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Kyriakos the new Armani Model?

Elastonpappou 13

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I don't know if that is true but you all know that my sources are always correct dear friends (see Antzas, Nikopolidis and many other early info)...

Ok Kyriakos is to be the next Armani top Model along with Del Pierro and Vieri (I think). The reason being is that Giorgio Armani is planning to emphasise the beauty of the Mediterannian people and Kyriakos will represent the Greek traditional figure....

However I think that we had lots of other players that could be much better for this task. Kyriakos looks awful. Actually he looks like the early 90's Olympiakos players, Karataidis, Kofidis, Hatzidis, Tsaloyxidis etc etc) with this awful 'xeth'!!!

I think that Dellas could represent the Greek beauty better or even Nikopolidis....

What do you think?

P.S. Actually now that I think about it Karagounis would be good!!! :P (Just kiddin'). :lol:

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Who is the gey pretty boy? Fyssas? I think that Fyssas could do it but I still believe that Dellas is the man for the job!!! :tup:

im refering to other european players....italian pretty boys dating models etc

fyssas dellas kirgiakos are all the same, either one would have been good.

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Karagounis looks like a typical Balkanic man. Actually he looks more Bulgarian than Greek.

If Armani is serious about finding a very good looking Greek man with typical masculine features that will ensure them huge sales and millions of dollers in profit, what the hell...

I am prepared to give tham a few hours of my own time every week :P

How much to they pay?

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I think they should get Nikopolidis. He is afterall the Greek George Clooney!

Lol - As for the Italians, they should just select the whole National Team - everyone in that team is more concerned with styling their hair rather than playing soccer!


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karagounis looks a lot like deniro

dellas, ok, nice looking guy.

so so on nikopolidis.

i say forget all of the above and lets have pappou as the armani model!!!!!! :P :P

He should have had me as he model after I bought several clothes from him...

However I think that Kyriakos is more appropriate than me... :P Don't forget but being a model of Armani gave Sotiris confidence and he performed great last night after 2 years!!!! :tup:

We should start sending more of our players to become models..... (we should send kourada and lamoio to all the designers just in case we boost their confidence!!!)

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