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Should Britain Leave EU?  

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U.K. Employment Jumps as Economy Defies Brexit Political Turmoil

Hang on a minute Bloomberg, are you telling me that our forum financial and political expert @ukworm was wrong? Surely not!

I, along the rest of England, am supposed to be walking around like Fagin while trying to sneak through the Channel Tunnel to arrive in the paradise that is known as the EU. Do you mean to say I won't have to stock up on medication and tinned food after all? That my job is safe and that large corporations actually won't start pulling out of London?

No, this has to be a mistake. Apparently we were the Turkeys voting for Christmas! I don't believe it. Let's have another referendum I say! At least until the Remainers win!


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Did NOT expect this to become a negotiating tactic: https://www.businessinsider.com/brexit-eu-to-ask-uk-to-return-elgin-marbles-to-greece-in-trade-talks-2020-2?utm_source=reddit.com

I have no sympathy for the UK after they decided to collectively commit suicide but holy s%$#! what a great card to play hahaha

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On 2/19/2020 at 4:34 PM, pash said:

Did NOT expect this to become a negotiating tactic: https://www.businessinsider.com/brexit-eu-to-ask-uk-to-return-elgin-marbles-to-greece-in-trade-talks-2020-2?utm_source=reddit.com

I have no sympathy for the UK after they decided to collectively commit suicide but holy s%$#! what a great card to play hahaha

No suicide was committed, dude. This was a great decision of which other European countries are extremely jealous of.

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  • 9 months later...
On 2/18/2020 at 8:15 PM, Athens4 said:

U.K. Employment Jumps as Economy Defies Brexit Political Turmoil

Hang on a minute Bloomberg, are you telling me that our forum financial and political expert @ukworm was wrong? Surely not!

I, along the rest of England, am supposed to be walking around like Fagin while trying to sneak through the Channel Tunnel to arrive in the paradise that is known as the EU. Do you mean to say I won't have to stock up on medication and tinned food after all? That my job is safe and that large corporations actually won't start pulling out of London?

No, this has to be a mistake. Apparently we were the Turkeys voting for Christmas! I don't believe it. Let's have another referendum I say! At least until the Remainers win!


Spoke to soon maybe??

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Gets better, food or drink prices to go up due to tariffs!!! Yeah!!But we will be free from evil Europe!!! Yeay!!!!!!! Let's celebrate freedom!!!! (...albeit with less money in our pockets. Who cares, right?)


(Well done turkeys!!!!)

Edited by ukworm
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15 hours ago, ukworm said:

Hahahaha!!! Αφού το λες εσύ...

Αφου γουστάρεις τόσο πολύ την ΕΕ γιατί δεν πας σε καμια Γερμανία ή Λουξεμβούργο να βρείς την υγεία σου; 


15 hours ago, ukworm said:


ANOTHER 20000 jobs gone (Arcadia Topshop Debenhams gone bust this morning).

 Hang on a minute, I thought Brexit was the Holy Grail and the prospects were great and all that! 

Are you now telling me it wasn't???

Aaaaahhhh shame....




Arcadia has been in trouble for years now. You sound like the record player that companies are using. First it was "We are performing badly because of Brexit!". Now it is "We are performing badly because of the coronavirus!". These companies have been underperforming for years. Thomas Cook, Arcadia - both of these companies have been managed terribly. It has nothing to do with neither leaving a Bolshevik-like association nor a virus that is part of the bringing down small to medium enterprises.

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Δε γουστάρω την ΕΕ as such. Γουστάρω την έννοια της συμμετοχής σε κάτι πολύ μεγαλύτερο και ισχυρότερο, όπου, ναι, η συνεργασία είναι δύσκολη, η συννενόηση δύσκολη, η συμφωνία δύσκολη, αλλά μιλάμε για τον 3ο πόλο μεταξύ Κίνας/Αμερικής και ένα ΗΒ που επίσης παίζει τη γέφυρα με την Αμερική.. Μιλάμε ότι έχεις εκτόπισμα μισό δις κόσμο από πίσω και links με τα ξαδέρφια χωρίς να είσαι τσιράκι τους.

Τώρα νομίζεις μόνοι μας ότι θα είμαστε δυνατότεροι; Αρχιδια θα είμαστε. Θα γίνουμε το πουτανάκι του Αμερικάνου και επίσημα. Πάντα τους γλυφαμε τον κωλο αλλά λέγαμε και κανένα όχι για να κρατάμε τα προσχήματα, τώρα ούτε αυτό θα κάνουμε. Αν νομίζεις ότι θα πορευτούμε ανεξάρτητοι, πρέπει να κοιμάσαι ύπνο βαθύ.


Τρανταχτό παράδειγμα: Huawei. Έβηξε ο μπάσταρδος ο βαψομαλλιας στην Ουάσιγκτον, ξηλώνει τα δίκτυα εδώ ο άλλος ο μαλάκας ο βαψομαλλιας. Θα τραβήξουν sanctions και οι Κινέζοι φυσιολογικά, όλα τα κινέζικα (δηλ τα πάντα) διπλή τιμή. ΦΑΕ "ΑΝΕΞΆΡΤΗΤΗ" ΥΠΕΡΗΦΆΝΕΙΑ ΛΟΙΠΌΝ.

Άμα σε πείραζαν οι Ευρωμπολσεβίκοι, κάτσε τώρα στα 4 στον Αμερικανό που νόμιζες ότι θα είσαι ανεξάρτητος.

Όσο για τις εταιρείες: κάτσε να δεις τι έρχεται από δω και πέρα.

Edited by ukworm
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Χαχαχχ κι άλλα καλά νέα....

Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine supply from *evil* Belgium may be impacted by Brexit! Υeay!!! Another success story thanks to Brexit!!!! 

Δηλ να παίρνει έγκριση το εμβόλιο και να μην μπορεί να μπει στη χώρα λόγω αυτής της self-inflicted μαλακίας!!!! Δεν υπάρχουν λόγια!!!!!

A ρε Καραγκιόζηδες!

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Περιμένεις ενα εμβόλιο απο την Pfizer. Κατάλαβα. Πήγαινε αδερφέ σε κανα Βερολίνο ή Φρανκφούρτη να σωθείς. Δεν χρειάζονταί κάν τα Γερμανικά σ'αυτές τις πόλεις, με Αγγλικά μόνο βρίσκεις δουλειά.

I just don't understand these people from Europe or Africa who come to the UK and complain non-stop about the country. If you don't like it you can just leave. Believe it or not you aren't a tree with roots. Even some French friends of mine insist on slating the UK every time we meet up. Their homeland is just across the water, if it's that bad why don't they just head back to paradise? 

Whether you like it or not mate, from the 1st of January we are (finally) free from the disaster that is called EU. Without a deal too, I hope.

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Σε αυτά που λέμε η απάντηση είναι "όποιος δε γουστάρει φεύγει". Οκ, καταλάβαμε. 

Κλασικός δογματικός/τυφλωμένος που αρνείται να δει την πραγματικότητα, οπότε το αφήνουμε.


Εγώ θα συνεχίσω να σπάω πλάκα μαζί σου πάντως, όσο τα καλά νέα θα έρχονται το ένα μετά το άλλο....

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On 12/3/2020 at 9:31 AM, Athens4 said:


Whether you like it or not mate, from the 1st of January we are (finally) free from the disaster that is called EU. Without a deal too, I hope.

Βγήκε ο πρόεδρος για τις εισαγωγές φαγητού και λέει προετοιμαστείτε για ελλείψεις και ψηλότερες τιμές.

"Thank God we are free from the disaster that is called EU!!! Hurray!"

Whether you like it or not mate from the 1st of January you will be poorer.

ΥΓ Μη ξεχάσεις να κρεμάσεις και την αγγλική σημαία στο παράθυρο




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"Supermarkets 'told to stockpile food' as fears grow of no-deal Brexit

Stores reported to have been warned to stockpile food and other essential supplies in anticipation of shortages" 

Reminds me of my travels to Eastern European countries back in the mid and late 80s, where empty shelves was a common sight... Shortly over here too... Great....


"But we are proud, innit. We are flying the flag, innit. No Merkel gonna tell us what to do, innit. We are British, innit. We gonna take our fish back, innit"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted on the 13th. It's now the 23rd. It's happening as we speak. Saves me doing all the explaining. 

It's because of this covid variant apparently, even though conspiracy theorists may disagree... i


Regardless, it's just the preamble, it is the shape of things to come....

Ahh.... The upside of Brexit, a restricted diet and minimal choice. Just how Farage & BoJoDickhead sold it to people like Athens4, right?





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1 hour ago, ukworm said:

FT assessment of current status:

The Financial Times article is only available to subscribers. Too bad! ?

Any other reference that you think would help us better understand the UK and its Brexit strategy is welcome.

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It was made clear soon after the referendum that there is no strategy, or a well thought plan, it's dogma and ideology.

It's basically a hard reset that nobody knows how it's going to pan out.

Papers to read from both sides of the argument: the times, telegraph, the independent, the guardian, daily mail, daily express etc (inc. tabloids)... Make your own mind up.....

Stats that speaks volumes: working class, low income, old people voted for Brexit. Middle upper class, high income, higher education voted to Remain in EU. 



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Brexit was sold as best thing since sliced bread. It will clearly be more restrictions that didn't exist before. No freedom of movement, uncertainty with regards to services (today's deal includes goods only), introduction of visas, higher tuition fees for students, no more Erasmus programme, european health card to be scrapped, more paperwork for goods movement and so much more which will emerge as days go by...


Silver lining: at least there's some kind of deal struck now. Will see what happens but I for one can't see how a country of 60 million can have a louder voice on its own Vs part of coalition of 400 million...


It's just common sense Vs dogma & ideology.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/23/2020 at 11:35 AM, ukworm said:

Ahh.... The upside of Brexit, a restricted diet and minimal choice. Just how Farage & BoJoDickhead sold it to people like Athens4, right?

None of them are my men. They don't work for me and they really didn't need to sell me anything. At least in my case it didn't need to be explained to me why being part of the EU was such a bad idea. The only downside is they managed to agree a deal. Should have been no deal, which would mean being completely free of the EU.

(Funny how after 4.5 years they just managed to agree on a deal in the dying minutes. As if we didn't know that was going to happen all along. Such a predictable script.)

Anyway, happy new year all!

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  • 2 months later...

I think...

1. Brexit may prove that the UK is a political union of the past; it's breakup is necessary now. Free Scotland, and not only.

2. the monarchy is an anachronism,  taxpayer-funded spectacle that should not have survived into the 21st c.

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