minutes of delay doue to the fan trouble. He should have either ended the game when the trouble started and let the league deal with the punishment, or he should have added the 15 minute extra time. He completely broke the league and game rules.

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Well done PAOK for acctually trying and playing well :) . The actions of certain fans was appaling and discracefull, it's things like these that make me want to follow EPL instead of the Greek National A Division.

Ziaka, if a ref. officiated like Briakos did in England they would be absoloutley crucified. The whole Greek League needs a total overhaul, this includes players, refs, fans, presidents, coaches and the league itself being sorted out.

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