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they need to calm down, F***in psychos...i mean honestly, who are they to threaten the team with violence, i understand displaying ur disatisfaction with the team and letting them know u would like better results, and more passion from everyone, and blah blah, but to threaten them?...lets remember guys, its soccer, and there should rarely be a situation where violence is needed for a solution for anything...one thing i can think of is when the albanians burned our own flag in our own stadium and country

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allagh nootropias??????what the ######?

we have a new one....Tzigger needs to publicly shut these guys the ###### up and explain the plan. Great teams arent built in a season. Dont say Chelsea, because they arent that amazing and they were far from great there first season with all the "stars" and PAO is no chelsea anyways......look at PSV last year guys......thats after many years they got to be that good.....sure some new faces but the program/system was the same.....and it worked GREAT. PSV keep losing their top players every year (Kezman, Robben, Van Bommel) yet they are still kicking ass domestically and doing strong in Europe. If we need a model for PAO it is PSV Eindhoven.

We probably wong get as good as them but the idea that we will take a year of rebuilding and then it will really pay off. Theres a next year too. Id rather eventually get some great runs in europe and titles domestically instead of staying in the cup till the semifinals and making 1st/2nd place every year........

its a long term thing. maybe some will say its bullshit but im willing to give it a chance because what the hell else can they do?

Everybody bitches at management everytime we lose- its ridiculous. Give or take one chance at ANY football match it could be turned around...thats the nature of the sport. The only thing the management can try to do is try to build the team that is much more likely to win. Everyone is expecting "onomata" in Greece that we cant afford and to match that----THEYRE NOT THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!! Hows it managements fault the ones they buy fans go crazy over and acknowledge theyre a good signing then they turn out to be crap....

The days of Lybe, Kara, Basinas, Fyssas, Giourkas, Kota melos, Kota-dinou are over.......the last 2 years were an in between period of just trying to rebuild instantly- fill in gaps with cheap signings......that wasnt working so a new plan is in place----we are going to have to give it a year or two to let these young kids gel and integrate into the team and they are only getting better...

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The fact of the matter is that football is played for the fans. This goes for every team, whether in Greece or abroad. As for the organized fans of PAO, AEK, OFSP and the rest, we might bet pissed off when they make statements against management and the rest of the team, but lets face it, they are the fans that consistently attend every game. They are the fans that travel to other stadiums to support their team. Most people sit a home on their coach and watch the games. They only attend when there is a derby or their team is in fine form. But the organized fan are at ever game regardless of the state of the team.

I think the pressure they place on management and the players can be beneficially. Someone has to light a fire under their a$$. Since the coach or management cannot, maybe it is time for the fans to take charge.

This is not only directed to PAO fans, but to all the teams in Greece.

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i believed that only osfp had some stupid supporters but this anakoinosei proves me wrong.every team in the planet wants to win in every game.real madrit-barca-man utd-chelsea-arsenal-juve-milan,but they know that to do so is impossible.there fans don t cause the problems that greek fans do.to come out and say all this bullshit and make threats against your team and coach is just stupidity.you are supposed to help and support your team in good times and bad otherwise stop watching the games.i don t agree with the statement that only thira 13 or thira 7 go the games so they have the liberty to say whatever they like.people who like there team and enjoy soccer go to the games also.in every other country comments like we are going to stop you career whould have as a result people going to jail and the supporters clubs closed down.what do you guys believe that your players don t want to win games???they need thira 13 telling them??elladara athanati

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These fans live and die for the club. Though there are afew they said are over the top.... the one main thing that flows through their press reliese is PASSION.... PLAY FOR THE SHIRT... which honestly.... is what is needed atm.

With this statement... even though they use very strong words to get their point across... their intentions are good!!! They want to see the team progress just like every1 else... but u have to remember.... these supporters eat sleep s%$#! PANATHINAIKOS... thats all they have... and im not saying they are anymore a supporter than any1 else.... but in greece its different.

They have seen PAO change coaches god knows how many times in recent years.... not to mention players... ta teleftaia xronia exoume ginei bourthelo.... and in saying this... they have shown alot of patients...

KAPOU theloun na xespasoune......

anyhow this is just my opinion....


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You guys, crazy, HOLLYWOOD etc, have really lost the plot here. If you think that 8yra 13 will resort to physical violence then you are badly brainwashed by the media. 8yra 13's statement is an expression of frustration towards the recent unprecedented relaxation and indifference the team shows in most games. The players and coach need to be alerted by someone in order to realise for what team they play. That someone is the organised supporters of the club because they are the ones most affected by the apathy most players are showing.

8yra 13 would never resort to physical violence against Panathinaikos' players

I think the message that all of the PAO supporters want to pass to the team is best conveyed by the above statement. If something wakes them up (hopefully) would be a statement like that, because they will realise that their own supporters are dismayed. Like Tryfillara said this is their (our) outbreak.

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Guest Protathlitis7

You guys, crazy, HOLLYWOOD etc, have really lost the plot here. If you think that 8yra 13 will resort to physical violence then you are badly brainwashed by the media. 8yra 13's statement is an expression of frustration towards the recent unprecedented relaxation and indifference the team shows in most games. The players and coach need to be alerted by someone in order to realise for what team they play. That someone is the organised supporters of the club because they are the ones most affected by the apathy most players are showing.

8yra 13 would never resort to physical violence against Panathinaikos' players

I think the message that all of the PAO supporters want to pass to the team is best conveyed by the above statement. If something wakes them up (hopefully) would be a statement like that, because they will realise that their own supporters are dismayed. Like Tryfillara said this is their (our) outbreak.

:blink: how about trying to attack the pao players where the NT was training for the N'Ireland after the 3-0

crazy, my suprise was at the fact that you "thought" osfp was the only fans with idiots. many pao and paok 'fans' I wouldent piss on if they were on fire

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Have u ever thought that these are the idiots that drive everyone else away from the games with there ludicrous and animal like behavior? I mean there responsible for the violence that happens at the game which then ultimanlty leads to families and other supporters with a brain saying “###### this s%$#!, Im not going to the game to get hurt” which then has led to the slim numbers in attendance with other clubs (smalls clubs mainly) which then has seen the league become what it is today a brothel….

first off violence is not that common. The reason the stadiums dont get people is not related to the violence. Its a result of poor marketing, and high ticket prices. As for families etc etc people do not go to matches for picnics. They go to enjoy the game and atmosphere. There are fathers and there kids sometime lately ive seen a few mothers take there kids.....So families are not dettered thats bs. There are even family sections in stadiums. The Greek atmosphere is traditionally (since WAY back) not a family one- im ok with not westernizing yet another aspect of modern greece.

For derbies away games there is more violence. Yet they still sells more tickets per/availability.....So violence isnt what "drives them away"

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You guys, crazy, HOLLYWOOD etc, have really lost the plot here. If you think that 8yra 13 will resort to physical violence then you are badly brainwashed by the media. 8yra 13's statement is an expression of frustration towards the recent unprecedented relaxation and indifference the team shows in most games. The players and coach need to be alerted by someone in order to realise for what team they play. That someone is the organised supporters of the club because they are the ones most affected by the apathy most players are showing.

8yra 13 would never resort to physical violence against Panathinaikos' players

I think the message that all of the PAO supporters want to pass to the team is best conveyed by the above statement. If something wakes them up (hopefully) would be a statement like that, because they will realise that their own supporters are dismayed. Like Tryfillara said this is their (our) outbreak.

really never?what happen to paiania after you guys lost 3-0 to osfp?the only way to motivate your team is to tell them win or i will end your careers?ok
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Have u ever thought that these are the idiots that drive everyone else away from the games with there ludicrous and animal like behavior? I mean there responsible for the violence that happens at the game which then ultimanlty leads to families and other supporters with a brain saying “###### this s%$#!, Im not going to the game to get hurt” which then has led to the slim numbers in attendance with other clubs (smalls clubs mainly) which then has seen the league become what it is today a brothel….

first off violence is not that common. The reason the stadiums dont get people is not related to the violence. Its a result of poor marketing, and high ticket prices. As for families etc etc people do not go to matches for picnics. They go to enjoy the game and atmosphere. There are fathers and there kids sometime lately ive seen a few mothers take there kids.....So families are not dettered thats bs. There are even family sections in stadiums. The Greek atmosphere is traditionally (since WAY back) not a family one- im ok with not westernizing yet another aspect of modern greece.

For derbies away games there is more violence. Yet they still sells more tickets per/availability.....So violence isnt what "drives them away"

Thats BS!!!!

thoes fans are one of the main reason why people dont come out and watch there team play!!!

also i mention it mostlly effects smaller teams fans rather then pao, oly, aek, paok....

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You guys, crazy, HOLLYWOOD etc, have really lost the plot here. If you think that 8yra 13 will resort to physical violence then you are badly brainwashed by the media. 8yra 13's statement is an expression of frustration towards the recent unprecedented relaxation and indifference the team shows in most games. The players and coach need to be alerted by someone in order to realise for what team they play. That someone is the organised supporters of the club because they are the ones most affected by the apathy most players are showing.

8yra 13 would never resort to physical violence against Panathinaikos' players

I think the message that all of the PAO supporters want to pass to the team is best conveyed by the above statement. If something wakes them up (hopefully) would be a statement like that, because they will realise that their own supporters are dismayed. Like Tryfillara said this is their (our) outbreak.

really never?what happen to paiania after you guys lost 3-0 to osfp?the only way to motivate your team is to tell them win or i will end your careers?ok
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Have u ever thought that these are the idiots that drive everyone else away from the games with there ludicrous and animal like behavior? I mean there responsible for the violence that happens at the game which then ultimanlty leads to families and other supporters with a brain saying “###### this s%$#!, Im not going to the game to get hurt” which then has led to the slim numbers in attendance with other clubs (smalls clubs mainly) which then has seen the league become what it is today a brothel….

first off violence is not that common. The reason the stadiums dont get people is not related to the violence. Its a result of poor marketing, and high ticket prices. As for families etc etc people do not go to matches for picnics. They go to enjoy the game and atmosphere. There are fathers and there kids sometime lately ive seen a few mothers take there kids.....So families are not dettered thats bs. There are even family sections in stadiums. The Greek atmosphere is traditionally (since WAY back) not a family one- im ok with not westernizing yet another aspect of modern greece.

For derbies away games there is more violence. Yet they still sells more tickets per/availability.....So violence isnt what "drives them away"

Thats BS!!!!

thoes fans are one of the main reason why people dont come out and watch there team play!!!

also i mention it mostlly effects smaller teams fans rather then pao, oly, aek, paok....

sorry thats a bullshit stereotype. People dont go because they are busy there are expensive tickets, and just isnt marketed well enough to get much better attendance figures.

People here talk theres no family at the games----really? So howcome I ALWAYS see kids and parents at the games? True, they tended to stay away from gates 13-14. Thats about it. Howcome the matches with the most traditionally violent matches get MORE people than usual??? vs OSFP, AEK, PAOK.....if people were repelled by "violence" like you say then they woulndt be going. I mean some people in Greece to associate the word 'ghpedo' with 'ksylo' sometimes but people who actually follow and would go would know its not true. And seriously, when was the last time you remember (in a stadium) with serious problems.....and dont tell me something gey like someone throwing a bottle......deal with it people sometimes get mad and lose control IT HAPPENS. At least Greek people can be animated not like boring-ass european culture. Be happy in that.

People know theres no violence when PAO is playing Ionikos or Kalamarias for example. And its true. The violence occurs at the big home games (if it does at all) in derbies. But those games are always more crowded.......

As for affecting the small teams---BULL s%$#!. Can you name an event where Ionikos fans went crazy and started attacking? or the 'cowboys' in Kallithea did something? Please.

And remember last year when there were no away fans allowed? If violence was a serious or heavy enough issue then the attendance figures would have risen significantly. But they didnt.

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On Dimitriis and another person "got" what the statement is about.

Our footballers and coach need a good kick up the ass because they are taking it all too lightly. If the pressure playing for club like Panathinaikos is too much then they can go back to Kalithea or whoever the f...they came from.

Enough of the recent embarrassments...colapsing against AEK, being thrashed by Barcelona and being humiliated by a 2nd division team.

Ante tsoglania :angry:

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