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Panionios v Olympiacos


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Moy eixe exthes kai o Evaggelatos ton Ko. PAPARA ton avliko toy Tsoukala na milaei gia logariasmo ths thyras (L)efta!!! Afou den yparxei kratos na klhsei mesa kai ton kokkali kai ton Lianh, kai ton Lalioth kai ton aliti to TV Magic olo!!!

OYST VROMIARHDES!!!! :box: :ph34r:

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Siga na min timorisoun to gavro me 5 agonistikes....

Don't you guys understand yet what is happening in Greek football re? The powers in EPO are pussies. They are afraid what will happen to them by Kokalis and the mob power of alites like Tsoukalas.

Why do you think Douros came on TV after the derby in Leoforos last year and said those m*****es that he said? Why do you think Blathras quit after the Oly game in Xanthi earlier this season?

Anybody who dares give any decision against Olymiakos will have the mob of Tsoukalas and the mafiosiki power of Kokalis to deal with.

My guess is that as ever Olymiakos will get away with this and instead the police and some other non-existent entity get the blame and case will be closed. It has happened before, it will happen again.

Move on now to the next episodia involving gavroi.

dont worry what u wrote here also applies to panathinaikos

u think epo would punish Pao this severely?

we have the 2 best teams in greece right now. U think they would have OSFP play in front of an empty stadium for 5 games with so much revenue lost?

u think EPO would allow PAO to play in front of an empty stadium with so much revenue lost?

it all comes down to $$$$$$$ in the end.

Oh and at least our fans dont cauuse so much trouble as much as yours do.

were all the same

u guys were throwing charis at ionikos fans in the kipello game.. can u find me a reason 4 that ?

our fans are just plain stupid !

If we were the same do you think we would have had 7 years of adikies against us by the referees? If we were the same do you think the referees could get away with giving YOU all the non-existent penalties, red cards and so on in places like Kavala, PAOK, Xanthi....

If we were same do you think we'd still have this blockade about our gipedo? If we were the same do you think they would dare even suggest Elliniko?

Yes we are all the same to some degree because at the end of the day we are ALL Greeks and share the same culture. But the mafia that Oly has with Tsoukala, TV-Magic and Protathlitis is truely something else. Surely you can't have failed to notice that.

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Guest Protathlitis

Does anybody know if the aekmp*****des are gonna get an investigation into the, nearly torching 50 pao fans when they tried to BLOW UP A BUS THEY WERE IN this sunday?

Why are people acting like this is the first time its ever happened? Why are people acting like all the aektzides and pao fans are complete %%^#& angels?

You talk about kokkalis encouraging hooliganism and I agree but your saying it as if pao's homosexual managment doesent do exactly the same thing.

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Olympiakos will get some small punishment and its deservedly soo

the club Olympiakos had nuttin to do with this

the ppl at the stadia need to be punished either Olympiakos or Panionios

i am sick of all these Pao fans saying how Olympiakos will get away with this with a slap on the wrist

i mean u don't think Pao would have the same fate

remember they have a rich owner too stop trying to act like a small club say Kalamarias

also remember your fans know a bit about starting trouble when u destroyed one of our fan clubs but Olympiakos did get the better of the rivalry when it beat Pao

Olympiakos should at most get a fine

Panionios lack of management caused this unforgetable riot

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Its just PATHETIC to see OSFP getting all the blame for this stuff


Aek and pao make a really cute couple

stop whinning

Ur fans fuct up now cop the consequences......

Hope this serves an example to the stupid fans from ALL the teams over Greece

One can only dream the EPO go all out have no leniency for both teams especially the GHEYS!

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Its just PATHETIC to see OSFP getting all the blame for this stuff


Aek and pao make a really cute couple

Let them both have one another

Olympiakos will have to settle with the Prothalima all too itself lol

u cant even spell protathlima let alone win it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
nice come back

but don't be biased look at every post and tell me their is not a typo

wut a weak and childish act

Olympiakos fans are going to the stadiums and let me remind u once again

last season PAO V OSFP

Pao fans try to break into their own stadium to watch the game which had already be sold out

Olympiakos fans traveled and management of Panionios is at fault period and off course the fans too

and if anything is stupid its your dumb comments

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Its just PATHETIC to see OSFP getting all the blame for this stuff


Aek and pao make a really cute couple

Let them both have one another

Olympiakos will have to settle with the Prothalima all too itself lol

u cant even spell protathlima let alone win it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
nice come back

but don't be biased look at every post and tell me their is not a typo

wut a weak and childish act

Olympiakos fans are going to the stadiums and let me remind u once again

last season PAO V OSFP

Pao fans try to break into their own stadium to watch the game which had already be sold out

Olympiakos fans traveled and management of Panionios is at fault period and off course the fans too

and if anything is stupid its your dumb comments

no need to get personal man just cos i 0wn3d u :LOL:
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Its just PATHETIC to see OSFP getting all the blame for this stuff


Aek and pao make a really cute couple

Let them both have one another

Olympiakos will have to settle with the Prothalima all too itself lol

u cant even spell protathlima let alone win it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
nice come back

but don't be biased look at every post and tell me their is not a typo

wut a weak and childish act

Olympiakos fans are going to the stadiums and let me remind u once again

last season PAO V OSFP

Pao fans try to break into their own stadium to watch the game which had already be sold out

Olympiakos fans traveled and management of Panionios is at fault period and off course the fans too

and if anything is stupid its your dumb comments

no need to get personal man just cos i 0wn3d u :LOL:
well its now personal

b/c i would like to hear how u own me b/c that is the biggest piece of crap u have said yet and trust me u have a long list of it and it probably won't stop

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Its just PATHETIC to see OSFP getting all the blame for this stuff


Aek and pao make a really cute couple

Let them both have one another

Olympiakos will have to settle with the Prothalima all too itself lol

u cant even spell protathlima let alone win it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
nice come back

but don't be biased look at every post and tell me their is not a typo

wut a weak and childish act

Olympiakos fans are going to the stadiums and let me remind u once again

last season PAO V OSFP

Pao fans try to break into their own stadium to watch the game which had already be sold out

Olympiakos fans traveled and management of Panionios is at fault period and off course the fans too

and if anything is stupid its your dumb comments

no need to get personal man just cos i 0wn3d u :LOL:
well its now personal

b/c i would like to hear how u own me b/c that is the biggest piece of crap u have said yet and trust me u have a long list of it and it probably won't stop


if u were smart u wouldnt get owned

u got owned now cop it :LOL:

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:tdown: pali ta idia arxisame... :angry:

stop this childish behaviour.

@ 11: man, if you look at the past you will see that most of the times when there are fans making trouble osfp supporters are in it. sure, aek and pao arent better, but at least they dont make problems when they go on a away match.

xanthi-osfp riots

ofi-osfp riots

panionios-osfp riots


look at these things and you will see, that other people in here are not completely wrong. pao, aek and paok fans also cause troubles but most of the times "only" in derbies. our so called "fans" cause trouble nearly every time we go away.

even in polo and basketball there are always problems with our fans!

sure, it wasnt only osfp's fault. panionios would have had to have taken appropriate measures for the match, but did they have to expect such a lot of our fans outside the stadium? no.

additionaly it is also not just osfp's fault that all these "fans" showed up. i guess it was unexpected for them too.

what they could have expected would have been, that some osfp fans trie to get some tickets.

BUT, it were our "fans" starting the trouble, it were our "fans" trying to enter the stadium without a ticket.

i am not stating this to support the vazelous, aektzides and paoktzides to have a go at us about our fans. but this is the truth and we have to accept it.

just think about this: if our fans would go normally to the away games without making any trouble, would you think the other fans would organize themselves and wait for us to make some riots? attacking is the best defence.

as for the punishment i dont think we will get such a big one. they are affraid of doing something against us. it will be a small fine, four games without fans and maybe no points for the panionios match.

one thing i am affraid of is the fact, that the sochaux scout got beaten up too. i could imagine that sochaux will try to not give us any tickets for the away match, wich is also understandable.

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I agree also that the EPO needs to give the harshest punishment both to Panionios and OSFP to make an example of them

Therefore the stupid fans from AEK, Pao, Paok, etc will think twice not acting like tools

its up to the govt if it happens ill be :tup: if it doesnt :tdown:

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:tdown: pali ta idia arxisame... :angry:

stop this childish behaviour.

@ 11: man, if you look at the past you will see that most of the times when there are fans making trouble osfp supporters are in it. sure, aek and pao arent better, but at least they dont make problems when they go on a away match.

xanthi-osfp riots

ofi-osfp riots

panionios-osfp riots


look at these things and you will see, that other people in here are not completely wrong. pao, aek and paok fans also cause troubles but most of the times "only" in derbies. our so called "fans" cause trouble nearly every time we go away.

even in polo and basketball there are always problems with our fans!

sure, it wasnt only osfp's fault. panionios would have had to have taken appropriate measures for the match, but did they have to expect such a lot of our fans outside the stadium? no.

additionaly it is also not just osfp's fault that all these "fans" showed up. i guess it was unexpected for them too.

what they could have expected would have been, that some osfp fans trie to get some tickets.

BUT, it were our "fans" starting the trouble, it were our "fans" trying to enter the stadium without a ticket.

i am not stating this to support the vazelous, aektzides and paoktzides to have a go at us about our fans. but this is the truth and we have to accept it.

just think about this: if our fans would go normally to the away games without making any trouble, would you think the other fans would organize themselves and wait for us to make some riots? attacking is the best defence.

as for the punishment i dont think we will get such a big one. they are affraid of doing something against us. it will be a small fine, four games without fans and maybe no points for the panionios match.

one thing i am affraid of is the fact, that the sochaux scout got beaten up too. i could imagine that sochaux will try to not give us any tickets for the away match, wich is also understandable.

CH Thrylos, man you must be the WISEST OSFP fan I have ever met... What everybody else are trying to avoid you simply state them as facts!!! Well done...

I have said it before, not all fans are angels but the fact is that in the last decade (if you exclude the efthimiadis incident which for me it was completely HIS fault) Oly fans have been involved in every rioting around the country... Of course others have been involved too (PAOK fans for sure) but on an average Thrynos fans are the kings of riots!!!

I think if Panionios gets "mhdenismo" and Oly gets away with only -3 points, then that will simply be harsh on Panionios!!!! I don't want Oly to loose points from this because then the fans will say that PAO won the league just because of that, but I would like a huge fine and Kokkaliskaki shut DOWN for the rest of the season!!!! :tup:

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@ 11: man, if you look at the past you will see that most of the times when there are fans making trouble osfp supporters are in it. sure, aek and pao arent better, but at least they dont make problems when they go on a away match.

Bah ets sou ipane,,

did u forget last year when they went to Pyrgos on the last day of the season about to win the title how the fans with no tickets triud to get in and smashed each other ? this made headlines on Antenna

I wonder who attacked Aeks fanclub this past monday?

Just my 2 cents worth

In all essence...Greece is very bad when it comes to their fans

Why people cant respect each other team liking goes beyond belief

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:tdown: pali ta idia arxisame... :angry:

stop this childish behaviour.

@ 11: man, if you look at the past you will see that most of the times when there are fans making trouble osfp supporters are in it. sure, aek and pao arent better, but at least they dont make problems when they go on a away match.

xanthi-osfp riots

ofi-osfp riots

panionios-osfp riots


look at these things and you will see, that other people in here are not completely wrong. pao, aek and paok fans also cause troubles but most of the times "only" in derbies. our so called "fans" cause trouble nearly every time we go away.

even in polo and basketball there are always problems with our fans!

sure, it wasnt only osfp's fault. panionios would have had to have taken appropriate measures for the match, but did they have to expect such a lot of our fans outside the stadium? no.

additionaly it is also not just osfp's fault that all these "fans" showed up. i guess it was unexpected for them too.

what they could have expected would have been, that some osfp fans trie to get some tickets.

BUT, it were our "fans" starting the trouble, it were our "fans" trying to enter the stadium without a ticket.

i am not stating this to support the vazelous, aektzides and paoktzides to have a go at us about our fans. but this is the truth and we have to accept it.

just think about this: if our fans would go normally to the away games without making any trouble, would you think the other fans would organize themselves and wait for us to make some riots? attacking is the best defence.

as for the punishment i dont think we will get such a big one. they are affraid of doing something against us. it will be a small fine, four games without fans and maybe no points for the panionios match.

one thing i am affraid of is the fact, that the sochaux scout got beaten up too. i could imagine that sochaux will try to not give us any tickets for the away match, wich is also understandable.

CH Thrylos, man you must be the WISEST OSFP fan I have ever met... What everybody else are trying to avoid you simply state them as facts!!! Well done...

I have said it before, not all fans are angels but the fact is that in the last decade (if you exclude the efthimiadis incident which for me it was completely HIS fault) Oly fans have been involved in every rioting around the country... Of course others have been involved too (PAOK fans for sure) but on an average Thrynos fans are the kings of riots!!!

I think if Panionios gets "mhdenismo" and Oly gets away with only -3 points, then that will simply be harsh on Panionios!!!! I don't want Oly to loose points from this because then the fans will say that PAO won the league just because of that, but I would like a huge fine and Kokkaliskaki shut DOWN for the rest of the season!!!! :tup:

while I dont excuse rioting pappou explain to me why as u said

-PAO fans were throwing chairs at ionikos fans at the kipello game

-why last year in leofors your fans tried to get in with no tix so you rioted

-why in the paok game u had signs saying "tha sas gamisoume tin mana sas" As I saw?

how classy on your end

dont try and say were kings of riots because your fans have made more headlines then ours. thge debate is 50 / 50 if u ask me!

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Well again if you ask the 99,9% of the healthy Greek population they will tell you... And throwing 50 seats has nothing to do with the rioting that took place on Sunday... Your second point has never happened while the third against PAOK, again there was nothing serious... In fact a PAO fan almost lost an eye because the PAOK fans provoked by booing at the one minute silkence... Anyway I am not saying that we are angels but compared to you we simply are!!!!

P.S> By the way your comment on Pyrgo last year was irrelevent because there were nop riots. This was a celebration that it has become a tradition in Greece over the past 20 years!!! This has been going on for ages, it has happened to Rizoupoli, at OAKA, at Philadelphia, everywhere... Don't compare unequal things.

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Well again if you ask the 99,9% of the healthy Greek population they will tell you... And throwing 50 seats has nothing to do with the rioting that took place on Sunday... Your second point has never happened while the third against PAOK, again there was nothing serious... In fact a PAO fan almost lost an eye because the PAOK fans provoked by booing at the one minute silkence... Anyway I am not saying that we are angels but compared to you we simply are!!!!

P.S> By the way your comment on Pyrgo last year was irrelevent because there were nop riots. This was a celebration that it has become a tradition in Greece over the past 20 years!!! This has been going on for ages, it has happened to Rizoupoli, at OAKA, at Philadelphia, everywhere... Don't compare unequal things.

so basiocally what you are saying is its fine to throw chairs at people as long as others cause worse rioting?

how would u have liked to been on the other end of the chairs?

and yes ther were scraps in pyrgos. It was all over the news that wasn;t a celebration that was stupid fans causing troubles

and yes u did cause riots outside your own stadium in our game at leoforos I researched it on the net

stop portraying this 99.9 % thinking like u if u ask me that # should be only your fans.. u guys are in nowhere near angles compared to fan attitude. we are all the same !

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