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The way we're playing lately??


Have you watched us lately??

Kallithea scored 2 kwlofarda kai apiasta goals and one of these players was the one that scored the owngoal against OSFP...Pleaseeeeeeeeee!!

Mprosta se 60000 kosmo kai to 4-0 ligo mou fainetai... :P

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what are u afraid of posting a 1-1 again u seem to be lost!

easy win 5-0

you see my friend you gyus beat werder and you became super team out of nowhere.the game against kalithea you were losing 2-0 before you turned the game around.lately you guys worry more about what osfp is doing that your own team,plus ethniki is playing 2 games with a couple of your players in it so more games for them so more difficult for your team.propably pao will win and if it makes you happy let s say 10-0 so you can sleep better at nights.ok.........
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pao will win....who cares how much....

the whole point of this gane is to get ourselves fit for the barca game...

my suggestion is this..






a guy like biscan should be given the oppurtunity to play CB since he has played that position before in Liverpool..his real position is a defensive half but we do not need 2 against akratitos..

the way i see it..u can sub in kotsios and vyntra at the 50 and maybe gekas for torghelle aroung that time too..

this is a tune up game....also my feeling is that kotsios is a good kid but he is not a CB for a class european team...

my opinion of course....

either way.....3-1 or 2-0..........

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The team is beginning to roll. I don't think Malezani will make major changes. The team is young and new, so I expect it to be inconsistent for the better part of the season. It should settle in a few weeks.

Defence: Moris should be back for this game, Vintra picked up his game last week, and Kotsios seems a tiny bit faster than Goumas. Darlas is solidifying his position in the starting line-up).

Midfield: Wouter earned a place in the starting line up with his performance last week. Conceicao is Conceicao so he 'll play, Gonzales is Gonzales and the team starts with him, and Seric seems to enjoy playing midfield with Darlas behind him.

Attack: Torghelle and Gekas (scored twice last week) up front over Mantzios this time around. Torghelle still can't finish 90 minutes so I see Mantzios playing later in the game.

This is what I think





On the bench:

Ebede, Goumas (with Moris back and Kotsios having a couple of good games he can use some rest),

Biscan (too much invested to give up on him already. He will be on the bench and he will get his chances when time comes),

Leontiou, Tziolis, Mantzios, (great hopes for our future. They show poise and they look like they care. They should be regulars on the bench or the starting line-up).

Papadopoulos (if healthy, otherwise Charalabidis will take his place. I can't wait to see him next to Torghelle)

Kerkida this week:

Charalabidis (If he made the team it would be at the expence of Tziolis or Leontiou, and I 'd rather see them get a chance now),

Olisadebe (had his chances to be with the first team, I don't see him playing any time soon unless he gains his explosive first step),

Nilson (clearly not ready, he looks heavy and stressed-out. Right-Back is not his position),

Theodoridis (I think his chance came in the Levatdiakos game (0-0) and he did not take advantage. I would like to see him play more, but he seems to perform in a position where Gonzales dominates).

Here are some stats from the Greek Championship so far to keep you busy till next week:

Yellow Cards:

Conceicao has two yellows already one more and he misses the AEK game (some would argue it would not be such a loss at this point).

Goals in the Greek Championship so far:

2 - Gonzales, Gekas

1 - Goumas, Kotsios, Wouter, Mantzios

Scoring Frequency so far (% of games scored at least once):

Galinovich collected the ball from his net 60% of the games he played

Kotsios scored 50% of the games he played

Gonzales 40%

Wouter and Mantzios 33%

Goumas and Gekas 25%

Minutes Played:

450 - Galinovich, Vyntra

433 - Gonzales

420 - Conceicao

360 - Seric, Goumas

308 - Gekas

273 - Charalabidis

270 - Nilsson

257 - Darlas

211 - Olisadebe

180 - Kotsios

177 - Wouter

165 - Mantzios

126 - Torghelle

103 - Theodoridis

Players who have not played a whole 90 minutes yet:

Biscan, Mantzios, Andric, Leontiou

Players who have not played a minute yet:

Leontiou, Gantsef, Stathis, and the rest of the youth


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I would prefer the team to keep Wooter in the right side after having a nice game  in Kalithea.

what nice game re? you didnt even see it. he was crap. Too slow, crap passes.....oh one extremely easy goal and 1 lucky corener and he played well......statistically. The rest he was garbage along with Conceicao.

what i want to see.......





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what nice game re? you didnt even see it. he was crap. Too slow, crap passes.....oh one extremely easy goal and 1 lucky corener and he played well......statistically. The rest he was garbage along with Conceicao.

what i want to see.......






Except I want to see Morris instead of Gkoumas.

I also want to see Mantzios coming in at some stage (maybe in Torghelle's place so that he gets a rest since Barca is on Tuesday)

If Pap is fine. I want to see him play as well, maybe substituting Gkekas

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what nice game re? you didnt even see it. he was crap. Too slow, crap passes.....oh one extremely easy goal and 1 lucky corener and he played well......statistically. The rest he was garbage along with Conceicao.

what i want to see.......





Ne re exipne, vale ton Nilsson esi pou paraligo na mas kanei na hasoume to pehnidi me tin Werder. Yes, you are right I didn't see the game, except form Athlitiki Kiraki, but I saw the game Pao - Werder and Nilsson sucked balls. Malesani had to waste Manzio form the 20th min. to the end of the first half covering up on the right side to help him and in the second half he took Togerlle off and placed Tzioli to help Nilsson out.

Nilsson is not ready yet. He is even worst than Biscan in his preformances.

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what nice game re? you didnt even see it. he was crap. Too slow, crap passes.....oh one extremely easy goal and 1 lucky corener and he played well......statistically. The rest he was garbage along with Conceicao.

what i want to see.......





Ne re exipne, vale ton Nilsson esi pou paraligo na mas kanei na hasoume to pehnidi me tin Werder. Yes, you are right I didn't see the game, except form Athlitiki Kiraki, but I saw the game Pao - Werder and Nilsson sucked balls. Malesani had to waste Manzio form the 20th min. to the end of the first half covering up on the right side to help him and in the second half he took Togerlle off and placed Tzioli to help Nilsson out.

Nilsson is not ready yet. He is even worst than Biscan in his preformances.

Wooter shouldn't play for Pao man!

I didn't see the game against Kallithea either,but I don't believe he played any well(maybe he played better than what he used to, a rating of 2 instead of 0!)

I don't trust him at all cause almost a year now he has proven nothing!This goes for bides as well.....

I believe that we played well against Werder(+we won) because those 2 didn't play in that game...when you want to play a 4-2-3-1 like we started you need decent wingers...and we don't have!

Wooter:Even if he does something good,eventually he will destroy it with a lousy pass...He may run but he is never calm,clear minded

Bides:Better, but he "eglovizetai" not geting really dangerous.

Mpravo at last to Malesani that uses 4-4-2!!!!!!!!!





Since playing a theoritically easy game,biscan could come front to the centre,

releasing gonzalez to move front, behind the strikers making a 3-4-1-2

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what nice game re? you didnt even see it. he was crap. Too slow, crap passes.....oh one extremely easy goal and 1 lucky corener and he played well......statistically. The rest he was garbage along with Conceicao.

what i want to see.......





Ne re exipne, vale ton Nilsson esi pou paraligo na mas kanei na hasoume to pehnidi me tin Werder. Yes, you are right I didn't see the game, except form Athlitiki Kiraki, but I saw the game Pao - Werder and Nilsson sucked balls. Malesani had to waste Manzio form the 20th min. to the end of the first half covering up on the right side to help him and in the second half he took Togerlle off and placed Tzioli to help Nilsson out.

Nilsson is not ready yet. He is even worst than Biscan in his preformances.

nilsson has a lot more potential than wooter. since wooter and bidis suck id rather see nilsson. wooter is way too slow

be honest id prefer putting papadopoulos on the right wing because he can play there and is better than all 3 of them.

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O Nillson se 8esh half-extrem 8a kanei polla pramata. Pisteuw pws prepei na pairnei osa pio polla paixnidia ginetai eidika me kati Akrathtous. Ton ksanakalesan sthn e8nikh kai auto einai kalo shmadi.

Twra kati paixtakia san ton Woouter, filotima men, alla ta exoume pei 100 fores den exoun 8esh ston Panathinaiko. To 8ema einai na mhn fainontai mono me mikres omades, alla kai me tis dunates! Kai mexri stigmhs o Woouter den exei fanei

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